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You woke up to the sound of birds chirping loud and the sun shining bright through the window. Your body was covered by a blanket made of the softest silk you had ever felt. No words were to be found in your empty, black mind. Everything was peaceful.

Then, suddenly the door flew open. "I knew you kept her here!" Alois Trancy strode into the room with an elated grin on his youthful face. You slowly opened your beautiful, [E/C] eyes to come face to face with Earl Trancy. He was bowed over your lying figure and looking into your eyes with a happy expression. Behind him stood Ciel who was glaring at Alois. 

"Yes, here she is. Now leave my property." You glanced up to the two teenage boys with confusion written all over your pretty face. Alois had already turned his attention to Ciel and was now intensely glaring at the younger boy. He was about to make a snarky remark when you interupted him.

"What am I doing here?" Your voice made both the boys turn to you. Ciel instantly looked a little bit uncomfortable for whatever reason. 

"Uhm..." He started, but before he could even start a decent sentence another two figures entered the room.  

"I guess you have forgotten the events of last night." Sebastian Michaelis made his way to the gigantic bed with a sly smirk on his handsome face. "By the way, happy birthday." He licked his lips as he looked down at you. "I'm afraid Alden couldn't make it here. I hope you don't mind me accompanying you though the day." 

You looked at him with a confused expression on your face. Alden was always at your side, what did he mean he couldn't make it? Swinging your legs over the side of the bed that no one was standing you climbed out of the bed. "Unfortunately I do. I'll be taking my leave now." Before you could even take one step Ciel called out the name of Sebastian and the butler was holding onto your arm in just a blink of the eye. 

"I'm sorry, but we can't let you leave right now. Rest a little bit more and I am sure you will remember what happened last night. I think the shock made you forget." 

"Like her brain is building a wall around her sanity." Ciel softly spoke, making all the people in the room turn to him. "Quite the interesting reaction. Her brain is protecting itself." Alois rolled his eyes in an exaggerated way but didn't say anything. 

"Why would my sanity be hurt in any way?" You looked at the males in the room with your eyes in the shape of small slits. "What happened?" You weren't the type to believe anything that had to do with supernatural beings. 

Suddenly Claude spoke up. "My apologies, but we can't tell you anything. It is better if you just remember. I suggest you get back in bed and I'll get you some tea." You sent a hateful glare his way and roughly push Sebastian away from you. 

"I'm leaving." Claude and you intensely looked eachother in the eye, you with a glare and him with a blank expression. Eventually the handsome demon looked away. 
Sebastian glanced at Ciel to see what he thought of it. Again another emotionless stare from another person. It was completely silent in the big room. You just shook your head after waiting for a reaction and walked around the bed to the door, determined to leave the gigantic house. 

"Wait!" Alois shouted as he quickly made his way to you, grabbing your arm between his thin fingers. "Don't you want to come with me to my manor?" Then suddenly the calm aura that hung around abruptly changed to a much more annoyed and dark one. You ripped your arm away from him with a glare. 

"All of you, stop bothering me! If it wasn't for my mercy you would all have been dead by now. I'm an assassin, not a fucking babysitter." You spat out with your attention to the room. Sebastian got an amused smirk on his face as your words reached his ears. 

"You couldn't kill us, even if you tried." You brushed a strand of [H/C] out of your face and rolled your [E/C] eyes. Your patience had reached its limit so you decided it would be better to just leave. 

"Watch me." You said with fire in your eyes. Then you turned around, ripped the door open and stomped out of the room, out of the manor. 
Finding your way through the house wasn't that hard, but getting home was the real problem. Then you looked down at your clothes. With that one glance you got another gigantic problem: you were still wearing the nightgown from when you went to sleep. 


{Alden's POV}

With a limp lady sitting next to my demonish figure on the ground I waited for Michaelis to fully transform. I wasn't a coward and knew to not attack during the change. I could beat him with ease if he was on his own. We both knew that. That was something he wanted to prevent from happening. Those toughts explained the appearance of a third demon and a reaper.  

While Michaelis was still covered in black smoke the window flew open. Both men that entered had glasses resting on their noses, one black and the other red. One of them I had met at the Phantomhive manor, but would rather not meet him again. The reaper was someone I had never seen before. Long, red hair danced around him in the wind and a long red jacket gracefully waved behind his tall figure. His bright green eyes and pointy teeth gave him a crazy kind of feel. 

"So many handsome men!" The reaper exclaimed while fanning his face with a hand covered by a black glove. 

For a moment I looked at him with some confusion gracing my facial features, but decided to just ignore it. 

"You had to get back up? Pathetic." I chuckled in a low and demonic voice. My dark wings slowly pointed upwards and made me look bigger and more powerful. "Can't handle a part of the royal family on your own? Can't handle an old friend?" My voice was covered in mock and hatred. I knew I couldn't beat three of them, maybe two but not three. I could always try, but would I risk getting beat up by two demons and a reaper? 

"Of course I had to get back up to beat royality like you." Now it was Sebastian's turn to mock me. I just responded with a scowl on my face. "Well Alden. Perhaps you could give us Lady [Y/N]. That would make things a lot easier."

"What kind of butler would I be to just give my mistress away?" The demon with glasses looked at me with annoyance on his face, but somehow determined to take [Y/N] with him. Of course I wouldn't just let them take what's mine with them. [Y/N] was part of my contract, they didn't have any right to claim her. 

"Oh dear, I don't think we can avoid a small fight. Well lets get it over with, my master is waiting for the lady at home." Michaelis had a horrible look in his eyes, the one he always got when he was about to get in a fight. 
Sebastian was the first to attack in his demon form. Short after him came the other two, both with weapons in their hands. Lets say the fight didn't go as well as I hoped. 

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