Chapter 3: If Only I Could Be

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I was sitting in the last class of the day, paying more attention to the clock than to the actual work I needed to be doing. 5 more minutes before the bell would ring sending me home. Just then I felt a buzz in my back pocket. I pulled my phone out to see who could possibly be texting me. I wish I hadn't though after seeing the contact that had popped up on my screen. 

Mom: You're to come straight home after school. No pissing around with friends you come directly home.

I tell her that I will be home, just so I can avoid her blowing up on me. She wouldn't care if I had plans to meet the President. If she wanted me home, I better be there. 

I dejectedly look over at Grey and try to catch his eye. Luckily for me I didn't have to try too hard because he was already looking over at me. It was like he had this sixth sense. He knew when I was upset and I didn't even have to tell him. Just by the look on my face he knew I wasn't happy.

The bell finally rang resulting in an overflow of students all cramming to get out the door at the same time. I hung back collecting my stuff and waiting for Grey to make his way over to me so that I could explain.

"What's the matter, Lee?"

I tossed my bubble gum pink hair behind my shoulder and proceeded to pick my things up. 

"I have to cancel movie night. Mom wants me home immediately after school, meaning I'm already three minutes behind schedule."

"Are you fucking kidding me? You're 18 for gods sake. When the hell will they let you grow up?"

I shrug my shoulders wondering the exact same thing. I was literally too innocent to be an adult. It was embarrassing. I was treated like I was 14 not 18. We exited the building and walked over to Grey's truck. 

"I'm really sorry we have to cancel, again."

"No worries, It's not your fault. Plus with that damn adorable face of yours its impossible to blame you for anything." I cocked an eyebrow at him. Boy say what?

He started up the engine and began to back out of the parking spot when a motorcycle sped past almost wiping out on the tail of the truck. Grey slammed on the breaks abruptly causing the tires to squeal and my body to lurch forward. 

"Mother fucker!"he yelled as he unbuckled his seat belt and threw open the door. Shit. 

When Grey is pissed, he gets PISSED. I have no doubt he could kill. I hurriedly scrambled from the truck and rushed to get in between the bike rider and my best friend, before any blood was spilled. 

"Hey Grey you need to calm down. I need to get home!"

His muscles tensed under my hand. He had heard me but I knew I wouldn't be able to hold him back for long.  I took this chance to turn to the other guy. 

"If I were you I'd take this chance to get the hell out of here." 

I took a good look at him.  It just happened to be the same person that plowed me over this morning. He was frozen in his spot looking almost terrified but also looking like he wasn't intimidated either. 

"Did you not hear me!"

He finally moved and sped away leaving Grey and I to stand in the parking lot. My phone started ringing and my breath started to come out in short puffs, my pulse quickening. Grey snapped out of his anger and took my phone out of my back pocket where it was still ringing. I was getting more scared every minute it rang.

"Hello Mrs.Vega, its Grey. How are you doing today." Grey was my savior. "I'm sorry that I didn't get Leanne home in time, I completely forgot my books in the library and she kindly waited for me. If you don't mind I was actually wondering if she could come to my house tonight, we have a project due tomorrow and we really need to get it done. Really? Thanks. Bye now."

He hung the phone up and rolled his eyes. "I will never understand how your mom falls for my bullshit. On the bright side you're not expected home till 10." 

I smile at him, happy that he was such a good friend. "So what's this project that we have due tomorrow?"


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