Chapter 17

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Remember to vote on what ship you think my sabertooth dragon season story is about, I'll announce what it is in the last chapter of this book and the people who guessed it right before the deadline will get a shout-out! Now here is the next chapter
Lucy's POV
"Let's go have fun on the beach!" Natsu yelled. He was decked out in red swim shorts and he had his scarf around his head, he also held a girls swimsuit in his hands.

Wait that was- "MY SWIMSUIT! D-did you break into my house and steal my bikini?" I asked bewildered.

"Yeah I thought you'd want a change of clothes so I got some of your outfits, and might I say that's some lacy underwear you have, Luce." He said with a grin.

I snatched my swimsuit out of his hands, my face burning. "I'm going to change." I said getting up.

"You can change in front of me you know, I don't care." Natsu called. "Well I do!" I yelled back and slammed the bathroom door.

I rested my back against the door and sighed. I was still a little nervous around Natsu, what was wrong with me?

I guess I just wasn't used to our relationship being like this.

I sighed and started to change into my swimsuit. Was he just being oblivious or was he suggesting more intimate activity? It's hard to tell with him.

I put my hair up in pigtails then came out the door clicking behind me. I looked around for Natsu.

Where was he?

"Lets go!!!" He yelled from behind me and I screamed as he swooped me up in his arms and ran outside.

He charged into the surf me in his arms. "Put me down!" I screeched.

"Okay." He said cheerfully and swung me around setting me down on my feet.

I glared at him then he slapped the water and a wave hit me in the face. I sputtered spitting salt water out. Oh he's gonna get it now. I splashed water back at Natsu and we ran around in the water, laughing and splashing each other thou is was difficult since the water was up to our knees.

I tackled Natsu and we fell down into the water his back hit the sea floor making the sand ripple, he grinned at me and I leaned down as I felt some confidence go into me and kissed him. I felt the salty water stinging my throat but I didn't care.

We started to float up and we broke away when our heads popped above the water. Natsu grinned at me his scarf was now wonky on his head.

We were both slick and shimmering with water the sun shining down on our backs. Wait sun- "I forgot to put on sunscreen!" I exclaimed and started to make me way back to the shore.

"Seriously your thinking about sunscreen right now?" He asked.

"It's important! Unlike you, my skin will burn." I said as I started to make my way back to the beach house.

A hand landed on my shoulder. "I'll go get it." Natsu said and started to jog back to the house.

He came back with a bottle of sunscreen in his hand and a blow up beach ball under his arm. "I thought we could play some beach volleyball too."

He said showing of the beach ball, but something was missing he wasn't wearing his scarf.

"Where's your scarf." I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Oh I left it back there because i don't want it to get swept away when people push me under the water." He said that reoccurring smirk on his face. I glared at him.

I marched over and grabbed the sunscreen bottle and stuck my tongue out at him for good measure. I started rubbing sunscreen on my arms. I did my chest and belly then moved on to my legs.

"Ugh your taking so long." Natsu complained and started helping me put sunscreen on my leg, I froze but he didn't seem to notice.

I watched as his hand traveled up, then back down. I forced myself to move putting some on my other leg, my face pink.

Why was I getting so flustered I'd already had mated with him, what was the big deal!

He went to my back slathering it on. His hands traveled over my shoulder blades and up into my shoulders, slightly massaging them and I resisted the urge to moan.

He clapped his hands together and I jumped. "Well all done let's play!" He said, seemingly oblivious to how sexual that felt for me.

I shook my head trying to rid my head of dirty thoughts. "Your going down!" I told him trying to sound confident. He came over to me and knocked me over.

My back fell against the sand and he was on top of me, his face barely an inch above mine. "No." He said moving closer. "Your going down."

Kinana's POV
"Come on I want to show you something." Erik said and opened the door, I walked through, him following behind and soon walking next to me down a path I hadn't noticed before.

It led down wrapping around the hill until it came to an area with trees over head, light streaming through the leaves, with apples on them thou they weren't ripe, the place was still stunning.

"You just love picking views don't ya." I said and Erik chuckled. "Yeah." Erik said thou he sounded sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing it's just... why aren't you scared of me, I... I did some horrible things, I was a horrible person and I'm, well everyone in crime sorciere is trying to make up for it, but we all wonder what if it's too late." He said.

"Erik I'm not scared of you. I don't care who you where back then, I just care about who you are now. All you are trying to do is make things right." I said trying to convince him.

"But will the others even accept me back, I decked racer and attacked Jellal and midnight. What if-" "Stop." I said. "You can't ponder on the ifs. I'm sure they'll understand it wasn't your fault, and they sound like good people."

"Yeah I guess." He nodded.

"And I would like to meet them." I said. "Oh believe me, you don't want to meet them." He said. I frowned. "Yes I do, I want to meet your friends."

"Uh." Erik said scratching the side of his face. "I don't know."

"Pleeeeeaase." I said. "Ugh I guess." He said after a while. "Yay!" I exclaimed and fist pumped. Erik chuckled.

"But be warned they are pretty.... uh... let's go with the word strange." He said.

"So is fairy tail." Kinana said. Erik sighed "I guess I won't be able to convince you other wise." "Nope." I said popping the p.

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