Chapter six

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Kings point of view

I walked into the warehouse and seen my crew sitting on there asses.

I grabbed my gun off my waist and shot it into the air. They all pointed there guns at me, then lowered it when they noticed it was me.

"Fuck y'all doing,"I yelled.

"Time is motherfucking money!" I added.

They all scurried into there positions.

I shook my head and walked into my office. My office lights were dim and music was playing. I raised my eyebrow as the door closed behind me. I turned around and seen Liz. I smiled.

"What's up girl?" I asked pulling her into a hug.

"Hey baby." She kissed my cheek and pulled the buckle of my belt.

I pushed her hand back and shook my head.

"Nah Liz I told you I had a girl."

"Baby what she gotta do with us?" She asked cocking her head.

"Plus, I miss you." She jumped onto my waist making me catch her.

"You obviously missed me too." She smiled and kissed my lips.

Liz is everything a man wants, she works no kids and fucking sexy!

She sucked on my bottom lip and traced her tongue against it. I grabbed her ass roughly making her moan and I kissed her back making her gasp as my tongues found my way in it's mouth.

"I knew you missed me." She moaned out. I missed quick fucks.

~Few hours later~

Brooklyn's pov

"Ugh!" I yelled out. This is my fifth time calling Kings ass. I rolled my eyes as I slipped on a LKs tee shirt, black leggings,and a pair of timbs.

I grabbed my keys and made my way out to my car. Once I arrived at the trap house a girl was walking out smiling to herself. I got out the car and walked through the trap house doors as the guards held the doors open for me.

I walked through the trap making my way to kings office.

I opened his office door and seen him smoking a blunt.

"Why weren't you answering my calls?" I asked getting his attention.

"I was busy." He shrugged.

"Doing what?! You could've called." I yelled.

"I fucked Liz." He said staring at me. Did this nigga just say that?

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I fucked Liz." He repeated.

"King why? We haven't even been together for two weeks and you already fucked up!" I yelled.

"It just happened. She was a quick fuck." I shook my head at his response.

"Look you deserve better obviously I know how you think once a cheater always a cheater I respect that." He walked towards me.

"Did you even love me?" I asked. I know king he hides his emotions and I just want him to stop being this stuff ass boy.

"Of course I did, but if I just fucked a girl and we haven't been dating for that long I'm not boyfriend or husband material."

I shook my head. Obviously not.

"We still niggas?" I asked. It hurt he cheated on me but I can't change his ways we'll just continue to be friends. I'm not leaving king, I'm here to stay. I'm his wifey ain't no other bitch taking my king from me.

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