Chapter One

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Hello my name is Rebekah i am a normal eighteen year old this is my senior year of high school. I'm a girl living as dirt poor as you can get. I live with my dad and younger sister who is three.
She is my life i would do anything to protect her. My mom left a couple of weeks after my sister was born one morning. All that was left was on her bed was a note saying 'I can't be here anymore its to much'. But that was three years ago now its just me, dad and Ella. But it's okay. We live in Iowa, Prairie City it was amazing their. It wasn't the biggest town in the state of Iowa. But enough to make me happy and content. We live in a bad neighbor hood. With a two bedroom house and a one and a half bath. I go to Samuel High School. Speaking of school I've got to get going my bus is coming. 'Honey your bus is coming in ten minutes you need to come down and eat breakfast'. Okay! I am coming down soon. With that i get dressed into an okay style outfit. Just grey jeans and black shirt that has white printing on it. It says 'love' in cursive. And my good old trusty black high top converse. Its not much but i like it, plus the only person who cares about your looks is the Queen B. Hardly no one pays much attention to her. Grabbing my back pack i leave Ella and I room. Since shes a light sleeper she woke up before me. Going into the kitchen i see my dad in front of the stove. Ella siting in her chair. Walking up to her i give her a quick kiss on the head. She and i look similar in hair but she has my dads hazels eyes. While i have my dads brown hair and my mom gorgeous green eyes. Getting my height from my mom she, was five foot eight. Sitting down next to Ella i wait for dad to finish breakfast. Within five minutes dad serves me, I dig in. I have my eggs devoured in three minutes tops. 'So Rebekah I'm going to be working late tonight. I can get some extra money, i won't be back until ten passed Ella bed time. Ask you if you can pick her up from your way from school. After that make her dinner then put her to bed'. Sure dad i can do that.

'Thanks Kiddo i knew i can count on you. To always take care of her'. Mommy,mommy look i finished all my eggs. Are you proud of me? Looking over my sister i see she has finished them all. Getting up from the chair i walk over to her and pick her up. Of course i am mommy is very proud of you. 'Becka you know you can tell her to stop anytime you want'. Why its kinda like i am her mother plus who's it hurting. Okay then Becka if that's what you want. But right now you have to get going your bus is here already'. Giving Ella back to my dad i go get my back pack and put it on. But before i leave out the door i go give Ella a kiss goodbye. But that never's satisfy her so taking her from dad. I give her a hug and a big kiss on the cheek. Okay El be good at school. I will pick you up when i get out of school, then maybe we can go to the park. 'Yeah mommy'! The park i love the park. I know baby girl, good bye mommy loves you always. 'And forever bye mommy love you too'. Giving dad a hug while placing Ella back in his arms. Whispering to him so Ella won't hear. Bye Daddy love you. Hearing him whisper it back i pull away from him. Walking away from them to the bus. Seeing its still their thank goodness, i really thought i missed it. Hurrying so i won't keep the grumpy bus driver, anymore i get on. As soon as i sit down the bus roars to life. A couple of seconds past until one of my best friends Stacey. Sits down next to me. You own me one girl i bribed the bus driver, so he wouldn't leave without you. Aww your such a good friend. What did you give him for it? My most precious thing in the world. Your heart? Eww no my pudding cup, that i was going to have for lunch today. You truly do love me you don't just give up your pudding for anyone. Yep now any way we have more important things to talk about. Yeah like what? The Ralph. Oh god no i don't want to talk about that stupid thing. It's all I've been hearing about. Of course it would be all anyone talks about right now. Since this year they changed the rules. Now not just one person gets picked, four people are. But with the other rules still in placed. The contests parents have to have an income of forty thousand and below. So? So! Both you and i have a chance and it leaves room. For Andy and Steven to be able to come too. What about Queen bee she can go to. That's the best thing her majesty dad. Got a promotion he now makes more. Then the rules then allowed her to participate. Can't she still go now that her dads making more. Well now that's just the icing on the cake. Shes to rich to be in the contest. But still to poor to get into the school by herself. And when she found out i heard she threw such a hiss fit. Still that just doesn't change my mind, about this whole thing. Why would the rich, Ralph a chance to go their school. Like some sick joke. How the poor get an inside look, into the rich people life. Then they can either let you stay or kick you back here with your true people. But Becks its our senior year if we get pick and graduate from their. We can get into any University we want. Just sign up with us, what's the harm if you aren't pick it wont matter. Uh fine I'll sign up when are we signing? Lunch. Gosh you are so nagging sometime. I know. With that the bus comes to a stop in front of the school. Being in the front we get off first getting off, i spot our other two friends telling Stacy. We go and walk up to them. Hey guys. Hey! Both of them said at the same time. Well everybody Becka agreed, to enter the Ralph with us this year. I heard a course of yes and awesome. I am only doing it because of Stacy. Plus there are one-hundred students that enter, it's not likely for us to win. Fine whatever beck crush my dream why don't you. With that she walks away being the drama queen she is. Okay bye guys we will see you second period. Hearing their goodbyes behind me i go after her. Finally reaching her when she's about to go up the step to the school. Come on Stacy i didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I know how important it is for i am sorry. If it makes you feel better i am routing for you. With that she looks up and giving me a nod,that she forgives me. Great now lets go to class. Walking into class was cake, its only the second week of school. Thank god. We go through class in a blur I've, gone to all my core classes before lunch. Hearing the bell ringing signaling we can go to lunch. Stacy and i take off to the cafeteria. The sight we see is unbelievable. A line going from inside the cafeteria to outside. You would think that the line is for food but nope its not. Its for the Ralph you can only enter during lunch and after school. Preparing to go to the back Stacy grabs my hand, we start making our way to the front. Now we are a in the front with only twenty people in front of us. Stacy what are you doing your going to get us in trouble. Don't worry Beck, Andy and Steven are all ready up their. Were going to go to meet them. With that being said i look to the right. Seeing Andy black hair and Stevens dirt blonde hair. Oh okay then. Standing there we wait for about twenty minutes. Until we are finally in the front. There's a lady in the front checking of us in. Okay are you four new to the process? All of us tell her yes. Well great so each one of you give me your names and i will check and verify that you are able to enter. Then i will need you to grab a paper on the table and put your favorite thing to do. Or like a special talent something interesting about you. Giving her each one of our names she tells us, what we already know. Is that we are poor enough to enter. She said it in a nice proper way. Grabbing a paper i right down my name. That i do dance and sing. Doing that i hand the paper but she checks it over. Before she puts it into this big glass bowl. Once i am done i move out of the way. So that the rest of my friends can hand there's in. Five minutes later all of us are done. Here Beck you forgot your pamphlet. I didn't know they had one. Yep they print out a new one every year. Mostly the same thing except they change the location every year. I thought you go to the same one every year. Nope take a look. Giving her my thanks i take the pamphlet from her. Looking over i see basic stuff i already knew. Stopping where i see the location for this year. It's in England what the hell i cant go to England. That's to far away Stacy. Calm down Beck you did say you probably won't even get chosen. What makes it different about location. Right I'm just overacting sorry. No problem lets go get lunch. Now waiting in that line for so long is tiring. How are you tired? The most you spend in that line was twenty minutes. Andy and i stayed in their for longer. Fine then lets just agree that we all should go get lunch now. With that being said we all go through the lunch line getting what we wanted. Getting a turkey sandwich with chips and apple juice. Putting in my I.D for my free lunch.

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