Mansion de Basco

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  Do you not believe me, officer? I wish to tell you a more realistic story but 'tis is all that it really is.

  Call me what you want, officer but that is what really happened.

  I'll start my tale three nights before the full moon. 'Twas me, Alphon and a friend of ours, Tommy. We were invited to a party in Don Basco's  mansion and though we had second thoughts, we went to it regardlessly.

  Don Basco was a very rich man and very famous throught the whole town. He was very generous as well, he gave food and clothing to the homeless and donated money to orphanages, clinics and schools.
He inherited the family mansion and his good looks from the late Count Victor.

  You're new to the town, aren't you? You should be knowing these kind of information, officer.

  Anyway, we dressed for the occassion. It was when we arrived there that we were surprised with lack of people at the party. There were only 6 of us there including Don Basco and another townsman named Jack Londo.

  The so called "party" quickly dissolved into a dinner. After a very satisfying and overwhelming dinner, Don Basco invited us to stay at his mansion for the week. Non of us declined the offer for a number of reasons.

  We all went to our rooms. The mansion lord satyed at his lovely room which was located at tge end of the corridor. We, on the other hand were divided into 2 pairs. I was in a room with Alphon while Tommy and Jack slept on the room across ours.

  I stayed awake while lying on the bed as hours passed. By midnight, I heard a howl. I got out of the and bed walked to the door. I stoped halfway and stared at the thin gap between the bottom of the door and the wooden floor where light passed through. I heard the floor creak a bit. The sound got louder and louder, then the light at the gap of the floor and the bottom of the door and the floor was covered by a shadow.

  Someone was walking across the hallway. He/she stood right infront of our door, motionless. No sound can be heard. My heart beated faster than the speed of light. I was terrified. Very very scared.

  After a few more minutes, he/she walked away. How do I know, you ask? For the light was albe to pass through once more.

  It kept happening through the last few nights. I never said a thing for I thought it may be the mansion lord's butler, Mr. Fickleheimer roaming around and checking if everything was okay. It still bothered me, thus leading to me asking the butler at the day of the fullmoon.

  "Good sir, may I ask a question?" I asked.

  "You have already done so, sire but I guess it won't hurt to hear it out. What is it?" He replied with a very blank expression.

  "Have you been roaming the  corridor recently?"

  "No, sire. I always go home by 9. Why would you ask?"


  After that conversation, I got scared once more.

  That night, we heard loud thumps across the wooden floor of the hallway. We all got out except for Tommy who was fast asleep. It sounded like somebody was running to Don Basco's room. We slowly walked there. Gently and quietly but shaking and terrified at the same time. We stoped halfway once more and kept distance.

   We heard loud breathing, footspes behind us. When we turned around, thunder roared and horror struck us to the very core. There stood a man wearing a wolf head while holding a knife.

  We were paralyzed, then laughter filled the place where we stood, the man put down the knife and took the supposed wolf head off for it was a mere mask. 'Twas Tommy who scared the living soul out of us.

  We got mad at him and turned back to our rooms. He stood there still laughing.

  "Oh come on,mates. 'Tis but a joke. A silly lit-...."

  He wasn't able to finish what he was to say.

  We turned around and saw the true horror of a man with claws driven through his chest, bleeding out and mouthing the words "help me" then he coughs off blood.

  Behind him, in the darkness,were glowing red eyes. It grew closer and closer. It pulled out it's claws from my Murdered friend's chest and began to growl. We ran but it was gaining on us. I looked back and saw it. Lighting cracked through the glass window and I saw the how hideous it is. It was a werewolf. I saw something else too. It wore the same necklace as the mansion lord did, a letter "B" with three strikes on it.

  The the Don was the werewolf, I tell you. He was able to catch Jack and mauled him viciously. We kept running until we ended up in the dinning area. I hid under the dinning table and saw from there how he brutally killed Alphon.

  I lost all hope of getting out alive. I tried to run while he was still distracted but he caught up. The werewolf clawed my back. A jolt of pain struck me. I passed out, then I woke up outside the mansion. I ran and I ran until I got home. I locked the doors and hid at the basement. Until 2 days later where I decided to go up, clean myself and eat a proper meal. I did not realize it was already afternoln

  I got a knocking at the door and when I opened it , you were asking about the incident which leads up to this point.

  Now, where I'm telling you the very story I have sworn to not tell once more for it gave me nightmares and broke me.

  You still do not believe me officer?


  I am the victim!

  I am a victim, not the suspect!

  How did I get out safely?!

  No one said I got away!

  I am not free!

  I am cursed!





  ~~~~~~~~newspaper artcile~~~~~~~~

Town officer found dead in a local resident's house. It has been said that the man who lived in the house was slowly turning insane and...(the article goes on)

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