18 | Extortion

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*Angry, adorable Max irons gif^*

D A R K O 'S P.O.V

Monday evening, February 11th, 2014.

I cannot believe Bella stole my fucking gifts.

Entwined in Taylor's delicate fingers were my porcelain piano and my wax-sealed envelope. My heart fell out of my chest when he read me the letter. That piano figurine was one of a kind - I even engraved my initials to the base of it, so Taylor would always find it special. This gift was meant to be the thing that helped me come out to Taylor, and remove the crushing weight of my undying feelings for him.

And Bella's taken it all and used it for her own gain.

I'm fucking angry! This gift was personal. Bella doesn't even like the piano.

All I could hear was a loud, piercing white noise as I ran to my car, leaving a very confused Taylor behind me. Adrenaline coursed through my entire being as I had fished out my keys and switched on my car's ignition. How did she know I even had a gift in my glove box? Why did she have a knife?

Why does she love screwing with me?!

I had sped off, leaving long skid marks on the asphalt. Pitch black smoke billowed out of my exhaust pipe as I raced out of the school car park, narrowly missing the edge of the school's fence. Other cars beeped as I shot through red lights and took illegal turns.

I don't give a fuck about them. I'm going to Bella's house and demanding answers. I'm sick of her screwing with my life - this shit needs to stop.

"Your destination is on the left," my phone's GPS said. Hastily pulling over, I got out of the car before slamming the door and stormed towards her house, seething.

I've only ever been here once before, and it was to pick up Taylor. He and Bella had spent the afternoon at her house, studying for Biology. God knows if they studied - Bella probably tried to kiss him.

I rapped my knuckles on the grand oak door and folded my arms. Quick footsteps erupted from the house, before the lock on the door clicked. It swung open. I closed my eyes, knitted my brows and growled.

"Alright Bella, what the actual fuck? Why the hell did you decide to break into my car, take my glove box, steal my fucking present and my love letter to Taylor? How fucking dare you-"

I froze. Bella was not at the door.

Instead, there was a little girl, probably only seven years old, clutching the door handle with one hand. Tears welled in her eyes as she dropped a teddy bear she was holding.

"BIG SIS! THERE'S A SCARY MAN AT THE DOOR SWEARING AT ME!" the little girl said, slamming the oak slab. I could hear her sobbing through the door.

Oh, fuck.

I whipped out my phone and checked the address. Everything was correct - I got the right house. Maybe this was her little sister?

Suddenly, the door swung open, nearly making me drop my phone. The little girl was still there, although this time, she was hiding behind a very familiar woman.

"Hannah, go back to our movie. I need to talk to him," Bella said, her eyes not leaving mine. The little girl, who I assumed was Hannah, picked up her stuffed teddy and ran back into the house. Bella swung the flyscreen-door open, before shutting the wooden door behind her. A sardonic smile crept on her lips.

Why was she so evil?

"Okay, one, don't you dare talk to my sister like that again, and two: what the hell are you doing here?" She said, her eyebrows knitting.

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