For The Man Who Has Everything

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(Poem based on Bruce Wayne if he never became Batman)

He sits

In the middle of the room,

Where all of

his precious


Surround him.

He is a billionare,

Owned a company,

Easily bought

almost everything

That he wanted.

His wealth

Isolated him

From a

Society and city

That is dying

From crime

And corruption.

Solitude became

His friend.

His life

Was perfect,

Too perfect

To be exact.

He longed

Something that

That was taken

Away from him

When he

Was younger.

His parents' love...

His parents...






Murdered in

Crime Alley.



Up until

This day.

The irony

Surrounds his

Very mansion

As the billionare,

The man

Who has


Did not

Have the

Unconditional Love

And his parents

As he grew up.

Then he

Sits there

In the middle

Of the room,

Holding a gun

Whith tears

Trickled down

His cheeks.


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