Chapter 2; Insulam of the Gems, Part 2

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        The rains settled, when we made it to Canis. No one spoke and some of the Younglings have gotten separated from their parents. When we reach the heart of the forest, it was nightfall but by then Pardus's glow had fallen and ignis had broken out in the Savanna, sadly that was are only source of lux.

     I noticed many Protectors made it, along with their animals of that terra. The Protector of Tundra of Nix Tempestatis, Luna a Snowshoe Hare, Protector of Mellivora Plains, Red a Red Kangaroo, Protector of Cursor Savanna, Rain a Okapi has gone missing, Protector of Scrofa Meadow, Zilch a Wild Boar, Terra and Silva had made it out of Pandinus Desert, Protector of Felis Jungle, Cane a Caiman and Protector of Caffer Marsh, Nepal a Gharial. The only one I haven't seen is Tornado, so Midnight is in charge.

    I saw the alba Wolf, Crescent. He has grown since I last saw him. He nodded at us and did a little bow to Leona and Regina.

   The birds will spread any news, so word gets around.

     He walked over to the InsignisKeeper, he did another bow. "Mother Leona" Natives say Leopard, we say her name. "The 5 Angels are here." Crescent said.

    "Thank you, Young Regis filius." Leona said.

    He's more than a Wolf Prince, he must be the 7th possible Heir. Only the 7 have the Regius titles while the rest has Angel.

    Leona smiled. "I need the Younglings that were chosen by the Regius eclipse, I need the weekling Younglings." She then invited herself in Tornado's den. Midnight follow. While my siblings went in, I waited to see the 6 Younglings.

     Crescent walked in and his left eye changed from blue-gold to gold and his right eye turned blue as he allowed his wings to be seen. Then a Gerenuk-Agile! Her amber eyes glowed along with her golden sparkle right hoof. I begin to see the clues of a way to see an Heir. A black Savanna Baboon with black eyes, entered. Must be Magnus because he was the only one that has dark brown spots on his fur. A one black ear Antelope Jackrabbit hopped right past me. Lepus, I believe. Hey most of them are in mine or Regina's class. Now a Polar bear with oddly icy-blue eyes, stared at me.

   "Princess Hiemps?" I asked and she only nodded.


      The wolf's den was small-smaller than the Nursery. The only light source was our gems and Leona's glowed like the moon. I noticed only Regina and Crescent has gems. I'm still confused that the wings tell your future. Leona quickly explained that there was many Angels as their is mammals but one per-species and the birds it's their tails that is the true key. Everybody started to screamed while Leona appeared alarmed, I thought she might faint.

    I looked over at my Sisters and Brother. Regina was still weak but with everyone yelling, my temper was rising, so I did what Tigers do best, I roared. Everyone stared at me like I was rabid. Leona seemed pleased but most gave me a threatening look. I bared my teeth and they look away.

   "I want to announce that i'm Regina's Warrior until further notice." I told Leona. "Aurora, will protect the Gems and Triplets." Now both females looked at me.

   "Rex," They both started.

   "I'm a Griffin, she's a Phoenix. We are the true Keepers of the Insulam, are we not?"

   Leona was stun, but didn't protest. Everyone was still squabbling, so no heard us.

    Leona snapped, when she overheard a Protector accused me and Aurora. "PROTECTORS!" She roared and everyone quieted down as they stared her down. The Heirs just gawk at us. "We need a plan of action, a Magnus Malum has invaded our land once again!"

   "Again?" Feles repeated nervously.

    Wilds started to shout random things.

    "Tenebrae and his cognatione has return!" One yelled. A few whimpered and whined at the mention of Tenebrae.

    "Kill the Homines!" Yelled another making Aurora winced for Cursor's vitae. The worst thing was that Cursor and her people were just outside.

    Carbunculus was trying to speak but couldn't be heard, so Crystallo took care of that by ROARing in my EAR! Every eye landed on the Leopard cub. "It's Tenebrae, who is the enemy, so please don't let his actions tear us apart!" Carbunculus said. The crowd now looked guilty as they all begin to sit down.

    Then some got back up again and yelled. "How do we know you're not working for Tenebrae?!" Someone accused. The guilty faces quickly faded, now have been replace with irate.

     Adamas quickly pounced onto him. I now fully recognized the Wild as Wilds rushed to the walls. Ora, a Komodo Dragon was pinned by Adams. I grabbed her before Ora had a chance to bite her (which would lead Adamas dead).

     Adamas quickly spin around to see me and she started towards me, a threat posture. "Rex!" She roared.

    "One bite from Ora or you landing a bite yourself, will kill you!" I hissed back.

    Adamas kept quiet and walked over where Carbunculus and Crystallo were sitting. The Leopard cub took pity and said thank you, under her breathe.

   Midnight broke the silence. "Leona, I think we need to discuss about Regina Roseis."

   Leona looked at her with disgust. "Midnight, my sister is fine!" She barked at the black Wolf.

    "How do you know?!" I growled at my Aunt, baring my teeth. "You know Tenebrae! He shows no mercy!" I started to break down crying. Leona looked livid but didn't speak because she knows that I out rank her by becoming future Keeper of the Insulam.

   As I continued to stare her down while fighting back whimpers, I could see Leona wasn't like my Mother's adopted sisters who would have yelled, pinned and nipped at me by now. Leona was different, she has her own ways, i'm guessing.

    When she finally spoke, her words were harsh and clear. "Youngling, you don't even know the history of the Dark Prince! So don't blame me!" Leona snapped.

    For a moment, I felt me and Leona was the only ones here. "Tenebrae was the twin of Lux in the Tale of the Twin Royals and Royal- the Great regina was his cousin. Meaning your his 3rd cousin." She took a breath. "Mother or many called her Royal Bengal because she wasn't truly an Heir, had known that Tenebrae will kill Roseis but she exile him instead of killing him." Leona looked weak.

     Everything came rushing back at me. Navy was right. With my bloodline and gift, I have to be careful of what path I chose.

Panthera Regina Book 2 Angels ariseWhere stories live. Discover now