12 | The Party (Part III)

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Evening. Friday, February 8th, 2014

Have you ever done something you regretted so much, it physically hurt you inside?

That's exactly how I felt when Bella's lips touched mine. As soon as those crimson pillows left me, I knew that that was something I shouldn't have ever done. I love Darko, and although I'm unsure as to how he feels, I should have never thought about another person in that way.

It broke me when Darko walked in. When he ran out, slamming the door into its frame, it felt like a dozen swords nosedived into my chest. Something shattered in me.

I regret ever going with Bella.

Darko feels something for me, I just know it. He wouldn't have run out like that if he didn't. He reacted like how a wife would if she walked in on her man with another woman. He was hurt that I was with Bella. If he didn't feel anything, he would have just said sorry and shut the door, and probably waited outside so he could tease me after.

He feels something. It's the only logical explanation.

Resisting Bella's protest, I ran out of the room, slamming the door behind me. My breath quickened as I looked around frantically for Darko. I needed to find him and explain everything to him. My shoes slammed hard into Lyra's tiles as I searched the house - every step I took, I felt a little more sober. I ran to the backyard, but Darko was gone.

I should have pulled back when Bella kissed me. I should have shoved her away and ran out of that room. I should have never gone to this party in the first place.

I should have been kissing Darko instead.

I stopped searching and slowly slid down a wall. I ran my fingers through my hair, catching my breath.

Where would he be?


"Darko!" I shouted as I burst through Lyra's front door. I leant over her porch fence, squinting out into her yard. A few people lingered around the place, but none of them was him.

"Damnit. Where are you?" I asked myself. I clutched the porch and took in a few breaths.

That's when I felt my stomach flip. I hunched over Lyra's porch fence and vomited. The disgusting liquid tore at my throat, the bitterness burning my tongue.

I'm never drinking alcohol again.

Wiping away at my lips, I turned around. Trent and his group were walking out of Lyra's house when they spotted me. Trent screamed "YUCK" before making a gagging noise. He sauntered up to me.

"Well, look who it is; the little piano freak has shown up. Should we steal his lunch money, like old times?" Trent said, turning to face his group when he said that last sentence. Duncan sniggered while Michael and David distractedly squinted around the yard. Their eyes were red. Owen just shrugged while tapping away at his phone.

I felt my hands begin to shake again. Yeah, these were the guys that bullied me, and Trent was Bella's ex.

"H-have any of you guys seen Darko?" I asked hesitantly, gritting my teeth at his statements. Trent just smirked before looking at Duncan.

"That's funny," Trent stated before asking, "Darko asked us a similar thing about an hour ago. Where were you and Bella?"

Duncan sniggered before nudging Trent's shoulder, "The better question is, what were they doing? Look at his lips man; they're smeared with her red lipstick."

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