I love u Rohan...

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I decided that i will not think of him the more i say that the more i am in his thoughts... Why on earth i fell in love with him... i started to sob but i dont want to break the promise of Veer.... i wanted to cry but i dont want to break his promise... i was controlling my cry and just then Veer hopped and came in and saw me.. when i saw him i broke down and cried loud by hugging him... 

I wanted him to hear it but i was scared of what he will think of me... 

Who is he ?? came his words... i immediately snapped my head up to see him.. he smiled and said i knew some one is there in ur life tweety who is he dear ?? 

I was not able to say anything other than to cry again... he rubbed my back and slowly husked... Will u say ur heart to him... 

No... came my answer.... 

Why not pls rose... if u wanna move on u have to either forget him that u r not doing it but atleast say ur heart so that u may feel light... there was a big fight between me and Veer he was all the time asking me reasons and am all the time avoiding the question....

He is gonna get engaged Veer.. i love him not him...  i said in between my tears... i saw him and he said... Fine let him get engaged but did not marry right... till last minute there is a possibility of chances... without saying it how can u think that he will reject u ?? Here have my phone and call him and even delete the number after the call... so no problem... 

He was right.. i should say my heart... I picked up the mobile came out of the room and sat in a room where no one was there and called his number...

Hello... came his voice...

Rohan... I asked back... 

Yup who is this... 

I may not be known by you but i know u so much Rohan... i knew u r gonna get engaged... and will be happy marrying her but one thing rohan i  wanted to say is i love u.... 

He was about to interrupt but i did not give him a chance...

I knew u are in love with sahkshi... but i love u so much... u know what u were the first person who took care for me... i took that as love... for me its love... u may think me other wise but i love u so much rohan.... i may not be able to be upto the mark of u expectation but that doesnt mean i dont love u... u were only my love... were is and always be coz... for me u r the only one.....

saying so i disconnected the call and took few deep breaths and came inside and Veer was right... i felt light... wish i spoke infront of rohan and he hugs me and i had a happy ending but i knew it is not and so im happy with my confession... i hugged Veer and thanked him... he yet again took me out and  i was feeling so much happy after days... i really loved the company of Veer now i made up my mind what so ever happens let me not leave the hands of my Sylvester...


I was all ready for today as it is a big day for me... i am gonna get engaged with my love tomorrow.. sleep left me hours back but suddenly i got a call... i attended and there came a melodic voice which made my body react...

Rohan... she asked... 

Yup who is this i asked back....

I may not be known by you but i know u so much Rohan... i knew u r gonna get engaged... and will be happy marrying her but one thing rohan i wanted to say is i love u.... 

this made me shiver... i was about to interrupt but she never left me a chance...

I knew u are in love with sakshi... but i love u so much... u know what u were the first person who took care for me... i took that as love... for me its love... u may think me other wise but i love u so much rohan.... i may not be able to be upto the mark of u expectation but that doesnt mean i dont love u... u were only my love... were is and always be coz... for me u r the only one.....  

saying so she disconnected the call..i had many friends... why is this bothering me now.. might not be upto the expectation means ?? I stood froze... those were true words of her... but who is she ?? Why is her pain bothering me ?? Am i not supposed to forget it but why is her words are causing me pain... but the main fact is who is she...

Rohan... i heard a call... oh god engagement i have to go... wait can i go... why is my heart carving to see the girl... i can imagine her eyes were in tears... but why me her words were ringing my ears...so much hurt yet she loves me...

I know u love sakshi..but i love u rohan... such a true confession but why is her words making me feel bad why is my heart making me feel like i want to give her relief from her pain... oh god what us happening... i saw sakshi dressed in a beautiful lehanga with the most adorable smile i can ever see but i just feel the girl's cry... hell with my feel..
I stood up... i saw sakshi but my heart was beating the girls words...

I love u rohan... i closed my eyes and i can hear her words...god she is casting all spells on me...

When sakshi was about to put the ring in my hand i pulled it back....

Im sorry sakshi i have to fix few things till that time I want u to wait...

Her eyes welled up... she saw me with surprise and more was i can see she is hurt....My sudden confession made her hurt... rohan i did....

No not u its about me...i am... i want some time... i dont know but i want some time dear...pls trust me...

I knew there was a commotion but i was least bothered...She nodded and i went out and took my car and started to drive... i want to speak to some one my heart... someone who i can open my but whom... when i scrolled my mobile i opened my gallery by mistake and saw her pic my best friend rose pic... i saw that and a small smile crept... i some how got her mobile number and i called her irrespective of the timing difference...

Hello... came her voice... is her voice this sweet or do i imagine so...


Tadaa im bunny back to business... how was it ?? Veer is so sweet i seriously adore his friendship.. and rose is so adorable and rohan has broke the engagement... oh my thats a big one.... right... so how is it... say me your views and also pls can u vote for this chapter ?? 

Happy sunday love u all stay blessed and stay strong and always smile.... muhhhhaaaa 

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