Chapter 3

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Heavy rain pours while I'm waiting for our class dismissal. Unfortunately, the rain didn't stop even after class.

I walk outside of our building and ran as fast as I could to get through the shed where I told Marcus to pick me.

I used my bag to cover my head, I'm lucky that I didn't bring my fillers and expensive pens with me today, but still unfortunate though, cause I forgot to bring my umbrella.

It's not my fault either, the weather seemed to be good this morning.

Fuck the rain.

I get through the shed.

Shit! The shed is full, there's no safe place I could go. I stand beside the shed which is full of bystanders waiting for the rain to stop.

It's so cold as I stand on the side and I'm soaking wet. My phone isn't working probably because it's not waterproof.

I hug myself and glance over my watch thank God it's waterproof!

Marcus bought this for me on our first anniversary.

It's already 5:40 pm he'll be here any soon.

Suddenly the rain stopped.

No, I mean it didn't stop, it's still pouring heavy but there's no rain dropping on my head anymore.

“You're so stupid” Jonas said from behind as he keeps me dry under his umbrella.

“I've never met someone as stupid as you” I look up at him and he's not smiling, I guess he really meant what he said to me.

I'm a bit shivering “I know, but I trust him and he's coming” my breath is freezing.

He sigh “I'll wait with you then” he said without even looking at my direction.

It's already eight, the rain had stop and we're sitting on a bench under the shed, the people crowding the place already left, they're probably home by now while I'm still here waiting with Jonas, hoping that Marcus will still pick me up, he never stood me up before.

From soaking wet earlier, now my clothes are almost dry, but still no sign of Marcus has shown. I just wish that I won't catch a cold because of this.

I stand up from the bench “I guess I just have to go home” I'm holding back my tears.

“I've been waiting for you to say that for the last two hours” he mutters then he stands too.

I was taken aback when he pulled me and closed the space between us, I'm facing his chest and he slowly rub my hair, my arms are drape beside me, I'm trying not to make his action as a big deal.

“Release it Kate” he said meekly and finally I understand what he's trying to do. I buried my face to his chest and released a continuous sob, he didn't mind that I'm already wetting his clothes because of my tears

“Well, I guess you're right. I'm stupid” I said between each sob.

“Sssshh... I'm just kidding you earlier you idiot” he said and it made me giggle a bit.

I pulled away from him even though I'm starting to feel comfortable around his arms and wipe my eyes, I know this isn't right. I have a boyfriend and it's not an excuse to let one of your boy friends to hug you like this just because your boyfriend stand you up.

We walk together, away from that shit shed. “Thanks by the way” I told him without looking at his direction, but from the corner of my eye I see him nod at me.

I just hope that every time I'll see that shed again I will not remember what Jonas did, he's my friend and I know he only did it because he's concern to me as a friend, and nothing more than that.

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