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I could feel my bare feet touch the rainbow bridge as I ran to greet my dad at the bifrost. A chill ran up my spine every time, but I didn't care. Why would I? Never would adrenaline pump through my system this way until this time of day. The one time I would see my dad. Plus, being only 5 had its advantages. Friends up at the palace, being able to run around (as long as at least one guard knew where I was), and being the gatekeeper's daughter.

The wind rushed on my face and made my dress fly back. My waist length chocolate hair streamed like a river through the air, being lit up by the rainbow bridge at the same time. It was all perfect.

My dad stood at the edge of the bifrost, looking out at the stars. I tried to sneak up on him once I entered the golden globe but he heard me easily, and plus saw me running down the bridge. I jumped into his arms and we would watch the sky together. I couldn't see like he did, maybe one day, but not today.

"Why aren't you wearing any shoes, Sunshine?" He asked in his low voice.

"I don't like them." I replied. "They slow me down when I run."

"You'll catch a cold."

"No I won't."

"Fine. Suit yourself."

I would have sat there all night with my dad, watching the stars, listening to the waterfall, but the disadvantages to being five is the early bedtime. From not too far away I could hear a horse clatter upon the bridge. Two guesses and I would have been right to know who it was. Frigga? I turned around. Nope, Thor. He was still young, still wanted to fight in wars, wanted to start them just to show the enemy whose boss.

"Ms. Sunniva, may I escort you to the palace?" He asked and bowed being all dramatic.

"I'm not tired." I whined as I wrapped my arms tighter around my dad.

He didn't respond, he just came closer and began to tickle me until I would let go. Another downfall of being 5, extremely ticklish. Thor pried me off but not before I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek and followed Thor to a majestic white horse.

Inside, I was greeted by Frigga who always would ask how my day went, and Loki would always play a trick on me. This time he made the floor disappear right in front of me. I looked around for him but he 'cleverly' hid behind a pillar. Today was different though, instead of confronting him, I walked right over his little magic trick and kept walking toward my room. But I had to turn around to see his expression, which was a bit priceless.

After walking through many corridors that I have grown so accustomed to, I ended up at my room. It was quite beautiful. The walls had a mixture of light blue and gold. A library full of books occupied 1/4 of the room and everything else came together after that. My dad always said that my bed was the weirdest part of the room. Why? Because it faces the window instead of the room. I found that waking up to a nice view is way better than waking up to a familiar view. And plus, the light has this tendency to change the look of the city. It's really indescribable, but it's really just how city sparkles and has a different hue.

I walked over to the closet and changed into my white night dress, put on my gold amulet which heeds off bad dreams, and went to my bed where my favorite stuffed animal sat, a white ermine. They are an animal that comes from the realm of Midgard, when I saw the picture I fell in love with it and got a toy maker to make one.

The bed was soft and really big, but that meant more room to sleep so I didn't object. I got under all my covers, hugged my ermine and tried to fall asleep.

No matter which way I turned I just couldn't. There was something not right. I guessed that Loki was playing another trick on me, but he's not that mischievous. This was another feeling, a sick annoying feeling and I didn't like it one bit.

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