Chapter 2

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“Well, Happy 22nd monthsary” Jonas and Klein said in unison.

They're really not celebrating as a matter-of-fact they are just trying to make fun of me. I lay down the food I bought.

“So tell us what happened yesterday? Did he buy you a cake? Were there pathway candle lights and rose petals tossed all over the floor?"

Klein teased as he snatched three fries on my plate. We still have two hours vacant before our last subject.

“Come on tell us what happened” He insisted.

I sigh. “We fought again” I said under my breath, I want to take back what I said but I guess I've just blurt it out loud for them to hear though.

“What's new?” Jonas whispered.

“But it's not like what you think guys. We fought but we're okay now. Besides, relationships often go through things like that it makes us stronger you know.”

Klein smiled, he's usually the nosy one. He loves hearing fresh news about all people involved in his life but you can always trust his mouth to shut. He's playful and sometimes he pisses off Jonas, or maybe not only sometimes because he really does it often.

While Jonas, he's usually serious but he's a bit nosy too, only a bit compared to Klein. He and Klein had known each other for a month before I joined their club during the second month of the semester last year.

In fact the reason why I've been close to them is because Klein's high school classmate Dorothy is attending the same school with Marcus, we figured it out when we once had a small talk.

"Bringing it up was actually a bad idea, let's change the topic. How's Math?" Klein said.

My nose twitch when I heard the word Math, that subject is driving me crazy. As in really fucking crazy.

"You suck at changing subjects, you only made this conversation worse." Jonas snapped.

I just watch the both of them as they argue one another, well this isn't news to me. They do it all that time so I'm used to it.

* * * *

We attended are last subject and the moment I sit on my chair my phone vibrated, it was a text from Marcus.

Marcus: I'll pick you up at six pm after your class.
Me: Okay. I'll be waiting on the shed. Same old place.
Marcus: See you babe, I love you.

I read his text again, specially the last part of his sentence. Since the fight, I feel like I partly love him and partly hate him now. He just typed I love you what's new with that?

I read it three times hoping to feel something but then again I feel none.

Two years back then when we're in high school, I use to keep his messages with I love yous' in my archive, and no matter how many times I read it, I will still feel the same ground feeling all over my body.

I remember how I would glance at my watch during class time to see if it's already five and the class will be dismissed.

I'm always excited in our dismissal cause I know he's waiting. Marcus is waiting for me at the gate of our school because their teacher always dismisses them early.

And he's waiting patiently because he wants to walk me home, so we'll have time to talk and know each other very well.

I remember when I said yes to him during our field trip and how he hugged me tight like we're the only people in that place and I remember completely how he said his first I love you to me personally.

He said it to my ears and when his warm breath touches my skin, I suddenly feel the spark between us.

Now that it's almost 2 years that has passed, I cannot count how many times he said those three words to me,

I still continuously feel the same  old spark, the same old passion. Those three words mean the most reason why we're still together.

Then why do I feel empty reading his text? I'm bothered. I can only read it as a simple text. Nothing more, that's it

Three Empty Words #UDWAwards2018Where stories live. Discover now