24 | Realisation

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T A Y L O R ' S  P.O.V

Midday Wednesday, February 13th, 2014.  

"Hey, Taylor. Can I talk to you for a second?" a voice asked me. I glanced up from my piano and saw Owen standing there. He awkwardly held his guitar at his side, while he clutched a small yellow piece of paper in the other.

"Uhm," I felt my lips say, lifting a brow. "Sure?"

"Cool. Come out to the hall with me."

I left my piano, confused, and followed him out into the school's hallway. What's he doing? He never talks to me in music. 

He turned to face me. "Look, you were meant to find this note earlier this morning, but you never did. I think I hid it too well."

He handed me the folded sheet of paper. I lifted a brow at him. 

"What's this?"

"It's something good. Hopefully. I need to show you that because... he can't. Ignore the last half of it, that stuff was only relevant because I thought you'd find it, and the stains. I'm terrible at calligraphy."

I opened the piece of paper.

I opened the piece of paper

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My eyes widened. They flicked at Owen before they cast back down onto the sheet of paper.

The porcelain piano and the love letter? That... that was all Darko?

Owen coughed. "I couldn't say that out loud, for obvious reasons. Bella may have some of her underlings lurking around the place. You can never be too careful."

I barely nodded at Owen. I was too busy remembering what was written in the note. Bella wasn't confessing her love to me, it was Darko. It all makes sense.

All these weeks, its all been my personal speculation that Darko's crushing over me. But this? this was proof. Physical proof of his feelings. 

"He... he definitely feels something for me?" I managed to say through my grin. Owen nodded. 

"He sure damn does. And you..?"

I looked up at Owen. "What do you think?"

He considered me for a moment. I felt his eyes scan my blushing face, my happy tears streaking down my cheeks, and the wide grin that's probably permanently there now. He nodded.

"This is surreal. Am I dreaming?" I asked. Much to my relief, he shook his head.

"No, you're not. This is all real." 


Owen looked back into the classroom. "I think Miss Lauriana is looking for us. I'll head inside; I'll be by your piano. I think you need a moment out here to calm down. There's a lot we need to talk about. Just, do not message Darko."

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