Chapter 13

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Here's the next chapter I hope y'all like it!
Lucy's POV
It was getting dark out and me and Natsu were still chilling in the hammock.

"Are we gonna go to bed soon?" I asked. "Yeah unless you wanna have sex in a hammock, I mean we could try but I don't think it'd work out very well." His voice rumbled from besides me and I felt my face burn. I was still a little scared of the concept of sex.

"Do we have to tonight or can we wait?" I asked nervously.

He sat up and I sat up with him my eyes down cast. "We don't have to do it tonight, I'd like to do it as soon as possible but if you want we can wait." Natsu said.

I nodded and got up going inside, he followed after me and I entered the bedroom trying not to feel the suffocating tension.

"But is it's alright with you can I mark you?" Natsu asked and I turned to see him standing there nervously. "Uh I guess." I said standing just as nervously.

He came closer to me. We were barely an inch apart. He looked at me asking if I still wanted him too. I took in a breath before nodding.

He leaned over and I felt my heart racing, he hovered over my shoulder for a second then drove his fangs into me. I gasped then let out a low groan. He eventually pulled away his fanged teeth dripping blood. He wiped a hand across his mouth.

I looked at down to see fang marks on the bottom of neck. I softly touched it a little and sucked in a breath.

Natsu came over to me. "Does it hurt?" He asked his gaze worried and he extended his hand brushing his fingers over the wound. I gasped at his touch and a burst of pleasure raced through me.

Natsu's soft gaze came back to my face and he softly kissed me. I moaned against his lips and deepened the kiss. I ran a hand through his hair and my hands went to his vest, I pulled it off him along with his scarf. He pulled back looking a little surprised.

"I want you." I said and his gaze turned hungry and he went up to me and whispered in my ear. "I want you too." Then he smashed his lips onto mine and felt wildfire racing through me. Our bodies moving in sync against each other. Then things started to heat up.

The next morning I woke up in Natsu's strong arms, I was exhausted but my heart was full.

Kinana's POV
My eyes fluttered open and I sat up to find Erik sleeping next to me on the couch. He looked kinda cute when he was asleep. Those scowl lines fading away leaving an almost peaceful expression.

My gaze traveled to the scar across his eye. I kinda want to touch it, but I stopped myself. I should probably find something to do.

I was a little hungry, I might as well get something to eat. I stood up and Erik shifted in his sleep as if sensing me getting up, but he stayed asleep.

I padded off to find the kitchen. I eventually found it and grabbed an apple out of a fruit bowl on the counter. I took a bite and walked over to the window behind the sink looking out at that dazzling view.

Then I felt arms wrap around my waist, hugging me. I turned my head to see Erik with his head buried in my neck.

"You scared me." He said. I set down my apple and turned around to face him. "I just went to get an apple." I said a smile tugging the corners of my lips.

He just stood there a little sheepishly. "Well I woke up and you weren't besides me so it kinda freaked me out." He said scratching the back of his head.

I smiled at him. He looked cute when he was embarrassed.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna leave anytime soon. And if I do I intend for you to be with me." I said and I meant it. 

He stepped closer and then lifted my chin and pressed a soft kiss to my mouth. I was a little surprised at first but then I closed my eyes and kissed him back, my arms going around his neck as he gently kissed me. It was a kiss of longing and I felt myself relaxing into him, my usually tense posture dropping.

Then we broke away and he looked at me with a question in his eyes. I nodded knowing he was asking to mark me and I lifted my chin exposing my neck to him.

"This is going to hurt a little." He said softly. Then he leaned over and sank his fanged teeth into my skin. A gasp escaped me but I forced myself to stay still.

He pulled away, some blood on his teeth. Both of us breathing heavily. I looked over to see a bite mark on my neck next to my tank strap. A little blood trailed from it, trickling down my shoulder.

"Sorry if that hurt." He said and flicked his tongue over his teeth tasting my blood.

I responded by grabbing both sides of his face pulling him into another kiss. This kiss was different from the first, while that kiss was gentle, this one was full of passion.

I pushed my body up against his. Erik groaned against me. I felt myself being pushed against the wall as he kissed me back. It felt as if venom was coursing through my veins, eating away at my self control, and I felt a wave of desire wash over me. I let out a low moan against his lips before getting drawn back into the intoxicating kiss.

He then broke away both of us panting heavily. I looked at him telling him what I wanted.

"You sure." He asked. He knew what I wanted without me even having to speak.

I nodded breathlessly. That was all the confirmation he needed. By that hungry look on his face, maybe he didn't have as much of an easy time controlling himself as he let on, but I didn't care all I knew was that I wanted him, all of him.

He led me to the bedroom from before and pushed me up against the wall his body pressing against me, he put his mouth on mine and I felt pleasure shudder through me. He pinned my arms above my head holding them there as we kissed and we soon did much more than just kiss.

(I'll leave the rest up to y'all's imagination, however dirty it may be 😏)

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