Chapter 32

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Grayson's point of view-

Our footsteps echoed off of the large arched walls, the light from the torch in my hand flickering against the darkness. It was cold with my breath visible even within the black shadows. Every once in awhile I would glance over my shoulders to see if the others, mainly Drake, were okay. He was stumbling and would occasionally twitch or hiss in pain before holding his head. His headaches were getting worse.
I looked back ahead of myself, then looked up in awe at how massive the corridor seemed to be. In all actuality, it wasn't really something to gasp in awe over. The corridors in the palace were a lot more massive and so much more grand. I was just excited to finally find this place after so long. Would all of the loss we suffered be worth it by the end of this day?

"It's stuffy in here." Mia wheezed out before sneezing.

I looked over my shoulder for just a moment to gaze at her. "Well I assume that this place has been untouched for hundreds of years, maybe even thousands!"

I held up my torch higher to let the light hit more surface area. There was no light up ahead, almost as if we were walking into a never ending void. The walls were mostly smooth and dull but occasionally there would be a small bump of stone that was not smoothed out. They were a tedious dark grey with nothing really interesting about the arched hall. The light from the small flame showed dust particles floating all about almost leaving the walls barely visible.
The same adrenaline and rush of joy was filling my body as when we entered the magic library. I knew that I should not have let my happiness over take me just yet, but after all of the h**l we've been through, I couldn't contain it.

  "Can you believe this? We're the first people to step foot in here for centuries! Maybe even the first humans to ever step foot in here period!" A wide smile spread on my cheeks until they were sore.

I heard a few chuckles come from behind me. "Well...we haven't gotten to see the amazing part yet. Just wait for when we actually hatch that dragon egg!" Mia's joyous voice echoed against the walls.

I laughed, readjusting the straps of my backpack and satchel. "I know. I'm just...I can't wait to finally see that dragon and... and to get this entire mess behind us." I referred to our problem with Herobrine.

My body jumped when the walls began to echo with the sound of loud coughing and erratic wheezing. I gasped as I spun around with my eyes immediately resting on Drake, who was with Lalea at the back of the group. I watched as he was coughing into the pit of his elbow until tears were streaming down his face from lack of oxygen. Lalea held his chest and wrapped her arm around his side to prevent him from collapsing.
A heavy pressure weighed down in my chest as I witnessed him cough up blood before Lalea could not longer hold him, and he fell to his knees with a painful grunt. Chocked up noises and gagging rose from the back of his throat as if his body was trying to hurl but his stomach was empty. All that slipped from behind his lips and teeth was a bit of crimson liquid and saliva.
My fists balled up in anxiety and worry as he gasped for breath once his episode seemingly came to a halt. My fingernails dug into my skin despite the green fabric that was between my nails and my palm. Drake then started to cling to his head as he whimpered and clutched his teeth in pain. He seemed to be holding back a pain filled scream.

"I-I'll be fine...just...k-keep moving." He muttered, attempting to stand but failed inevitable.

I actually somewhat cringed. In a way he had the appearance of a fresh walking corpse, with the pale skin that almost had a green look to it, almost milky eyes and his alarmingly slender form. He used to actually have some form beneath his shirt but now his ribs were visible through the badly torn and baggy fabric. The many blood stains and wounds along with the dark circles around his eyes made him seem even more cryptic. I despised comparing to a zombie but that was all I could think of when gazing his weakened body.
He groaned before choking on saliva and spitting it out into the small puddle of thick red in front of him. I sighed, turning my body and pushing past the others as I walked over to my best friend. My arm was aching and shaking from holding up the torch for so long, so I moved it to my other hand. My shoulder almost seemed to pop as I let it fall limply back down to my side. I held the torch up high as I knelt in front of Drake.

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