Chapter Seven

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Waking up i hit the alarm clock off. Realize Nate will be here soon. I wake Ella. 'Come on honey you need to wake up soon. You get to spend the whole day with and Nate today'. Well that go her up and at em fast. Grabbing a pair of black jeans for her I give her a bright pink shirt push her to the restroom. While trying to find me something to wear. Looking through my clothes i find black pants and a Pink shirt. With pink Converse. Pulling it on i throw on a nice black leather jacket. Ella comes out already dress and trying to brush her hair on her own. 'Come here sweet heart'. She gets over near me grabbing the brush i do a braid on the side of her hair. Then tie it up in a pony tail with the her hair. With that done i grab all her stuff together for the day. Once all the stuff inside the room is packed we both leave to the kitchen. So i can pack her snack for today even if Nate will feed them anyway. We get to the dinning room table until we hear a knock on the door. Setting her stuff down i go an answer the door with Ella at my side. Opening the door i see it is Nate and Eddie standing their. Nate looking very nice in black jeans and a salmon color shirt that matches with my outfit. Come on in. They come in and sit down in the living room. 'Ella why don't you go play in our room with Eddie for a bit'. ,Okay mommy". They start to walk away. 'Oh but stay off our bed i just fixed it'. "We will I promise". 'Walk with me to the kitchen Nate'. 'Ella means the world to me. Once Ella was born my mother left us her father bless his soul. Was a good man lived with us took care of us. But three days before the Ralph he went missing. Then the next day i get two police officers telling me he's dead. He hit into a tree trying to swerve out of the way from hitting a deer. Now its just her and i. Shes all i have so what ever you amount you think i love her. Multiple times a million and even then that, wouldn't be near hitting the amount'. "I understand i will take care of her. Where do you want me to drop her off". 'My last class at school is Gymnastics, you can come by after its done and drop her off'. "Great. Is this all her stuff"? 'Yeah it has anything she might need. Her EpiPen is in their shes allergic to bees so be careful'. "Got it. Now we best be leaving". 'Alright'. Leaving out the kitchen i call the kids back to us. They come out giggling with each other. I see that she changed her outfit. 'Ella why did you change'? "Sorry mommy Eddie said you and Nate match so he and i should match. Are you mad"? No that's fine. Looking at them they do match together. She kept her jeans but changed her shirt to a white and black to match. An her shoes to black and white converse ones to match with Eddie white and black converse. 'Come on get your back pack and give your mommy a hug and a kiss goodbye'. Leaving Eddie side she comes up to me. Bending down she jumps in my arms and gives my cheek a kiss. Hugging her back i plant kisses all over her face. I guess i looked sad a bit. "Don't worry mommy i will be back soon". 'I know i love you forever'. "And always i love you too mommy". Setting her down i help her put her back pack on. Now go have fun with your friends. We start to walk to the door they are soon just outside the door. 'Hey Eddie'? "Yes Becka"? 'Take good care of her okay'? "I will i promise take care of her and protect her". 'Thank you'. Going down i give him a kiss on the cheek. With that they disappeared down the hall to the elevator. Going back into the apartment i see Andy standing their. "Wow you looked like a mother Hen with an empty nest". 'I know. I am sad i miss her'. "Come mother Hen we have school". 'Fine'.

Ella Pov
We just left my mom she looked sad. "Wait i want my mommy"! Sorry Ella your mom said she needed to go to school. "No! I want my mommy. I am not going with out her". Nate turned to Eddie. Giving him a look. 'Don't look at me bro I'm with Ella, plus i like Becka she gave me a kiss'. Having no choice Nate made us wait in the lobby until mommy came down. I spot mommy. "Mommy"! She comes over to us.

Rebecca POV
We all go down the elevator at the same time. Getting out i hear Ella. Looking around i see Ella, Nate and Eddie all standing their. Looking at them Ella looks sad Nate frustrated and Eddie trying to comfort Ella. 'Here are the keys guys i think i will be with Ella today'. Good Luck. See later Becka. Have fun. 'Thanks'. Leaving them i head over to Nate. 'What happened'? Directing my question to Nate but Eddie speaks up. "Ella doesn't want to leave you, i am with Ella. An Nate is getting a headache arguing with us". 'Well stop because i will come with you. But you all have to apologize to Nate for causing trouble'. Sorry. Sorry Nate. 'Well now that is settle lets go. Where were you going to go Nate'? "Breakfast Eddie and i haven't eaten". Good neither have we lets go. The kids walk ahead of us. "Your really good with them". 'Well yeah i had Ella. Plus back home i taught a dance class for girls Ella's age'. That's nice. 'Yep How long have you been taking care of Eddie'? "Since he was two. I knew he wasn't getting to see our dad as much mostly nannies. So i thought it would be good to be with someone that he knows". That's sweet. "Yeah well I've been their".
