M¡xed S¿gnals

51 2 5

Feb 14

She leans forward. We're now closer than before. Our lips almost touched but then she just smiled and walked away, leaving me on the light of a street lamp under the pouring rain.

~~~~~~~6 DAYS EARLIER~~~~~~~

Feb 8

"I hate being me." I told myself as I ran through the hallway, trying to beat the clock.

As usual, I arrived 2 minutes late because: a. This is a huge school, and b. I bumped into a girl.

Twas when I turned to a corner that I collided with what appears to be the most fantastic girl I've met up to date. Everything that she was holding slipped from her grip. I immediately kneeled and picked everything up. One of the notes had a handwritting that said "Schrödinger's Cat" on it.

"I am so so so sorry..." I said as I stood up and handed her the books and notes. Then I made a finger snapping motion whilst trying to remember her name.

"Clara... and It's okay." she said then she smiled as if she knew I was trying my hardest to remember her name.

"Yes! Clara! So uhm Schrödinger's Cat?"

"Yeah... you're Cam-..."

And before she could finish that sentence, the bell rang.

"Catch ya later" she said before I could even open my mouth.

  I arrived at the class room. As soon as I opened the door, Mr. Wallabe gave me a very dissappointed look.

  "Once again, you're late Mr. Cassidy." Then he sighs.

Feb 9
12:30 AM

I woke up really early. The sun was still down I knew there was no way I could go back to sleep.

I picked up my phone and opened facebook.


I messaged Clara Clarkson just for the fun of it but I never expected her to be this time around too.

"Hey... you're that guy that I bumped into yesterday right?"

"The one and only. Cameron Cassidy at your service."

"Mhmmm...why the hell are you awake at this time tho?"

"Was about to ask you the same thing."

  Then I realized I was grinning. Stupidly grinning, and it felt good.

"I just....sorta woke up and unfortunately can't go back to sleep."

"Same...I just had this crazy idea."

"Do tell."

"Let's go around town... this is the perfect time for a drive. The whole town is asleep, perfect breeze, beautiful stars and bright moon."

"Uhuh...sure...but uhmmm where are we meeting?"

-----Cameron Casiddy was online 1    minute ago-----

  After a few minutes, I was standing outside her house, pointing a flashlight at her window (Yes, I know where her room's window is and no I'm not a creep. I'm just a very keen observer.). She looked out her window, saw me and went back in.

  Skip a few heartbeats later and she got out of her window then we drove, and talked, bought food at gasoline stations and drove until just before sunrise.

  I got her home by 5:00AM.

Feb 10

  We hung out at my favorite diner, Sloppy Joe's. She told me why she was so fascinated about Schrödinger's Cat.

  "I like it cause it applies to almost everything in this world. You don't know if a box contains something or not. It's simultaniously containing something and empty unless you open it." She said while drawing a cat.

  "Just like not knowing if someone likes you. They both similtaniously like you and don't unless you ask them how they truly feel." She said as she looke through the window, smiling.

Feb 11-13
Monday to Wednesday

  We'd hang out in between breaks. We'd ge to the same diner after classes. She's weird at times. It's like she zones out and loses interest to talk and then the next minute, she's a chatterbox again.

Feb 13
5:00 PM
Sloppy Joe's diner

  "You know we're just friend right?" She said out of nowhere.

  "...yeah" I replied trying not to sound weird.

  Then she just smiles and drinks her milkshake.

Feb 14
7:00 PM

  We were laughing at some stupid shit that happened during Science class until she looked at her watch and realized that she had to go. I drove her home.

7:30 PM

We parked the car a block away from their house since she didn't wat her parents catching. We walked, and talked.

  "I like you." Came out so random from me.

  She just smiled.

  "I mean like-like you.... and I'm wondering if uhmm... maybe you like me too?" Trying my best not to sound awkward.

  She faced me then it started to rain.

  "Schrödinger's Cat." She said with a fantastic smile.

7:35 PM

  I inched closer to her. She leans forward. We're now closer than before. Our lips almost touched but then she just smiled and walked away, leaving me on the light of a street lamp under the pouring rain.




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