Ch. 6

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Ch. 6

"SHE IS NOT ALLOWED IN ASGARD!" Yelled a loud and powerful voice.

"SHE IS HURT!" Yelled the voice of a frustrated woman.

"SHE COULD HAVE BEEN FOUND BY THE HUMANS AND TAKEN TO THEIR DOCTORS! GET HER OUT OF HERE!" I knew that voice. It was so familiar yet so distant. It sounded almost like... Odin.

"SHE WILL DIE THERE! HOW COULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN?" The female voice... Frigga, shouted back.


"Our good, or your good? We could have easily held up against our enemies. We have mighty warriors. I could have easily looked after her if the need ever arises." Frigga kept speaking with confidence against her husband. "I know you do everything for a reason, but this is all for yourself. You also wanted our attention. Why did you think you were not given it?"

"I knew I wasn't. Anything brought up would be about her. I couldn-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt." Spoke a sweet voice from not too far away. "I have bad news. Her condition isn't very stable. All her soul energy has been draining, we're not sure if she will survive."

That's when I started freaking out. My brain sent out signals out to the rest of my body. I could feel a warmth under my back, and a hand in mine. I tried to wriggle muscles as best I could. I tried to move my eyelids. I even tried to breathe in enough air to mutter a word, or even a sound. But that was also when the pain came. The feeling of the broken bones in my body, my slowly beating heart being my only companion in a chance to live. How could I give up any of it? But more pain came as I became more and more aware of my surroundings.

"Sunshine? Can you wake up?" I could feel the tears prickling at my eyes. That was the voice I could never forget, it was my dad. It was his hand in mine. I wanted to squeeze it but the pain kept flowing in. My back began to scrunch up to try and keep it at bay but I couldn't. My whole head started to burn and I didn't know if I could take it. The air I breathed in burned like an everlasting flame that clung to millions of splinters that flowed through my veins.

"Help." I yelped out.

"What's wrong sweetie?" His voice began to grow more tense.

That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I screamed out into the air. The pain being way too much.

"Help her! Please help her!" He yelled out for the healers.

Even though my eyes weren't open, everything felt like a blur. My mind felt like waves were spreading through it, relaxing it. I did feel more relaxed, but I was still extremely uncomfortable in my situation.

A hand stroked my hair as the pain receded to bearable levels. I sighed in relief and just wanted to fall asleep.

"Do you see what I mean Frigga?" Odin spoke up again. I didn't think he was still in the room.

"She is hurt real bad, if you were in her position, then we would be just as worried for you." She tried to reason but it didn't work.

"I never get recklessly hurt!"

"But you do fall into the Odin-sleep every year and I never leave your side. Does that count for nothing?"

I began to feel the nerves stretch across my face. I could move my eyelids ever so slightly. Just barely feel the little muscles that pulled them.

"Sunshine? Please wake up." Dad spoke into my ear as he kept stroking my hair.

"I still rule this kingdom! Not some child who steals everyone from their job." Odin spoke for the last time, but did not leave.

I could see the light of the room. Colors of all different sorts shined through my pupil as more and more light seeped in. I could feel when my eyes were fully open. Full distinct shapes were not yet in my grasp but I could see the splotches of color that came from everything around me.

My eyes began to focus more and more until my father's face was fully formed right in front of me. A smile creeped up on my face and tears of joy began to form.

"Hi dad." I spoke.

"My Sunshine."

The sweet moment was sadly cut off by loud stomping of feet coming up the stairs. Chains rattled along with the set of footsteps, or even two sets of footsteps.

"Father! I have urgent news." Thor ran in, pulling Loki with him.

"What is so urgent my son?" Odin answered with some concern plastered on his face.

"The Chitauri made it to Asgard, they are destroying the village."

"Thor." Frigga's sweet voice echoed through the room as she ran to embrace her son. "Loki." She said just as enthusiastically as she hugged him.

"Frigga. Do not interrupt." Odin interjected.

"We need to send out warriors right away or else they'll storm their way into the palace." Thor proceeded.

"They'll never get inside the palace. The Chitauri may have many in numbers but they cannot think for themselves during battle whatsoever."

"I'm not so sure about these father. There may be fifty or so of them-"

"Then we shall kill ever single one."

Thor looked away from his father for a moment. "Sunniva?"

"Hey Thor." I answered weakly, but not having enough air I coughed.

"I thought you dead. You didn't come through the portal in time."

"I had... to teleport... all the... way back... to Earth... Far trip... 'cross space." I paused for a moment, taking in huge breathes of air to keep up.

"Why are you so hurt?"

"I fell... all the way... from where the... portal was... to a... building far... beneath."

"But then how are you here? The bifrost is broken."

"It was partially broken at the time. I fixed most of it, only had enough stability for one trip." Heimdall answered calmly as he looked at me.

Thor came over and kissed me on the forehead. "Well it's good to know that you are safe and being healed."

I just gave him a smile, still trying to recover lost air.

We all just stood, and laid, around the room in silence for a few moment. I wasn't sure if no one wanted to speak or if no one had anything to say. I definitely didn't. Still didn't have enough energy to.

But that was when the worst case scenario happened. A bomb crashed through a nearby window. Everyone quickly took evasive maneuvers, also known as having my dad as a shield.

My ears rung as the bomb exploded and many Chitauri entered the room. They moved differently from the ones on Earth. They looked more skilled. Odin, Thor, and dad quickly took out their weapons and started to try and defeat the enemy.

Frigga came over to me to try to protect me from any Chitauri that would have decided to come after us, but it was almost as though we were invisible.

The other really strange fact about these Chitauri was their appearance. Their eyes were a shifting blue and that same blue ran through their dominant veins. It was like they were upgraded.

More guards rushed into the room to try to kill them but they were too fast, too skilled, and they knew exactly how to avoid every weapon thrown at them.

I looked around the room to find that Loki was sort of just standing in a corner, until another group of five or so Chitauri ran in, grabbed him and ran out.

No one noticed, except for me.

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