Chapter 8: Deciding Where to Fight

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I had no idea where I was running to. My feet kept carrying me in different directions, as my lungs burned with every breath that I took. I really needed to quit smoking. I know what you're all thinking, Isn't she being s little dramatic? The answer; maybe. It was just a really awkward situation and I wanted to get out of it as soon as I possibly could.

I started slowing to a stop and I looked around taking in everything surrounding me so that I could guess my whereabouts. My brain had been going a million miles an hour and each turn I took had not processed in my mind. Across the road was a quaint little coffee shop. The lights fell out the window shining a highlight to the street, gracefully illuminating the concrete.

I had been to this coffee shop a multitude of times with Grey. It was mainly on the days where I needed to get out of the house for a few hours. I could pinpoint exactly where I was and tell you about seven ways to get back to my house in under ten minutes.

I took a deep breath, as I tried to regain control of my lungs. The burning had subsided but I was left still gasping to fill the cavities in my chest with the sweet taste of oxygen. Once I had began to breathe normally I started my way across the street. Now that I think of it I'm not surprised that I ended up here. I was subconsciously coming here because my brain recognized my need to chill out and calm down. So here I was.

I opened the door and the slight tinkle of a bell rang, signalling my entrance. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I knew it was Grey, I didn't even have to look to know that. His text was probably just a " hey you okay, what did you need" sorta thing. The last thing I wanted to do was have a nice little chat about what had just happened previously.

I took a seat in the usual torn up and worn down booth. Fiona, the waitress that I had seen a countless number of times came over with a full pot of coffee, which she sat directly in front of me. I looked up at her with an appreciative smile.

"Where's the handsome boy today?" she asks me. My face turns beat red. I didn't have to see it to know. I could feel all the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"He had some plans. It's just me today, Fee?" I respond before pouring myself a cup of the caffeine. She hesitated for a moment as if she wanted to say more but I just carried in taking a sip of the warm beverage. Taking the hint the older woman turned on her heel and walked over to another table. Taking their order.

I sat alone in that booth for three cups of coffee, unbothered and in my own little world, until I heard the tinkle of bells as the entrance opened. Curiosity got the best of me and I turned expecting it to be Grey. My heart shattered when I realized it wasn't. Only second later though did it begin pounding at an inhumanly possible speed.

Was this boy stalking me?  Before he could notice me I turned back around and squished myself so far into the corner that I felt like a part of the cool wall my cheek pressed against.

Being as that I have no luck whatsoever I hear the tap of footsteps and the creak of the bench across from me.

"You know you should really answer Grey. He's flipping out."

I think that in that moment I was more shocked to hear the words come out of his mouth than when what my father said to my mother.

Slowly I detached myself from the very cramped position I had been in on that corner.

"Since when are you friends enough with Grey to know that?" I asked bewildered as I searched his luminous clear green blue eyes for any hint of an answer that I could get. God knows if I'd get the honest truth from him. I hardly know him.

"Does that even matter?"


He rolls his eyes but the seriousness fades from his face as a glimpse of a grin tugs at the corners of his mouth. Advert eye contact.

"So what do you recommend?" He asks completely dismissing Grey from the conversation. In a single moment it was understood. I didn't wanna talk about it. I didn't wanna be in this situation. And in that minute he granted my wish.

There's was something about this boy. As strange and temperamental as he was he had this pull. It was confusing and something I should completely steer clear of but this. This felt okay. To let go for a moment. Pretend the day never happened.

In the small amount of time we spent together in that diner I felt like I didn't have to try so hard. This was similar but different. Not at all like when I come here with Grey. And I think I liked that.

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