if you are my boyfriend,
you are not my prisoner.
you can do whatever you want as long as you’ll inform me and if it won’t do anything harm on you.
i won’t ask for the whole time of your day because i know that you have other priorities and duties that you need to do.if you are my boyfriend,
i won’t stop you from doing the things you love before I came to your life. i'll support you in every decision and in everything that you want in life.
i will not be just your girl, but i will also be your bestfriend and a family.if you are my boyfriend,
i’ll respect you in all aspect.
i'll respect whatever you say, the things that you want me to do, i’ll respect your opinion, your side and all the things that matters to you. and I will always be by your side to guide you in everything.if you are my boyfriend,
i’ll understand your dark side.
The things that you’re trying to hide that you think are not beautiful. I’ll embrace your flaws and your mistake. I understand that you are not a perfect person when I met you. I will always love everything about you. I will always listen to you and give you my trust.if you are my boyfriend,
i will not make you jealous.
i will not let you sleep at night sad and disappointed. i will not give you a heavy feeling to your heart. i will not leave you at night thinking what’s wrong and if you’re not good enough. i will not let you think that you are alone and no one’s there for you. i will not make you feel that you are hard to love and that no one can love you.and if I am your girl,
I won’t promise you anything but one thing’s for sure, I will love you with all my heart and you will always have me. I may not be perfect but I will be your best girlfriend.”—QUOTES ME
PuisiDicintai dan disayangi kamu adalah anugerah terindah yang tuhan berikan padaku. #1-Quotes me [ Quotes dari berbagai sumber ] [ Tidak mengcopy dari quotes manapun ]