Chapter 7: In The Dark

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As soon as that door closed and in the privacy of our broken home, all hell broke lose should have known but I'm an optimistic person and I only hope for the best. My mom turned to me. The dark circles under her eyes more noticeable in the dimmed light. She looked about ten years older than she really was. I guess being a raging alcoholic does that to you. Personally I wouldn't know. I had never had even a sip of alcohol, despite the number of parties I had attended with Grey. I was always just the designated driver. 

"You better not have been lying to me. Was he really only here about the assignment?"


"Then how come he couldn't have texted you. Whats the point in us buying you that damn thing if you never use it?"

"He's new to town I didn't have his number, and he didn't have mine either."

"Then how did he know where we lived?"

"Uh he- he asked Grey. Him and Grey and pretty good friends." Which I knew was a complete and total lie. The last I knew Grey was still severely pissed about Josh almost hitting his truck. 

"Whatever. Your father is coming home tonight. You knew that so why is the house not clean? You know how he gets about a dirty house. I've been tired all day, I don't have the patience to be dealing with your stupidity right now. I'm going to lay down, Wake me up when your dad gets home."

I sighed and watched as my mother retreated to her bedroom (aka the living room). I on the other hand headed to kitchen to begin the task I was given. I was used to this.I mean it was almost routine by now. It wasn't any different from most days. Do you think that she cleans while I'm in school? 

I take out my phone and plug in my earbuds before I begin cleaning the stove. I'm not dumb like my mom thinks. I'll have food waiting on the table the minute dad steps through the threshold of the front door. 'Implicit Demand for Proof' starts playing through my headphones and I lose track of time. 

Music takes me to a different planet. I'm completely lost in the moment. It helps me cope. As cliche and over said as that is it's one hundred percent accurate. I don't even know if I'd still be here if it weren't for that feeling I get when I am no longer aware of what is going on around me. I'm in my own personal bubble. 

I see the glare of headlights come through the window. My heart sinks just a little bit but before I can get anymore distraught I wake my mother up. Which let me tell you is a feat. Waking that woman up is like trying to wake up a comatose, damn near impossible. She finally gets up cursing me out. Girl I was just doing what you told me to do. 

I heard the jingle of keys in the lock at the door. I rushed away from my mother to set the table. She may be mad but I had to fix my priorities. This could go either way for me. Dad could be in a decent mood and be civil with me, but be angry at mom. Or it could go the other way around and be pleasant to my mom and just hate me for existing. I hoping for the first one. 

Everything looked okay enough to pass my father's standards. This could possibly go in my favor. Dad came around the corner, placing his briefcase on the counter top. Without a word he sits down at the table and begins serving himself. 

Mom comes in looking like a complete wreck. It may have gone unnoticed to Dad but I watched as she tripped over her own feet and lands not so gracefully in her seat. With the next words, though, I know he didn't. 

"So how much did you drink today, Katherine? A bottle? Two?"

Mom just sneers at him and begins fixing her own plate. I sit down silently. Sometimes its just better to sit back and watch the wreck; not interfering.

"Katherine, I asked you a question. I expect an answer. I don't go work weeks at a time just so you can spend the money on booze!" His voice raising with every word he spoke. I haven't even started eating yet. This must be a new record.

"You don't understand what I have to deal with while you're gone, Clark. I have my hands full while you're off 'working'. Did you know your daughter smokes cigarettes? "

"This isn't about Leanne. This is about your attitude and behavior. Leanne is 18, she can make her own decisions now. I don't know why we let this go on for so long. Our daughter has done more for this family than you have for the past 3 years." 

Well this took a complete turn. I was not expecting that to come out of his mouth at all. To say I was shocked was a complete understatement. I was stuck in a standstill, fork halfway to my mouth just frozen there. 

I'm assuming my mom wasn't expecting that at all. She made a small choking noise in the back of her throat. My dad just sighs. It's clear on his face that he's tired, exhausted. 

"Leanne, you're excused from the table. Your mother and I need to talk."

I just nod my head still in a state of consternation. 

"Maybe see if you can spend the night at Grey's house?" I was bewildered but did what he asked and grabbed my coat leaving behind my mother's bewildered face and my father's tired expression. 

The chilly wind bit at my face as I closed the door behind me and started the small trek to my best friend's house. Once there I notice both his parent's cars are missing. They probably went on their routine monthly date night. I knocked hesitantly on the door, maybe no one was home. It wasn't uncommon for Grey to go to Connor's house when they went out. 

I was corrected however when a nearly naked Grey answered the door. Only his boxers covered his slim body. I quickly adverted any eye contact that I had with him. It was only then that I noticed Iss's car parked across the street. Stupid. Stupid. 

I just interrupted him getting laid.

"Hey Lee? What's up." 

I stuttered for a reply. What was I supposed to say. Oh hey my dad told me to come to your house. Sorry, didn't know you were getting laid. No I'm a wimp. 

So what do I do? I bolted out of there before you can say Shit.

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