5. Merci

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Merci's point of view

Dear Journal,
About a week ago, Zayn met my aunt and Connor. It went really well actually. He said he enjoyed being over and having a home cooked meal. I wonder what his family is like. Zayn seems to be alright with my family, even after I told him what happened. He told me he would protect me from all the bad things. Which makes me happy. He told Connor that he hopes we last. Which makes me even more happier. I have faith in this relationship. I'm his first official girlfriend and he's my first official boyfriend.
My aunt met someone. She seems very happy, she's out a lot of nights leaving me alone at the house. It's scary being home alone. Especially after what happened. I usually talk on the phone with Zayn most nights. His voice is soothing. I have a wonderful boyfriend. Who is accepting of me.
Chrissy and her best friend, keep talking about me. There the popular girls at school so everyone listen to them. She says I'm a freak. She knows my past. But she hasn't said a word about it to anyone surprisingly. She sends me a lot of dirty looks, I tell Zayn not to say anything. Anyways that's it for now.
Sincerely Merci

I close my journal shoving it under my mattress keeping it hidden like I usually do. I walk downstairs hearing two people talk. I make my way into the kitchen seeing my aunt kissing some guy. I clear my throat crossing my arms in front of me. Sadie pulls away before her cheeks heat up when she sees me.

"Oh Merci. This is Jay. He's... my boyfriend." Sadie states. The guy, Jay, wraps his arm around her before smiling at me. "You're the niece. She's speaks very highly of you." Jay states offering me a kind smile. I nod at him, before looking at my aunt. "Can Zayn come over?" I ask softly. Sadie nods instantly.

I grab my phone sending a quick text to Zayn, which he replies with a quick yes. I breathe in before making my way upstairs. I make sure my room is in order before I grab my laptop shoving it in my desk drawer. While I'm cleaning up my room my aunt yells saying Zayn is here.

   Finally... After ages

   I make my way downstairs my black shorts stopping mid thigh along with my black sweater. I see Zayn standing at the door as Sadie turns around walking off. Zayn is wearing dark grey sweatpants and a black tee shirt. I smile. Zayn looks up from the ground before a smile erupts on his face. I finish walking down the stairs before I feel Zayn hugging me. I grin, before leaning up kissing his cheek. "I'm glad you missed me." I tease softly. Zayn chuckles before pulling away. He places his hand on my cheek before looking down at me.

   "You look gorgeous." He states, I roll my eyes before my hand falls to his chest. "You tell me that all the time." I reply, causing Zayn to smile even brighter. "Well it's true baby girl." He states planting a kiss to my forehead. I grab his hand before leading him up to my bedroom. When we reach my bedroom I close the door. Zayn takes a seat on my bed before removing his shoes and lying down.

    "Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask Zayn softly already walking to my DVD box. I don't hear his answer as I grab a random film before slipping the cd into the box. I turn around climbing onto the bed before cuddling against Zayn. He's arm wraps around my body as he smiles.
    We spend most of this Sunday, being lazy. Kissing and cuddling. It was very enjoyable. The next day, sadly, we had to go back to school. I walk into English class since Zayn said he was running late. I take a seat, not missing Chrissy's ugly look of the period. I pull out my notebook, opening it to the notes we were previously taking.

    When the bell rings, Miss Herndon walks in. I look up, seeing a boy walking behind her. "Alright guys we have a new person with us today. His name is Louis Tomlinson." She states. Louis has brown hair which looks really fluffy. He also has piercing blue eyes. "You can sit behind Miss Collins. She's wearing the flower crown." Miss Herndon replies. Louis looks around the room before his eyes fall on me.

   He makes his way back here. He takes a seat behind me. I turn around to look at me before smiling gently. "Hey, I'm Merci Collins." I state softly. Louis smiles before nodding. "You know who I am now." He states and I giggle softly nodding. "Where did you move from Louis?" I ask softly my hair falling in loose strands of waves.

    "Doncaster. My mum got a job here and she packed me and my siblings and moved us here. At least, Someone is being nice and not rude." Louis states with a soft smile. I nod before breathing out. "I was the new kid a couple months back. Don't worry, I'll show you around if you like." I state. Louis smiles before nodding.

    "Who's this babe?" I hear. I turn back around in my seat seeing Zayn sitting in his spot now. His hair pushed back into a black beanie. He's wearing a white tee shirt and leather jacket with black skinny jeans. I smile softly before remembering what he asked me. "Oh this is Louis Tomlinson. He's new and I'm going to show him around. Louis this is my boyfriend Zayn Malik." I introduce. Louis smiles at Zayn before offering his hand to shake. Zayn simply glances at his hand.

    "I have a boyfriend back in Doncaster. Been dating for several years." Louis states with a amused grin. Zayn smiles nervously before shaking his hand. "Sorry I just don't like guys talking to my girl. Gotta make sure no one takes her away." Zayn replies. I feel my cheeks heat up as Louis chuckles. "You don't have to worry about that. I'm strictly dickly." Louis states. I let out a giggle before Zayn let's out a soft chuckle.

     Later that day

   I wash my hands humming softly, I hear some voices before they walk into the bathroom. I look up seeing Chrissy and her little minion. I roll my eyes before I grab some towels drying off my hands. I hear a giggle before glancing at the two girls. "Looks it's the freak." Chrissy states and I roll my eyes since that's not original.

   "You are so hideous. I don't see why Zayn would even go for you. I mean unless you put out. But you look like such a prude." Tegan states before her and Chrissy erupt in giggles. I roll my eyes before licking over my lips. "Why don't you visit some of your butt buddies, instead of pestering me." I reply shrugging.

   "Are you offended? Poor girl. I mean, he downgraded so bad. He went from me to you... That's such a horrible downgrade. He could've done much better than you." Chrissy states. He went from me to you? What's that supposed to mean?

   "You and Zayn dated?" I ask frowning since he never told me that. Chrissy smiles falsely at me before flipping her ginger locks over her shoulder. "Of course. Two and half years. It's a shame that went away. Well we should go to class. Toodles." Chrissy states grinning. Her and Tegan turn around walking out the bathroom door. Why hasn't Zayn told me his last girlfriend was Chrissy...

  I grab my rings slipping them on before walking out the bathroom. I grab my phone sending a text to Zayn 'Meet me at my locker. We need to talk.'

  I make my way to the locker before leaning against it. I wait for twenty minutes before Zayn walks down the hallway. His hands are in his pockets. Zayn smiles at me before leaning down going to kiss my lips, but I turn my head so he can't kiss my lips but instead of my cheek.

   "What's wrong love bug?" Zayn asks frowning. His eyes showing concern, I shake my head pressing my lips together. "When were you going to tell me your last relationship was with Chrissy Evans?"

New chapter guys ! Enjoy (: ~Shelby

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