'So where are we going for breakfast'? "Theirs this nice place Eddie likes to go eat". Going to his car we all go in. I see Nate put in an extra car seat for Ella. Thank goodness i totally forgot. Nate straps in Eddie and i strap in Ella. With that we both go to our own seats. 'Do you go to this place a lot for breakfast'? "Yeah all the time". 'So Ella wants to celebrate her birthday with you too'. "I know Eddie would love to spend any day with her". 'Great well i wanted to spend the morning with only her and i. But we can meet up for lunch and then on'. "Sounds good". We pull up to the gate at the school. 'The place is outside the school'? "Yeah sorry love, i forgot to mention it". 'Its alright'. The guard stops us. "Good morning your highness. Your going out with Eddie today". 'Yes along with a couple of friends'. "Does your father know about this"? 'What he doesn't know wont hurt him'. 'Is our security detail ready'. "Yes ready to follow along right when we let you pass". 'An they know the drill'. "Yes Sir they will keep their destines but will be close enough if you need them". 'Thank you Scott'. "Of course. Have a good day". He leaves away from our car and speaks into his walkie talkies​. Soon the gates open enough for us to pass through. Going out we continue on the road. Looking back sure enough two black SUV following us. "It may take a bit to get use to but you'll will. They are just for protection they aren't suppose to say anything about what they hear". 'Okay'. "Whens your birthday little ballerina"? 'Oddly enough my birthday is on Christmas'. "That's cool i wish i had a holiday birthday". 'Are you kidding your a prince your birthday is probably is a holiday'. "Not the same and you know it. At least if i was born on a holiday it would be christmas and my birthday. It wouldn't all be about me". 'You should be happy you have a whole country who loves you. For a while it was just Ella and I and my friends to celebrate our birthdays'. "Well now you have Eddie and i". 'I guess i do im counted as your friend Nate'? "Yeah the kids are friends why not us". 'Alright I'm game Nate but, i better not get tackled if we are playing around'. "I promise". "Were here". Looking out i see this cafe on the side. Little coffee corner. This looks nice. "Yes it is it's also connected to a book store Eddie loves to go find a book while I order food". 'That's sweet no wonder him and Ella got along so well she loves to read. I think she knows the Hunger Games Series by heart'. "Really"? 'Yep when she was just a few weeks old I was reading the series at the time so when she woke up crying I would feed her and  I would read it to her so she would fall back asleep'. "Your a good mom". 'Thanks'. Having getting the kids out already and walked to the door. Nate lets us walk in first while he holds open the door. Walking it was magical for me I walk in and see the left side is the book store and on the right a counter to order with a glass cases to look at the baked goods they made. The scent hit you straight on of old books and coffee bring a sense of calmness to me. Nate noticing gives me a full blown smile. "I take you like it, love"? 'Reminds me of the library back home. Ella and I would spend time their her playing with the other kids. She would beg me to go their she loves story time their. We went their so often the library roped me into doing story telling every once in awhile. When I wasn't reading my own books or studying. The library was a god sense when finals exams where approaching she would listens to the librarian while I study for hours'. Going in line we order some light breakfast. I just get muffin with a coffee and some pancakes for Ella with orange juice. Nate order something similar for Eddie and him and pays while Ella asked me something. We walk to a booth for all of us to sit down. 'You know I could have paid for it'. "Yeah but that wouldn't have been very gentlemen like". 'Okay'. Sitting down with Nate and Eddie sit in front of Ella and I. "Eddie why don't you and Ella go find a book". Sure. "Remember the rules". No talking to stranger and come back when you call. "You got it buddie". With that they both leave happily smiling to each other. "Dance and gymnastics perfect grades raised a kid and even read to kids in the library. I think all the other people have no chance against you". 'Haha very funny and my grades aren't that good'. "Sure are you always this modest"? 'I don't know what you mean'. "You know at the end of all of this who ever is left they get a recommendation. From the king to the university of London or an university the person wishes. With that alone you can get a full ride to go their or anywhere that person desire". 