Chapter 9

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Mira's POV
I laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I should probably go back to the guild. But I didn't feel like getting up.

I heard a tapping sound and groaned rolling over. Then the sound got louder and I stood up and saw Happy and Lily at my window.

I quickly opened it letting them in. "What are you two doing here?" I asked. "I'm worried about Natsu and Lucy." Happy said. "I haven't seen Lucy for a while and I was trying to keep tabs on her."

"And I haven't seen hide nor hair of Kinana." Lily added. "And neither has Laki."

"Does this mean they were taken too!" I said my hand covering my mouth. Lily spoke up. "I'm afraid so and that means."

"I'm the only one left." I finished.

"But what should we do? It's weird hanging around the guild hall because everyone is asking us were Natsu and Gajeel are." Happy said. "And we can't say their on a mission because they always take us with them and that would alert everyone to the situation." Lily said.

"How about you stay at Wendy's I'm sure she'll understand. And I'll tell everyone that Lucy and Natsu went on a job and probably won't be back for a while since it's far away. Happy don't let any of the guild see you that doesn't know about this so the story will stick." I said.

"And I can say Kinana decided to take a break from bartending for a while." I continued pondering.

"What about Gajeel and Levy?" Lily asked. "I'll say that Levy went to some historic Library and that Gajeel went to train in the mountains." I said clapping my hands together at how the stories fit.

"What about you Mira? Laxus will probably come for you as well and you'll need a story too." Happy said.

"Tell Wendy to tell them I went somewhere for a photo shoot and Laxus always mysteriously leaves so it won't arouse any suspicion." I said.

"Those stories should work. But you shouldn't stay here at Fairy Hills this is where Levy was captured." Lily said.

"I know." I said. "But where else can I go? Not the guild because that would just be putting people in danger."

"Why don't you go shopping." Lisanna said appearing behind me. "Lisanna!" I jumped. "You scared me."

She just laughed. "Yeah I couldn't help but over hear you guys' conversation. Why don't you go shopping that always seems to cheer you up, and it'll be out in the open so you'll be able to see any one coming." Lisanna said.

"That's not a bad idea actually." I said thoughtfully.

I was always looking for an excuse to go shopping. "Wanna come with?" I asked her.

"Nah I'm gonna relax in the bath." She said. Another good idea, I'll probably do the same once I get back.

I slipped on my shoes, and headed out.

I made it to the streets of magnolia and went into several stores. I didn't really buy anything, I was more window shopping.

Well I did buy a soft pretzel, but it's gone now.

My spirits felt lifted, all the colorful shops had that affect on you.

I walked daydreaming through the streets not really thinking about anything particular.

Then a strong hand clasped on my arm and I was yanked into an alleyway.

I turned to see Laxus pushing me up against the wall kissing me. I was a little stunned at first but then I kissed him back passionately.

My hands went up to run through his hair, but one of his hands grabbed my arm pinning it above my head as we kissed.

Electricity sparked through my body and I gasped against his lips. He released my arms and picked me up straddling me against him. I pulled him closer my hands running through his now tousled hair as we continued our make out session in the dark alleyway.

Laxus put me down, both of us breathing heavily. One of my dress straps was hanging off my shoulder and my pony tail holder had come out of my hair, my bangs now in my face.

Laxus hair was tousled as well but he wasn't wearing his usual jacket which was weird, just a shirt with the sleeves rolled up but no jacket.

"Where's your jacket?" I asked.

"Back at the den." He said. "Ready for me to take you there?"

I nodded and bit my lip, a little nervous. "Okay get ready." He said then set his hands on either side of my waist then I felt electricity surging through my body then the next thing I knew I was in front of a large log cabin.

"Laxus where are we, and how did we get here." I asked taking in my surroundings, wide eyed.

We were in a snowy clearing in front of the cabin thou I could see some pine trees in the distance.

"We're at a ski lodge somewhere in the mountains." He replied. "But how did we get here?" I asked.

I could still feel the electricity crackling through me and it honestly felt exhilarating. "I used my lightning body magic and managed to transfer you into it with me and I brought us here." He said with a shrug.

What!?! Is that even possible?!? I thought and shivered, the cold, was getting to me.

"Let's get inside." Laxus said noticing my shiver. He opened the door and I walked inside. I gaped at what I saw.

It was huge inside. Sure it looked big on the outside but the inside seemed even bigger. There were comfy looking sofas and arm chairs along with a tv and a crackling fire place. I saw a grand staircase leading to an upstairs area and the whole place seemed to emit a homely and cozy feel.

"If you think this is great till you see the bedroom." He whispered in my ear making me blush.

"But let's get you warmed up first." He said and picked me up easily setting me down on the couch across from the fireplace. He draped his jacket over me and I wrapped the folds around myself. He sat down next to me and I nuzzled up against him.

A faint smile touched his lips and I soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep

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