Chapter 02: Prayers & Tiny Smiles

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 F A L L I N G  F O R  A M C K I N G S L E Y  B O Y

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I wonder how Aaron is. We haven't had the chance to talk to one another yet due to our chaotic schedules. Ever since I got off the plane, Sasha had me work immediately and as for Aaron, last time I heard from him he was voted captain of his soccer team, was elected as the schools president, worked for his fathers law firm and still had the time to study his way into Yale. He was definitely more busy than I was but to make matters more worse, his father still thought it wasn't enough. Aaron's got a lot of pressure put on him by his dad by making sure that he became some kind of golden boy that always stays on top. Aaron doesn't like the idea, but can't do anything about it.

I really need to text him later on and see how he's doing, I miss that crazy nutcase.

I was too absorbed in my own little world when I realised that Julia was calling my name. I looked over to her and saw that everyone was staring at me.

"I'm sorry, what?" I smiled awkwardly.

She chuckled and repeated what she said, "I asked you if you were okay. You've been staring at your salad for quite a long time now."

I felt my cheeks reddening by the second and quickly covered up. "Oh, I'm fine. I was just thinking about a friend back home."

Julia gave me a small smile and nods her head. She goes back to the deep conversation that my parents and her husband were having and leaves everyone else at the table to go quiet, not knowing what to say to each other.

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, Kat decided to cut the awkwardness by asking what school I was going to.

"I'm going to attend Brighton Academy," I announced and gave her a smile.

She squealed and excitedly jumped up and down in her seat. "No way! I go to that school. If you want you can hang out with me," she grins.

Wow this girl is super friendly. I think we'll get along just fine.

I guess you could say we had the same personalities, although she was just a bit more outgoing than me. Unlike Kat, when it came to meeting new people I tend to get a bit shy. I was definitely more confident when it came to shutting out the haters and doing my job.

"Sure, I would love to," I agreed to her offer and smiled.

Hanging out with Kat at school might take my mind off of Victoria's Secret. Hopefully she can make me feel like a normal teenager and not a celebrity that I'm always reminded as. For me, it's really hard to find true friends because of my fame. They either want to hang out with me for my money or they just want to be publicised. That's probably why I didn't have many friends from my old school except for Aaron. But thank god Kat offered first and not Mindy. I'm not one to judge so quickly, but Mindy looks like an unpleasant person to be around with. She gives me bad vibes.

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