'Good to know I like it here plus nothing is waiting for me back in the states well maybe Todd'. "Well consider this my good luck to you then". 'Thank you'. 'Your cousin is nice'. "Yes I think she is to nice for her own good never using that her uncle is the king to her advantage". "Not like using it to get what ever she wants just to get them to stop picking on her". 'I know what she means I haven't seen much of it but I think it was worse before we got here'. "I would believe so. Thanks for being her friend". 'No need to thank us she's a good person she knows about having a daughter but didn't push further'. "Yes thank gods she took after my uncle her mother is the devil in disguise". "Oh she is I think she steals candy from children and then eats the children". 'I will just have to meet her for myself'. "Okay just guard Ella she might make soup out of her". 'Noted'. Here is your order your highness. "I told you call me Nathaniel Lisa, Eddie and I are in here and you serve us to many times to keep formalities". 'Wow I never knew formalities were this tight Nate'? Lissa  looking over at me with wide eyes when I said Nate. "Yes they are Becca but sure doesn't stop you". 'What can I say I'm special'. "You certainly are 'special'. 'Thanks'. Looking at him I see the glint in his eyes. I finally realize the double meaning. Giving him a slight hit. 'Hey'! "Haha come on that was to good to pass up". 'Yeah what ever'. Looking over I see Lisa is still their and if her eyes were big before then they just double in size. Looking at the scene that just played out. "That's all Lisa thank you". She gives a squeaky yes before running off. 'I will go call the kids'. I start to get up. "No need I texted Eddie". 'Eddie has a phone'? "Yeah an IPhone eight". 'Seriously'? "What kind of phone does Ella have"? 'Nate I barely have a crap phone and I don't even pay the bill Todd does'. His jaw locks. "We will get you a new one". 'I am good plus i don't need a new one'. "If you say so Becca". Were here. Hey guys. They come and sit back down but they have books with them. Here kids but your books to the side so they won't get dirty. Moving them off to the side. I cut up Ella pancake and Nate helps Eddie. With that we get start eating after Ella gets full i finish the rest glad i know she wouldn't eat that much so i barely order anything for myself. Once she finishes i see Eddie is done as well. If you want kids you can go back to getting more books if you want. They cheer and go run off to find more books leaving the ones they already have for me to keep. 'They are so cute'. "Yes, he's never been like this i think he likes her. Before he would barely talk to anyone only his two friends". "Now he talks with Ella like he's known her forever". 'That's sweet i am glad he likes her'. "Yes. Now come on as much as i like this place if i let Eddie he would stay here for ever". 'Ella too but were are we going'? "Hmm how about sight seeing"? 'I seen some but we were rushing to look at everything so we didn't see them that well'. "Well come on it's time i give you the royal tour we can even end it seeing the palace. Maybe go inside". "The palace is open to the public'? "Eh to some like me and who ever is with me". 'Alright I am down for this royal tour but it has to be good'. "You have my word it will be good and fun everything. Come on i texted Eddie to meet us at the books side of the store". With that we get up and Nate leaves a twenty for Lisa tip. Nate and i walk side and side. 'You know Nate you know a lot of me but i don't know much about you'. "What do you want to know"? 'I know rumors are rumors i wouldn't of asked but Paige told me the same thing so i wanted to ask'. "Go ahead ask away". 'Why did you leave school for a couple of years'? "Something happened not many people talk about it". Seeing that he gets kinda sad from this conversation.' You can don't have to tell me the rest it's fine'. He looks over at me and gives a little smile. "Thanks". 'Sure'. We get to the counter and see Eddie and Ella standing their holding two more chapter books. "Hey Stan i don't think you are going to let me pay for these books either". Sorry your highness it wouldn't be right if i made you pay. "Uh Stan". Nate stills takes out two, one hundered dollar bills and puts them into the donation bowl for the orphanage. 'That's sweet Nate'. I suppose one hundred goes to the store the other one to the donation. 'Does your family visit the orphanage'? "I use to go with my mom she would let me play. With some of them she taught me a very important lesson". 'Oh what was'? "She said if one day you are to rule over them then you need to know. What's it like to be and play like one it will help you know them more and understand their struggles". 