Episode one

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   ((A/N  Me and a friend of mine wrote this so we I chose to wright it here well he made the manga about it! This is probably are best work together you could say. This will be an alternative universe with a few new characters, me and my friend made just putting that out there and if you didn't read the story before this one "Kakuzu's story" you should because it takes place before this ^^ also... my grammar and spelling isn't the best just warning you)) 

Konoha, a rising village  with vast majorities of people and booming prosperity, was now in its winter months once again . After the attempted kidnapping of the hokage the guards have been more alert. Yet still lay low. What the village and its hokage himself doesnt know,is that a searing hatred arises from the depths of the water fall. The hokage some people where looking for just ended the second ninja war with a peace treaty. Soon as he got home all his paper work was building up.

   "We meet again. Its been a while hasn't it senju?" A voice rung out from the office of the hokage. The hokage looked around to see where the voice was coming from. The figure stepped into the light of the room, tossing two fallen guards before him."You remember me don't you?" The male took a step forward a masked covering his mouth.

  "You survived?" The hokage stood up shaking slightly from still being worn out from the war. He faced the man he thought he killed a while back and study him closely.

  "I have. It seems you're alive as well. Shame really, you're not as lively as you where back then." Kakuzu stepped forward , revealing his now red and green eyes. "I've changed as much as you have."

  "Ha.. I have just aged but you haven't just changed your appearance but I bet your the immortal monster people are talking about" hashirama chuckled lightly and looked at kakuzu then the fallen guards.

"There is no such thing as immorality, I just simply avoided death" he replied to him. "but yes I did change myself. For the better at that." he took off his mask, revealing the stitched up mouth he wore.

"hm what are you now?" Hashirama studded the stitches of the man before him. "around my age. Give or take 43..? possibly but you look 80 now" Hashirama smiled slightly just to tick him off. 

"Tch.." kakuzu stretched an arm, the stiches on his arm came undone. The rapped around the senjus's neck and brought him closer. "even now your just a child" he growled/

"A child you say..?" Hashirama coughed slightly when he got grabbed by the neck. "then tell me if this a childs move" the man Kakuzu was holding was infact a wooden clone, the real hashi came out of the ground and held a kunai to the mans neck.

Kakuzu grunted slightly, not only realizing that the man was a clone and that fact that the tables have changed. "......" Kakuzu stays silent for a while but tells Hashirama "you have gotten better since the last time we met"

"when you find your mistakes you know how to fix them." hashirama's hair fell over his face not wanting to kill another man but finally slits the mans throat.   

Kakuzu winced at the cut but splashed into a pool of water. he reformed and moved to pined Hashirama on the wall. "that's why I wont make the same mistake again"

Hashirama coughed up a bit of blood when he got slammed onto the wall. "I'm not letting this happen to me again." hashi shifted to kick Kakuzu.

Kakuzu stood his ground after getting kicked."I'm not here to take you to Takigakure..." he replied to the male.

"Then what are you here For?" Hashi forced kakuzu off of him either way and faced him again and went into sage mode.

"Easy. To kill you." Kakuzu  replied. Seeing as he turned into sage mode, he too pulled his trump card. The masks began to emerge from his back, as his limbs stretched and tendrils emerged.

After a few hours of fighting and destroying the hokage tower hashirama fell to the ground tired from all the fighting before. "Killing me right off the bat won't be fun will it?" He coughed once more and starts bleeding.

"G-Guess not.....tch...." Kakuzu staggered forward, looking at him with peircing eyes. He coughed some blood, taking a hand to grab the males hair."Again with the hair" hashi is was weak to do anything back.

"Shut up idiot." Kakuzu growled at him. "You of all people should know well what will happen. "

Hashi just smirked remembering that night when he killed 'innocent' people. "Yeah.. I murdered them.."

"The only people that respected me...and yet the turned me down." Kakuzu eyes turned back to the Hokage. "Seems as though we'll finally get what we deserve..."

"Tch...just end it and become a SS-rank missing nin in the bingo book wanted for killing a hokage." Hashi sighed and puts his hands up in surrender.

"Pathetic. " Kakuzu scoffed, grabbing the male by his collar. He slung him over his shoulder, proceeding to walk towards the Taki village. Hashi grunted sligh. "Be careful.. My people will see this" he tries to heal himself but is out of Chakra.

"Why does that matter? You show no sympathy towards others. Why is it the same here?" Kakuzu continued to walk.

"Hn... For enemy's but.... Here its different......" hashirama finally losses consciousness.He let out a sigh, continuing his walk and keeping his mouth shut aswell. He walked towards the village placing the Hokage within a cell.


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