Daily life-2 I am leaving you Rohan.

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Hiee all bunny here... how are you all doing ?? I am doing good... we have seen how Rose managed to live the life in London but we never saw how she went to London... so here is how she started to London... 



I was packing the bags to start from Mumbai. I was continuously checking my mobile expecting just a single call from that one person, just once. I was all the time unlocking my mobile to check whether i have missed any calls or did i get any text from my one special person. My wait was not fruitful as i have to leave my home within some time.

I stood in the middle of my room looking at the vacant space, the room which carried memories, my childhood, my happiness, my anger the real me. A small bubbling smile played in my lips in between the tears.

Placing my hand over the wall i found a scribble which stated Rose is best rest are waste. I giggled at that. My mobile screamed , leaving whatever i thought the second before i pulled my mobile from my pant pocket and found it was from an unknown number, I crooked my eye brows swiping the answer button i was about to keep my mobile near my ear. While doing that my heart was drumming hard, a small hope of just a glimpse, just a second to see his face , to hear his voice and a single hug to embrace me the rest of my life.

Keeping it near my ear i spoke within the harsh breathe" Hello.... ?? "

Ma'am the car will reach in five minutes to the venue, sorry for the delay. I gave a breath out, My eyes started to become blurry because of the tears, i am still hopelessly in love with him even after knowing he will not love me back. Why ??why should this happen to me always ?? I cursed and crashed on the floor.

"No Rose you are strong, you can make it, you can make this dear" I encouraged myself to take this big step. Wiping my tears and finishing a full bottle of water I splashed the water on my face to look neat so that mom never doubts me.

Shaking my head i took my bag and stood in front of my mom and she was all the time looking at the empty rooms from the hall. It is huge right ?? she asked me, "Yeah it is huge, huge for a mother and a daughter, huge for a old sister and a small sweet little sister" i said inbetween my giggles while hugging her from the behind keeping my chin on her shoulder.

She slapped my arms slightly and held my hand tight. I saw her and she saw me. Those were the minutes where we did not speak but our hearts were rewinding all those days we lived in this one bedroom flat, those hard days, happy days every minute every second we were going through it now. My mobile rang; yet again my heart was making a joyful dance. My hands became shaky "What if it is not from him ?? or what if it is from him ??" I was making an either or choices there and finally reaching my hands to my mobile i found the call from an unknown, but the number seems familiar. It was from that driver.

Taking a deep breath and gulping myself for more than three times i saw my mom, she was in a verge of breaking down. Before going any worse i took the bags out and she turned and started to walk out. This was our home but not anymore. It was hard for me to make mom to leave the place. I gave the keys to our neighbour who shared the same floor for more than 5 years, their little daughter was smiling at me all wide, smiling at that innocent soul i bend down to kiss her. Hugging my neighbour for one last time i smiled at them.

"Take good care of yourself Rose and take care of aunty as well, we will miss you" nodding my head i smiled and said take care of my little fighter sis, send me the pics of the guy rolling in your tummy. Her cheeks became a bit pink, smiling at that i turned and crossed the house where i spent my life, halting for one final time infront of the wooden door, giving it a glance for the last time i walked out and gave one small smile to my flat guard and sat inside the taxi.

The drive was silent, all the time i was looking at the roads and thinking of the time i spent there. I saw mom she was lost as well, giving her a look i turned and saw the roads for one last time. This is the last time i will see these roads, once i step out i wont step in because i have no reason to step in. Suddenly my mobile vibrated. I was all the time praying my god that it should be from him, my hands suddenly went cold, please please be you , please call me one time i wont bother you here after. It was an ad call. I banged my mobile on the seat and closed my eyes. My eyes were unknowingly pouring, why should my heart beat his name ?? Why should i hopelessly be in love with him ? Why should he leave me ?? Why did he not see me the love i have for him ?? Why ?? Why ?? I gagged my mouth and cried. I felt a warm hand over my shoulder. I turned and saw mom looking deep into me, it is only she no one else is there for me, no one will be there for me. It is only she. I kept my head over her lap and silently cried my heart out. She was rubbing my head and i closed my eyes and started to take the reality that he will not come and this is how i will be without him never i will be with him or he will be with me, never... this is never gonna happen. He is always in love with Sakshi and i am just his friend, only his friend , just friends...registering that in my brain i found some peace in my mother's lap.

We came to the airport and pulled my luggage from the duckey, mom took the trolley and i was loading my bags in that. After clearing the taxi i saw mom who was lost. "Mom come let's start a new phase of our life." She nodded her head with a smile, I nodded my head and then we took the trolley and made our formalities and sat in a the waiting place as we made to the airport more than 2 hours early than our check in time.

I went to the nearby coffee shop to buy some eatables to me and mom and i needed a walk as my legs became sour. Just then i heard someone shouting me by shouting few hey.

I turned and found him. He came, he came my bleeding heart rejoiced, my eyes became wet with happy tears, he has come for me for me !! he still cares me he still has a place for me he still remembers me, if not as a love but as a friend he still remembers me.

I was smiling at my thought, he waved his hand at my side. I gave a breathe in between my smiling lips and teary eyes. He really came, he has really made it, i knew he wont break his promise, i can say that. My smile faded when he just crossed me and went behind me. I saw Sakshi coming towards him with a big smile and ran to him and hugged him tight. I held my heart, it became heavy.. really heavy and i can't breathe at all. I chocked i shouldn't have made any expectation. I shouldn't have build any hopes. They love each other and i stepped out from their life, his life. I turned myself when they came to the same coffee shop. My order came, without even a second late i took both cups and rushed from there. He turned to see me but i did not give any chance to make him see me. He has her and i have my mom to live, I won't fall for any one but not forget him at all. For me my love is away from me far away from me but he loves me so much and will always be with me.

I took the trolley and mom stood up and saw me. Come ma it's time for starting to a new beginning, with that I started from there leaving everything and my love behind.


Tadaa bunny here... i am really feeling for Rose... she is one fragile flower as Veer used to say... Well we say one past... next will be one present scenario... As promised i am making it hope you guys are enjoying it... 

Paint the stars and become an artist... share me your views.. am waiting to read them all....Love you all muhhhhaaa


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