'That's very wise and kind of your mother'. "Yes father hated when she would take me. He never understood he would always say. Why royalty like us would ever have to be like common people. I think she liked going to the orphanage because it reminded her of her roots". 'Your mom was an orphan'? "Yeah shocking right. Not may people know, my father had all of traces of her being one destroyed". "But she wasn't adopted until three or four so she remembers being their. So she would go to read to the kids or go to donate money anything that would help the kids. Up to this day a good amount of the tax payers money goes to the orphanage. My mother made sure of that". 'Wow we should stop by their on our way touring'. "Sure". 'You can teach Eddie the same lesson your mother taught you'. "Yeah we will stop by their before the palace. We can't go to late or else the kids will be put to sleep before we get their". 'Okay so where is the first stop on our tour'. "London Eye of course". 'Cool we only saw it not going on it'. "Unacceptable you can't just go and not go on it". 'It was a really long line to go on'. Once reaching the car Nate straps Eddie in and I strap Ella in. Once thats done we both get in i see Eddie and Ella both talking about their books not a care in the world. We drive close to the London eye and fnd a parking stop near. Getting out we walk the rest of the way. The body guard are closer then before where we can see them and notice them. "Don't worry about them they are closer because their is a lot of people. We are more exposed out on the streets hard to protect, then us being in single room". 'Oh i get'. 'Come on Ella make sure you hold my hand i don't want to lose you'. Okay mommy. She holds my hand and then holds Eddie hand with her free one and Eddie holds Nate. We all walk together. Finally getting their after five minute walk we head sraight to the front of the line. We hear protest but the body guard are following so hushing the crowd. You are supposed to wait in line sir. The middle age man not even looking up. "Sorry but i don't wait you might want to look up". Finally the man looks up and is completely shocked to say the least. Yes sir of course sir let me print out your tickets. "Two adults and two kids". Yes sir. Nate hands his card over. After a few minute he hands Nate the tickets and his card back . Nate starts to walk away. 'Nate'. He turns around looking at me questioning? 'You forgot to say thank you'. He looks at me as if say sersoiuoly? Ella stands her ground with me Eddie being loyaly to Ella stands with us. Nate give him a look as if say you are standing with them. He just one back that says what do you think? Nate walks back to us and goes to the man. He muters out a thank you. I don't think the man heard you Nate. He speaks a little louder this time. "Thank you". The man just looks over at me in wide eyes. Have a good with that we all walk away. Momma always teaches me manners Nate. Of course she does. He lets out a little exhausted sigh. 'I am sorry Nate i shouldn't have made you say thank you if you didn't want to'. "No its not that no one really tells me anything if i don't say please or thank you". 'Well then i am going to give you a lesson today on manners'. "Eh sure what the hell". 'Language Nate'. "Sorry". 'See that's a good sign'. "Very funny". I'm just messing with you. "I know". He gives me a wicked smirk. Handing our tickets to the man he smiles at us and lets us get on. The kids sit together on the right side of the cart and Nate an I sit on the other. 'This is nice seeing all this you don't see much back home'. "Glad your enjoying it". "Tell you the truth i haven't seen much here even if i live here". "I mostly stick to places i know". Well you should make so you see more. "Yes well maybe one day I'll sneak out with out the detail following". 'I bet they are having a panic attack with you not in their sights'. "Probably". 'What's your favorite color Nate'? "Royal blue". "Your"? 'Orange'. 'Like the sun set when the sun is just going down'. "Wow". "Makes my answer seem sad". 'Why do you let me call you Nate'? 'When everyone here's me call you that its like i just committed murder'. "Its alright love, they aren't use to it". "Any person going to school in england wether your poor,wealthy or middle you get a class. Where you get taught on how to address royalty". 'Oh well i guess i met you to early for me to learn formalities'. "Quiet alright i like it so no one can hurt you if im their". 'Well thanks Nate'. Soon the ride ends and we have to get off. "Come on lets go we have much more to see". With that we set off to the next tourist spot.
