My untold love...

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Rose was really looking dull these days... I wanted to take her break from her work.. she now works with me... and Veer as well... she wont leave him and their friendship... i dont want to break my head in their friendship... my thought was broken when Rose sat next to me and kept her head over my shoulders... i kissed her head while i saw her smiling with her eyes closed... she completes me in every aspect but her sickness is making me scare... 

Rossy i called her.. she hummed in response... u alright ? i asked her... she nodded yes but it was a weak nod... Rohan can u take a day off today wanna spend some time with you... she pleaded... let's go to doctor.. u r seriously not fine rossy i spoke in a worried tone...

She smiled and said i am all fine... today i want you to be with me... i dont want u to take any calls and i spoke to Veer as stay with me...

She is planning something... i nodded and held her close to me and cradled her in my heart... she is now my everything... even a small pain to her is making me heart ache... 

I closed my eyes thought how we spent our days in our school... those secret silent eating in the back bench... she helping me cover up for the mistakes... our favorite pass times... the bike ride... then i falling for sakshi... leaving Rose... she leaving me to London and then slowly i start to miss Rose... her closeness towards Veer... Veer the one who stood like a rock near Rose... the phone call where she confessed her heart to me... those broken words... those broken voice... then she coming back for my wedding then Sakshi marries Veer and Rose coming to hold me... her hatred those days yet the care she had... then i finally getting to my love... the one who is now my everything... i never thought i would marry rose even in my wildest dreams but i hate if some one troubles speaks to her even looks at her side... those days i never knew these were all because i was possessive over my friend who is actually my love... 

Rose was sleeping all sound and i dared to move away from her... After few hours she woke up and smiled at me...We are going out Rohan as i have one surprise for u.. saying so she walked passing me... Surprise what suddenly... I was confused... Rose was never a character who would express her feel out and she is giving me a surprise which was really a surprise to me... I was in an important call and she said she will manage alone for sometime and asked me to come soon... I kissing her head started from my house... 

It was an important meeting and i was happy that i cracked the deal... Rossy i am starting home i spoke to her on phone... she smiled and said come soon i have to say u something important Rohan... I'll be there soon... hanging the call i started from my office... on the way i saw Veer Sakshi with Dhruv in the opposite lane... Dhruv was jumping front and back and Veer and Sakshi playing with him before Veer starts his car as they are heading for a holiday trip...

I smiled and thought myself Rossy and our kids playing and having fun... wish that i too have those beautiful days... shaking my head i drove my car... parking it in front of my house i walked into the house... the main door was unlocked... rossy never does that... is she alright... suddenly i was hit by my dining chair... i turned to see a small slip in it... a sudden scare pain grief struck me... did my love leave me... did i again make any mistake...

Rohan... i wanted to say this for really long but i couldn't... whenever i gather some strength u will leave me speechless with ur love... so i am saying through this letter...

I love you Rohan... from the day i saw you.. i was not that strong enough to confess my heart to you thinking i won't be suitable for you but now you complete me in every aspect... a small present for you in the bag pls take a look at it... this is a small gift for best lover on earth... 

Your love your rossy...

She finally said i love you... i was in moon now... i turned and found a small bag in it... i took that and let my hand in to the bag and found a cloth and file... keeping the file on the table i pulled out a fabric out... when i stretched it i found a small wollen dress... really tiny and few words engraved in it...

Don't mess with me my dad is watching you...

I smiled... then realisation came to me... dont mess with me dad is watching you ?? Means am i going to become daddy ?? Is my rossy pregnant ?? Hell my head is going to bust in happiness... then i took the file from the table... my eyes were filled with happy tears... it stated Mrs. ROSE ROHAN RAIZADA IS PREGNANT...

I am going to be a daddy soon and my dream of having lovely time with my kids will going to come true... suddenly rossy came out and shouted.. Rohan don't see that i want to give u as surprise she came running to me... i held her and said no more running...

Hell did u see it.. she mumbled... what is this ?? I asked her showing her the wollen cloth... she smiled and said it was nice na... as the baby is going to have a best dad in the world i wanted the daddy to have a best gift... i smiled and pulled her to me...

Say me those three words the words which i read in the letter...i asked her... she curled her lips and her cheeks turned red... she still blushing to say me i love you...

I....i am.... hell she is gonna say she is hungry again... i pulled her to me and picked her in my hand and walked to the bedroom by kicking the door...her eyes on me... and i was looking at her...

Placing her in the bed i climed over it and pulled her to me...

So a girl or a boy... she kept her head over my heart and said a boy.... why not a girl ?? I asked her... girl is nice but i want a boy like u... she said... smiling at that i said pulling her chin i want a girl like you...

What if we have a boy ?? She asked me teasingly... well we will get into the process of having a sister to my son you know i said shrugging my shoulders... her eyes widened... slapping my shoulder she smiled... i smiled as well...

I love you Rohan... she said... my heart was beating all mad... tossing myself above her and making her look at me... she blushed and saw me... you said it finally i said... she nodded and hid her face in my heart...chuckling i pulled her away... i love you too rossy... saying so i kissed her....

I never knew my best friend will be the best thing for me...i love you rossy... and then i heard her sweet voice i love you too Rohan...


Tadaa bunny here... this is how they started their new life... upto this their story ends... but is that really ?? Naaa we will see few bonus chapters as well...

Yes now who is happy ?? I am happy to write about them... Rose Rohan Veer and sakshi will visit us every weekend... and the next book Just three months will be continued soon... a diff story yet they will be the second book of this... nothing is same from here and there yet they make a connection with their journey...

So finally the curtains of My untold love is closed... we will see few bonus chapters...

I am grateful for the love i have reveived... i am speechless... really speechless... i never expected my work will make u all this much happy... hope i made some justice in the you all will meet you all soon in bonus chaps and just three months..

Love you all... muhhhhaaaa


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