Episode two

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When hashirama finally awoken he could barely move from the battle wounds "that's weird I haven't healed yet..." He touch's the bruise on his face and winced slightly but looks around at he's surroundings. "This is all to familiar." The hokage sighed and laid still on the ground.

Footsteps were heard from the hall. The figure stood over him, before revealing himself to be Kakuzu. "So You're awake..." he said.

"Apparently" hashi groaned and studded the figure trying to see if he knows the person. He slowly started to sit up.

Kakuzu crouched before him, facing him. "Isn't this so familiar Senju?" He asked with a mocking tone."Shut up" hashi looked away not wanting to face him.

Kakuzu grabbed the males hair, pulling him close to his face. "Not very fitting for a kage to have that attitude now is it?" Hashi didn't say a word and continued to look away.

"It's not like you to act this way, did I touch a nerve?" Kakuzu chuckled darkly."Like hell.." Hashirama mutters under his breath and tries to punch kakuzu.

Kakuzu moved out of the way, taking his hand and cracking it. "Don't test me now idiot."

"Agh...." hashi feels his head break. "You truly are a monster..."

"I'm no monster. I'm merely a man who does things to make ends meet." He replied to him with a smirk.

"If you say that why don't you end this quickly?" Hashi avoids eye contact again and tries to heal his wrist but can't get his Chakra flowing. "What did you do to me?" Hashi asked in a cold tone.

"Just a simple seal is all. Well not as simple at least." Kakuzu stared him down, knowing well that he was getting irritated.

Hashirama slides up his sleeves and sees the seal and feels it burn his body when he uses his Chakra. "What...do...you want?" He looks at the ground.

Kakuzu shakes his head, looking at him with a twisted face. "You still don't get it do you...?" He asked darkly.

Hashi laughs and looks at kakuzu. "Your just like the uchiha's..." He lays back down "revenge this... Revenge that... Your all the same" he says well looking up at the ceiling of the cell.

Kakuzu grabs the mans collar, slamming him against the wall. "I'm nothing like those Sharingan bastards! They want nothing more than power...."

Hashi grunts when getting slammed into the wall and grabs kakuzu's neck with his good hand in an attempt to make him let go. "Not all uchiha's are like that"

"Tch. Like hell you would know. You hardly care about those around you." Kakuzu snarled at the male, tightening his grip on the senju's neck.

"Y-you don't kn-...ow that" hashi smirked slightly well having trouble breathing and grabs kaku's hand and tries to remove it from his neck.

"If I don't know then how the hell would you know how I am!?" He raised his voice, eyes peircing yet oozing with pain.

Hashi closed his eyes and started to get weak from the lack of air, he lets go of kakuzu's hand.

Kakuzu scoffs, dropping the male onto the floor. He clenched his fist, before letting out a sigh and slumping against the wall.

Hashi was laying on the ground trying to breath again. He breaths heavily as he feels the seal burn from the struggling and he clenches his chest in an attempt to stop the Burning.

"I don't want this Senju. I wish you never existed. So I wouldn't have to do this." Kakuzu rested against the wall of the cell, facing away from him.

"Well sorry... I was part of destiny to save this wo-" hashi gets cut off by the pain and groans. "Save the world... Or destroy it" he continued to say.

"Oh shut up. We both know the world wants nothing to do with you or I. They want you to carry their burdens, they want me to stop resisting death..." Kakuzu narrowed his eyes. "But we both know that won't happen..."

Hashi chuckled lightly "lecture after lecture.. Maybe you weren't supposed to die..." Hashi sat up once the pain stopped and sat next to Kakuzu.

Kakuzu glared at Hashirama, before turning back and moving away from him. Hashi sighed and feel asleep quietly. Kakuzu turned towards Hashirama, before resting his head against the wall. "......."


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