Four hours Later
We just left the park where we could see the london bridge. 'Well it's getting late Nate'. "Yes do you want to go see the orphanage​ and then grab something to eat"? 'Sure'. Having to get back in the car since the orphanage​ is farther away. "Did you like the places"? 'Yes they were all so amazing'. 'The most sight see you see back home. Is the worlds largest rubber band ball'. "Noted we will see it when we go visit for christmas". 'Fair warning it gets pretty packed on holidays'. "Well i would imagine it would be such a famous attraction". 'Well noted the prince does sarcasm well'. "Yes I do". 'Come on I am sure as much as Eddie and Ella like to play together probably want to play with other kids'. "Yes I think so". We come to a stop and we see these multiply building put together. Looking bleak. "Don't judge by appearances it's nicer inside". 'I hope so right now this place doesn't seem kid friendly'. "I know one of many changes I want to make when I become king". 'Good to know maybe I hear some more of these plans'. "One day at a time, love". Getting the kids off we all walk hand and hand to the front of the building. Walking in we are greeted by an older lady. Your highness welcome back. "Thank you Susan". Oh you bring Eddie and some friends. Yes Hope that is okay. Yes of course your highness the more the merrier. Great well i think Eddie and Ella could go and play with the other kids their age. Yes i think they would like that their school isnt the most nicest kids to play with. I know what you mean Miss. 'Rebecca'. Well if you want your highness i can lead them to the other kids and you can give Miss Rebecca a tour. You've been here long enough to know this place like the back of your hand. "Yes i will give her one we won't stay that long i know these kids have curfew in two hours". Thank you. With that she leads the kids away in the other directions and Nate takes me to the right. "All these kids are kept until eighteen but if they don't have a job they are allowed to live here five months while looking for a job or get their life set up. After that we try to offer as much assistance​ so they won't end up on the streets. With the help of the extra months it lowers the crime rates and homelessness". 'What about school where do they go'? "Their is a primary school that goes up to the grade eight. Then they have high school that goes from eight grade to thirteen". 'Is their education good'? "I don't know about that". 'You should look into it. It wouldn't matter if they are living nice if they don't get a good education'. "Noted i will ask Susan an look into it to good idea love". 'Thank you so what are we seeing first'? "Well we can see some of the teens and work our way around the building. Going down the ages". 'Great lead the way oh great tour guide'. "You know with all the sarcasm you have love you will fit right in with these teens". 'Hey'! Pushing him a little. Haha. Getting to a door i see a sign that says entertainment. Most of the teens hang out in here after school. Walking in we see some guys playing a game on a PS4 on the right side of the room and the left the girls are over their painting their nails. The doors closes with a loud shut. Making the guys and girls look at us. Nathaniel! They all come running over to us. Wow who's the cheek she looks hot. A guy says looking at me up and down. Gross. He gets hit from the side from a girl. Quit being a pervert Tate. Excuse my soon to be ex-boyfriend he's a pig. With that she walks away from the group. Nate whispers in my ear. That was Tara and her boyfriend Tate they been going out for about two or three weeks. She at least threats him about breaking up, two time every couple days. Watch Tate reaction. With that we look over at Tate who has a relaxed expression. Finally after a couple seconds he realizes what she said and pales before ruining off after her. Wow. Are they going to be okay? Oh yeah it happens he will probably say something sweet and she will forgive him. My name is Izzie and Tara is one of our best friends. Cool my name is Rebecca. Nice to meet you can we paint your nails? Looking over at Nate, I see one of the guys roped him into playing a game with him. Sure I would love to. Going over to the table we sit down an the girl Izzie introduced me to the other girl friends. I think this color will be great on you. She pulls out the color of my outfit. So Rebecca how do you know Nathaniel? 'We go to school together. He never brings anyone here. Yeah I've heard but Nate has been nice to be thus far'. Your from America? 'Yes my school does this ralph ever year a chance to study at a prestiges school for money. This year it so happens to be in london'. Wow that sounds so interesting. Yes it is. We all talk for twenty more minutes after a while they let me go. 'Nate i think we should go remember we all still have school tommorow'. Looking up he gives a meek nod. "Yes you are right love, lets go". We say goodbye to everyone and leaves to the toddlers. Going in we see little girls playing dolls and the boys playing with monster trucks. I sit with a little girl that was by herself coloring. 'Hello'? Hi? 'My name is Rebecca what's your'? Maya. 'What a pretty name for such a pretty girl'. She looks so cute brown/red hair and piercing green eyes. I color with her for a little bit until i hear Ella. "Mommy"?! 