1- Merci

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Dear Journal,

Today is November 12. My first day of the new high school I'll be attending. It's strange restarting somewhere. Not knowing anybody, especially because my brother is attending college now instead of high school with me.

After the accident that happened six months ago, and the thing with my sister a year ago, it's all fresh on my memory. It will never leave. But I'm getting through it. It'll always sting but it'll soon become easier.

Until tomorrow journal.

xo merci

I slide my thick red journal inside my black messenger bag, looking in front of me. This is my fresh start at school. This is where I can escape the actual reality where nobody knows what happened to me and look at me like I'm pathetic.

I step out of my silver Audi, and make sure my messenger bag is strapped across my shoulder. Everybody is already grouping up with their friends. I glance down at the black watch occupying my wrist, seeing classes officially begin in ten minutes. Gladly, the counselor emailed me my schedule and a map of the entire school.

I pull it up before walking towards the entrance of the school, and walk inside. My eyes stay on my phone, but also making sure I don't run into anybody. I don't want to start anything with anybody right now. I just want to get through this school year without any trouble.

My first class is English advance. It's on the first floor which is a relief for me. During my lunch break, I'll go find my locker. I open the door to the classroom when I get to it, and walk in.

The teacher is sitting at her desk, looking like she's grading papers. Her red marker placing grades down, her eyes are focused on the papers.

"Hello, I'm Merci Collins." I say gently, and the teacher looks up smiling at me.

"Hello Merci, I'm your English teacher Mrs Herndon." She says and she tells me I can sit anywhere because there isn't any assigned seats. I nod before seeing some people already occupying seats.

I walk towards the middle closest to the window. I claim the seat placing my bag on top of my desk, and grabbing my phone from my pocket of my black jeans.

Before I can log into Snapchat, a throat clears which makes me look up. Standing in front of me is a tall black haired boy who is very... attractive. His black hair is messy, and his caramel eyes are narrowed at me. A black lip ring claiming its spot on the right side of his lip.

"That's my seat doll face." He grumbles, his voice scruff. His arms are crossed in front of his chest, only having a phone occupying him since it's in his hand. I don't say anything stunned, and I think that he realizes he's startled me because he simply shrugs his shoulders before walking towards the desk in front of this one and claims it.

I breath out, glad that he didn't start a scene or something. I look up at the door when I hear heels clicking against the ground, and when I look up seeing two girls walk in. A girl with real poofy ginger hair and a black skirt with a neon pink top tank top paired with it.

The ginger haired girl looks around the room, and she sees the boy in front of me, nudging her friend and starts giggling as she claims a seat in the back with some guy who has platinum blonde hair. Instantly, they are kissing. The black haired boy glances behind him as them before grumbling some insults under his breath.

Something must've happened there.

The class goes by without anything exciting happening to me. When I go to stand up, I grab my bag before looking back down at my phone, I don't even pay attention as I start walking running straight into a hard figure.

It doesn't cause me to fall but my phone does tumble along with my notebook. The boy stands there, the one I took the seat from, and he bends down grabbing the items I dropped before handing me my notebook but keeps my phone staring down at my schedule.

"Merci Collins. Such a gorgeous name for such a gorgeous girl." The boy hums which makes my face heat up. The boy lets out a chuckle, before handing me my phone back. His fingers run through his hair, and he stares down at me.

"I'm Zayn. Malik. And you should let me walk you to class because we share it as well." The raven haired boy says, his name being Zayn. I nod my head sliding my phone back into my pocket. I follow him out of the classroom, before walking beside him in the hallway.

"So Merci, what an unusual name." Zayn says, which makes me laugh softly. I've definitely heard that one before.

"My mother... she wanted to name me something unusual. So Merci is what it became." I inform him, this also being the first time I've spoken to him. Zayn's lips twitch into a small smile, and someone bumps into me.

"Watch where you're going fucktard." Zayn snaps, and I raise an eyebrow but then realize I could be possibly befriending a hot head but it will be all good.

Maybe this won't be so bad.

First revamp of chapter one! I know there was more happening in the first original chapter but like I said on the announcement page. It will be longer and more chapters! Enjoy everybody! ♥️

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