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"Any last words?" The blade of the sharp dagger almost pierced the skin of the royal demon. A scowl was on his handsome face. His eyes seemed to burn with hatred. 

"You can't kill a royal demon!" Alden yelled with his upper lip slightly raised. The smirk on Sebastian's face widened while William only looked more annoyed. 

Sebastian leaned in to Alden's ear, almost touching it. "Farewell, old friend." That was it. The blade cut through Alden's windpipe with a sickening slash. Black blood started pouring out. Everyone was silent and watched the blood drip from his neck onto the floor and his robe. 

"Is he dead?" Grell spoke up with his eyebrow slightly raised. William shook his head.

"Not yet, we still need to burn his body and throw the ashes into the sea. That's the only way to kill a royal demon."

Grell let a loud sigh slip out of his mouth. "First we kill a man as handsome as this and now we have to burn him!" He exclaimed with an overdramatical look on his face. Sebastian rolled his eyes with a slight annoyance covering his facial features.

"It wont take too long, the sea is closeby and I have a lighter in my pocket." He swiftly took out his metallic lighter and flipped the top of, making a flame light up.


{At the Phantomhive Estate}

There you was, sipping tea from an expensive cup decorated with flowers, together with two young earls. A sour look decorated your face and highlighted the fact that you didn't want to be there. On your right sat the blonde boy who had his eyes the whole time on you.

"Could you stop staring, Lord Trancy?" The words flowed with a bitterness out of your mouth. Alois just grinned at you, keeping his eyes focussed on your sitting figure.
"It's rude to stare at ladies." You added. Yet again, Alois didn't seemed to care.

That's when Ciel decided to make his existence known. He cleared his throat, pulling your attention to him. Alois had turned his gaze to Alois too.
"[Y/N]," he began, "I am afraid we have some bad news to tell you." He sounded a bit awkward, as if he didn't want to be the one to bring you the bad news, but he had to.

"Oh." You just said, trying to cover your curiousity. You knew that whatever he was going to say, you could handle it without even trying. It wouldn't reach your heart. Atleast that is what you thought.

"Your fiance... he has been murdered." Your heart seemed to skip a few beats and then it went wild. An awfull, oppressive feeling pressed on your chest, making it feel like something was grasping onto your lungs. Your hands started shaking slightly.

"M-murdered?" Both the Earls looked at you with pity in their eyes. Althoug Daichi was always able to annoy and irritate you, you still cared about him. Not a deep, loving caring, but your heart really did acknowledge him as someone important to you.
Ciel nodded at you. You let a humorless laugh escape your lips. With a quick movement you stood up from the chair you were calmly sitting on just seconds ago. "I am going to my room." You spoke softly. "Thank you for the tea." Never had you been so clumsy as then. Like a newborn horse you wavered on your legs as you made your way to the entrance of the room. Behind you you heard a chair get shoved backwards and soon you felt an arm wrap around your waist. You looked up to see Alois besides you, helping you walk straight.

"Calm down, little butterfly." He sounded caring an reassuring and his hand felt warm on your waist. The two of you left Ciel behind in the tearoom as Alois guided you to the room next to it. The room was filled with comfortable looking couches and fauteuils. Paintings decorated the green walls and red curtains kept some of the light out together with some lace ones. 
Alois took you to one of the couches, sitting you down there. "It's better if you lie down for a while to let everything sink in. You have some confusing days behind you." Never had Alois acted like this. He almost seemed like an adult, banning out the childish character trait he showed so often. 

You smiled at him, but it wasn't an genuine one. You couldn't bring yourself to give him a real smile. Sadness clenched itself around your heart, refusing to let go. Alois was right, you really had to let everything sink in for a while. Your mind was going wild and after everything that happened you were lucky to still be sane. An assassin caring for the death of some stupid fiance, how pathetic. 

"I'll leave you alone for now. I will be back later this evening, when you have already calmed down a bit." The blonde boy besides you spoke. You nodded at him. Alois turned around and walked back to the other room where Ciel was. 

Carefully you laid down on the couch, resting your head on a soft pillow. You closed your eyes, not to sleep but to think about everything that had happened. You found comfort in the darkness that formed your closed-eyed-world. 

Their Assassin {Black Butler x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now