'Over here Ella'. She finds me sitting with Maya. "Mommy your my mommy". 'I know but you know mommy loves you and she has a big heart. More then enough love for more people'. 'You love Eddie right Ella'? "Yes". "An you love mommy too right". "Yes". 'See you have enough room and you have a small heart so mommy has enough love for Maya too'. "Okay mommy". 'Now why don't you play with Maya for a little bit while i find Nate'. "Okay". See theirs my beautiful baby girl. With that i leave off to  find Nate. I see him sat with little boys all around him and Eddie with him playing with a kid his age. 'Hey'. "Hey what's ups". 'Nothing just Ella she got really jealous I was playing with this little girl'. "Yeah I know your all she's know so most of your attention. Has been on her so now she doesn't want to share you". 'I know it's just so unlike her'. "Give it time she they will probably be good friends but it seems like they are already good friends". Sure enough turning around I see Ella and Maya are laughing and talking. 'Wow it's going to be such a shame to separate them'. "Tell you what if you aren't the first person to leave then she can come stay with you. At the apartment and she can go to Ella school". 'Deal'. We shake hands. "Come i think its time i feed you and take you home". 'Oh okay'. "Come on Eddie". 'Come on Ella'. Seeing that we had to go they get up from where they were seated and come to us. Going over to Maya i give her a hug and tell her i will see her later. Walking out we say goodbye to Susan. "So where do you want to go to eat"? 'Pizza sounds good'. "Pizza it is then". Going back into the car Nate heads to a pizza place he knows. Once we reach their we get out an Eddie and Ella hold hands. While going ahead of us Nate and I walk and talk. Eddie opens the door for Ella for the pizza place. Once shes in he lets me go in then himself and let Nate fend for himself. Having the door close on Nate's face was hilarious. I open the door for him to come in. 'Wow your brother is a gentlemen Nate'. "He's a pain that's what he is". 'Come on the kids already sat down'. He mutters words under his breath. But comes along with me. Sitting down with the kids we wait for a waitress. Soon a waiter comes along. He looks at Nate but his focus is on me. I see that he's not so secretly checking me out. Nate clears his throat and the waiter asks what we want. "We will have two apple juices and two Colas". The guy nods and leaves to get out drink. The guy who's name is Adam comes back with our drinks. What can i get you to eat? "Yes we will take a large pepperoni pizza please". I will get on that. 'Thank you'. With that he leaves but not without giving me a last look.

Hour later
We finished eating. Getting up Nate goes and pays. While i take the kids to go to restroom to get cleaned up. Once we get out we met Nate at the door. Seeing Nate in our sight we make our way to him. Feeling a tap on my shoulder i turn around to see Adam standing their with a little smirk. 'Hello can i help you'? Yes i was wondering if you would go out with me? I don't know you. Well we can get to know each other we can start by you giving me your number. 'I am sorry but i don't think so i am pretty busy with school and my daughter'. Here how about i give you my number so when ever your free you can call me. "Mommy Nate is coming and he looks mad". Turning around sure enough Nate is next to me throwing eye daggers at Adam. "Come on love, the kids need to get to bed". With that Nate grabs my hand and Ella who grabs Eddie hand so now we are all out of the pizza place an at the door to the car. Nate unlocks the car and i buckle up the kids while Nate is pacing. Finally he gets in after a couple minutes of just the kids and i in the car. He gets in silently and we head back into campus. After fifteen we are parked in the parking lot. Ella is already asleep so i carry her inside. 'Goodbye Nate i had fun see at school'. "Goodbye love see you tommorow". With that he leaves and i head to the door. Going in the elevator i see Andy their. 'Hey Andy your just getting home'? "Yeah coach made me run extra laps for a side comment i made during practice. Here let me carry her". 'Oh okay'. With that he shifts his bag to the other side and takes Ella in his left arm. 'Thanks'. "So how was your day with Prince"? It was good he took Ella and i out sight seeing. "Well​ that sounds great, you know him not being here today was all over today". Really wow what was class like what did i miss? "Nothing much just read more of fairy tale bok and then history you have to do an essay. About the history of england minimal of a thousand words". 'Great'. "Don't look so glum just get some information from the text book and you know all the stories that book". 'Your right im just going to put Ella to sleep and do the essay'. We get to the door and i open it up Andy goes into Ella and I room he places her down. Telling him goodnight he leaves to his room. I change her out of her day clothes an put her to bed. After that i shower and change so i can work on my essay. Coming out fifteen later i go to the little desk and do the essay. Half an hour later i am ready to pass out. I put my books away and slip into the bed. Once my head hits the pillow i fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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