Chapter Four

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~Rebekah POV
I start to wake up from my nightmare that i have. Bolting right out of bed i wake, slowly i start to sit back down. Trying to calm my nerves before i have a anxiety arrack. Slowing my heart beats start to slows down. An my breathing evens out. 'Mommy'? Shit i woke her up. I'm sorry baby girl come sit down with your mommy. Getting up she brings her little blanket and stuff teddy bear. That use to belonged to me when i was her age.  'Are you alright mommy'. Yeah i just had a nightmare that someone took you away. But don't worry it was just a bad dream. I love you more then life itself  i wouldn't let anyone take you. 'Okay mommy i love you too'. Well lets go back to sleep we have a big day ahead of us. With that we lay down together to sleep.
(Four Hours Later)
Light starts to shine through the curtain. Waking up i see Ella is still snuggled in the blankets. She must be really tired she is usually up before me. Taking a look at the clock i see its nine we need to get ready, Todd will be here soon. I go and set up Ella and i clothes for today. Once that's done i go and shower and change into my outfit.

Putting my hair into a messy bun

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Putting my hair into a messy bun. Going over i wake up Ella she gives me a cat like yawn its so cute. Alright baby lets get you dressed Todd's going to be here soon. 'Okay mommy'.  With that she gets up and i help her get ready.

