- an open letter to the girl he loves next -please take care of him :)
give him the best love you could offer.
there are times that he will just shut you off his life but just be there for him.
dont ever leave him hanging wondering where did he go wrong. don’t get insecure when other girls talk to him because he’s really nice.he means it when he tells you he’s only into you. he’s not perfect, he’s made of fragment and dust. you can’t go on a day without getting lost in his tsunami of thoughts. he is one of the most complex people I know, and also one of the most eccentric people I have met but somehow that adds a flavor to his personality. you wouldn’t know what’s inside if you won’t take time to look for it, i am telling you, that will be one of the best thing that will happen in your life.
to know him is a blessing, he is a gift from God.
be grateful that you met him and get the chance to be loved by him. you are so lucky and blessed to have him. that you have his heart. a heart that i’ve been trying to caught for so long is now yours, finally.i envy you but i don’t feel anything against you.
you are the love of his life.
you are his life now, his world, the reason of his smile.I hope you won’t take him for granted.
don’t let a day passed without talking about your misunderstanding. treat him right. he will give you the love you deserve and you don’t have to worry because you’re the only one in his heart.
losing him is something you will never forget, something you’ll never fully recover from. It will hurt your heart so much and his name will resonate within your soul forever.don’t give up on him.
love him;
and make him feel every single day.he’s such a loving man
even though he’s not that sweet all the time.be patient with him and don’t give up on him.
please take care of his heart. dont ever hurt him, i will shed a tear if i see him hurting because of you. I spent my whole life protecting him and now he finally met someone who will do it.love him with all your heart.
I am happy for the both of you, really.
maybe someday, i can really smile when i see the both of you together, maybe I’ll be moved on by then, hopefully.—QUOTESME
PuisiDicintai dan disayangi kamu adalah anugerah terindah yang tuhan berikan padaku. #1-Quotes me [ Quotes dari berbagai sumber ] [ Tidak mengcopy dari quotes manapun ]