Back to the place i never wanna be

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The flight journey was really silent.... she was sleeping but not her thoughts... i saw those cute closed eyes.... there was a small wetness in her eye lashes.... she gave one big breathe.... still she is thinking of him... but not letting him say that... why is she doing this to her... i just wish she spoke her heart to him... was he really in love with sakshi or was that just an attraction ??

I shook my head and pulled her to my embrace... she rubbed her nose in my shirt and slept hugging my arms.... i smiled and gently patting her head jumped into a deep sleep and dreaming a beautiful life with me and sakshi and rose always happy... 

Flight landed and we came out pulling our luggage... i had my ways to bring sakshi to the airport... she was there standing far from where i am... but i can bet she was smiling all big just like me... i smiled and held rose's hands and walked even further then suddenly rose frowned... she was fighting within herself... so many thoughts were running into her mind which was clearly seen on her face... i turned to see the reason of her state and there he was... Rohan... the so called fiance of sakshi... i pulled her and she came out of her thought and saw me then she turned the other side and again saw me with a smile... but it was not a normal smile... it had something.... woo she is ready to play... smiling at her i tugged me hands with her and she smiled big.... we came and i saw rohan who was smiling was now having a pale face when she is ignoring him totally... wow i never knew my flower will now become a bomb... well done rose thinking so i saw sakshi and pulled her in a hug and i husked "why are u this beautiful sakshi ??  dont tempt me... i'm not a good guy..." i pulled myself from her and saw her blushing... i gave one hand shake with rohan and he pulled me into a hug...

Stay away from my rossy Veer she is not the one for u and i can't stand her getting hurt... 

i was now burning... is he thinking me with rose ?? how can some one think this low... u.... i did not react much coz i have my way of revenge and its gonna be done soon and he will taste it as well... thinking of what i am going to do i held rose by her waist and she saw me with a most adorable smile she can give and we started back home where sakshi lives to be frank my in law house... i want rose to say her heart to rohan then i will pull her from him so that he is feeling the pain what she went through.... 

Thinking at my thought and smirking i pulled Rose and we all started home... i need to spend some time with my love and i know my rose needs to show her anger to her lover boy... as per planned sakshi took her car and she gave one puppy look at rose when sakshi said she wants me to come with her... rose nodded like a doll and she sat in the other car technically Rohan's car... he stood infront of his car and gave me one smirk.. chuckling at his own fate i sat in my car... 

It was a silent drive and sakshi was driving the car... 

Madam if you have any idea of what is speaking please do this i hate silence... she stopped the car and saw me... and the next second she hugged me tight... 

Promise me that we will do this together... what ever we planned... i want you to be with me always will you do that to me veer pls.... 

I smiled and caressed her head and she removed herself from me... i held her palm and kissed it... and smiled and said do you think i will leave my love to some one else... the day you said you love me... i spoke to your family... your dad and mom were convinced when i spoke to them for couple of times... so dont worry we are doing this... we are getting married... not you with rohan... till the last minute never speak that to him... i wanna give my sweet pay back to him for his stupidity... 

Aren't we hurting Rohan...  Sakshi asked me... 

Did he ever thought of you before hurting you sakshi ?? she was silent i knew this is the best way to keep her silent 

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