After she is done i make sure her hair is nice up in a pong tail

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After she is done i make sure her hair is nice up in a pong tail. All clothes are pack already and in the suitcase. Making sure I got every thing i double check and Ella and i go to sit down. After ten minutes i hear a knock at the door. Opening up i see Todd dressed in a dark washed jeans and a white shirt. Hey. "Hello". 'Todd'!! I see Ella run past me to todd. She jumps in his arms lucky Todd catches her in time. 'Todd i missed you'. "Aww i missed you too  princess". Looking at them is so cute its so sad im taking them away from each other. My eyes begin to water looking at them todd catches my eye. "Hey why are you crying today is a happy day. You start your new journey in your lives you should be happy". I know its just she is going to miss you so much. "Don't worry about that, you will call me and video chat all the times. Its like you never left, plus with that money you can come and visit". Alright. "Good now lets get your bags in the car we only have three hours". Okay. With that we grab the bags and put in the trunk. Todd puts the last bag in the trunk i go and strap Ella in. Giving her a kiss really quick before i go and sit in my seat. Once im in Todd gets in as well. "Well ladies how about we all go get something to eat. How about pancakes"? 'Yeah pancakes i love pancakes'!! Looking back we see ella holding her bear with a happy grin plastered on her face. "Alright princess lets go". We both turn around and todd starts to drive. I see everything pass us by from the houses on the block. To the little shops we pull up to the this dinner. Katie's  dinner. I remember coming here with mom all the time especially when she had her craving from Ella. Getting out Todd grabs Ella for me. Leave your stuffed bear in the car Ella i don't want you to lose it. 'But mommy i want i take him'. Preparing to to argue with her but Todd steps in. "Now Ella you should listen to your mom she knows best. Now leave your bear so you wont lose it". Shes so sad but nods her head before going and putting the bear in here car seat. "Now be happy we will go eat some pancakes". 'Alright mommy'. With that being said we all go to the dinner. Todd opens the door for us to go in we pick a booth for us. Soon a waiter around Todd's age to come to take our order. She is shamefully checking him out but he ignore her. What can i get you sweet checks? Her question more pointed at Todd. "Hmm Becky sweet heart what do you want"? The girl thought he was talking to Ella but nope. I look up at Todd and give him a questioning look. All he does is give me a wink like go along with it. Giving him a nod i turn to the lady. Can i get eggs with sausage  an a pancake on the side oh and glass of water. Surprised like she just noticed me their. She gives a yes of understanding. "Now Ella honey what do you want sweety". 'Can i get pancakes with milk mommy'. Sure i look over to the lady who's name is Sarah. I repeat and she gives me a tight lip smile. An for you sir? Ill get the same as Becky. Alright it will be out shortly. Turning back to Todd i see he's about to burst with laughter. I cant seems to hold in my laugh anymore. "Wow did you see the look on her face she was like a sad clown from the circus". It just make me laugh even more. Soon we settle down from our laughing fit we just had. Any way what are we going to do today Todd? "Well i was think we could go to the park and do some there things around town". Sounds fun how have your sisters been? "There good they keep teasing me on how much i hang out with you but it's all in good fun". That's good to hear i really wishes i could have meet them before i leave but there probably busy. "Yeah but it's alright you can always come an visit for Christmas, then you can meet them all". Sounds like a plan. We talk a little more until our food we look up expecting Sarah, but instead we see this new waiter shes older then us. An gives us our food but before she leaves she gives us a kind hear-ted smile. Which we give one an say a thank you to her. Once shes gone i cut up Ella pancakes and put napkins around her so she wont get dirty. Usually i would have a change in clothes but i pack them all away. I only have a sweater and her backpack for her so she won't be bored on the plane. After she is content i start to eat my food as well. Thirty minutes later we have all finished our food well except for Ella she couldn't eat anymore after she ate a pancake and a half. We all just sit for a bit before we decide that we should go. Todd goes and pays the lab while i take Ella to go help me find the nice older waitress. I asked one of the other waitress she points me to the back where im guessing that's where they hang out. Seeing her sitting down in a chair she goes to stand up i take a seat. Putting Ella on my lap i start to talk to her. Thank mam for bringing us our food i wanted to give you the tip instead of the other waitress that had us first. Oh no i am okay why don't you use that money to go buy the little one a present. Yeah a present! Ella stop that it was very rude.  Alright mommy.  Turning back to the lady i leave the ten dollars and give her a smile before i tell her goodbye. Getting up Ella and i walk back to Todd. Alright were ready to go. He gave us a head nod and we leave the dinner. Once outside we walk down looking at all the little shops. Ella holding my left hand in hers while she holds Todd's in her other hand. Once in awhile we would go into a store. Soon we reached the park we both let Ella go play. While she plays Tod and I go and sit on a bench. What am i going to do Tod once we get their i have so many things to do. Ella needs to go to school i have to set her up plus make all the arrangements for my school. Don't worry it will all work out your friends will be their to help you. Plus if anything ever gets to much for you. You can always come back when ever. Alright your right do you know what time it is. Yeah it's eleven fifteen we can get some ice cream an then take Ella an you to the school since you have to be there at noon. Okay then. Calling Ella we all walk to the ice cream parlor we all order. I get a chocolate ice cream i order Ella cookies and cream it's her absolute favorite if she is ever mad at you get her that an she will forgive you.We all sit an enjoy each other company we make light conversation an talk about everything. Even make jokes here and there all to soon we have to leave throwing away the trash i clean Ella face before we get inside Todd's car. Once inside we start the journey to school no one making a word only the low song playing in the back. After what feels like for ever but only a ten minute drive we have pulled up to the school. We see about three SUV an i see all of my friends are their an are in a group next to one of the SUV. Getting out i go an get Ella out while Tod goes an gets our luggage. Once she is safe on the side walk i go an help him. As soon everything is set the men that were in the SUV load my things into them. Alright children day goodbye we have to leave already. Tod joins us on the side with ella. Here becka i brought this phone for you. If you ever need anything just call. Call anytime an anywhere it has international coverage. Taking the medium size phone from him i give a nod. He bends down to Ella level. Now princess i need you to take care of your mom for me. She is going to need you to be brave i want you to behave an do what she says. Can you do that for me Ella? Alright i will. Thank you he pulls her into a hug. Once she's in his arms i see the tears come down her red cheeks. That's all it takes i feel the sob coming out an my vision starts to blur. Soon i feel me pulled into a hug i knows it Tod. Since only his one arm wraps around me. Turning my face up i see his eyes looking down at me already i see his eyes water. But he doesn't let them spill he just hugs us tighter. What feels about seconds i look an see its been fifteen minutes. Pulling away i look at everyone an i see pity in there eyes. Pity of me having to leave an Ella being ripped away from Tod. I go an put Ella in car, after tod gives her one last hug and a kiss on the head. Once shes in the car i go back an get one finally hug. He leans his head down an gives me check kiss. Before squeezing me one last time. He kisses the crown of my head before he release. I'll talk to you soon. Giving me a nod i turn away an go into the car with Ella an my bag. Feeling already exhausted an it's not even one o'clock i just sit an get comfortable i see Stacy get in to the seat on the other side of Ella. I look over to her an give her a weak smile which she gives one in return. Turning my attention back on Ella i see she has cried herself to sleep an from everything that's been happening today. Soon we are driving away from the school in fifteen minutes we have reached the airport. I grab my bag an make sure my phone is placed in their an then slinging it on my shoulder i go an pick up Ella. Being as quiet as i can be an making sure not to drop her or wake her up. We all just stand their looking at the huge jet that is before us. Alright children enough time has been wasted let's get a move on into the plane while the guys load up the luggage. They all let me go first since i have Ella in my arms which i am grateful for. I set Ella down an strap her in so i won't have to later the flight attendant sees a sleeping Ella an offers me a pillow for her. Which i happily accepted once i know she is alright i go an sit down with my friends. Which aren't that far from Ella enough for her not to hear us but enough where i have both eyes on her. They all look at me if i have grown a second head of something. What? Andy is the first one to speak. Nothing Becka it's just none of us have seen you cry an be such a mother to Ella as much as you just were. Well yep that's me the mom side at least being like that with her is just second nature not even that like my first instinct. The guys give me a nod of confusion but Stacy just gives me a knowing smile. She probably one of the only person that has seen me go all mother bear on over Ella. Looking over at her i see her snuggled up with her bear an blanket. Well i am tired wake me up if Ella needs anything or when were there. Alright then have a good eight hour nap we will wake you up if we need you. Thank you i get up an go sit right to Ella just to be sure nothing happens. Once in there in i buckle up and go to sleep. 

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