Chapter 16

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Levy's POV
The 3 days were up and we decided to go ahead and go back to the guild after having some more "fun" and cuddles.

"Do we have to take a train?" Gajeel complained already looking a little queasy.

"Yes, it's the best mode of transportation and it's also revenge for you carrying me to the cabin like a sack of potatoes." I said my hands on my hips. He huffed but said nothing.

"We still got a while before the trains comes. Let's go get something to eat." I said.

I went over to the stalls, Gajeel following behind me, I scanned at the elevated menu sign. "What should I get." I wondered aloud.

"Well I know what I want." Gajeel said grinning down at me. I scowled and socked him in the shoulder. "Pervert." I muttered. Now is not the time.

I focused my gaze back on the menu. "Sniff Sniff." A familiar voice said and I turned to see Ichyia sniffing me, I leaned away holding my arms up. I was surrounded by the trimens.

"You have a lovely parfume, miss Levy." He said. "Sniff Sniff."

"Uh thanks." I stuttered backing away, that guy kinda creeped me out.

"Sniff Sniff." He said once again.

"GET AWAY FROM HER YA CREEP!" and next thing I knew the trimens where airborne soaring over the horizon.

Then I realized what had happened. "Gajeel!" I exclaimed and gave him a pointed look my arms over my chest. You can't just do stuff like that.

"What? Erza can send them flying but I can't?" Gajeel protested.

"Hmph." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Fine I'll give you a pass on this one but only because they're the trimens."

Then the train whistle blew and Gajeel blanched. "Come on tough guy." I grinned and dragged him onto the train.

I took my seat, Gajeel next to me and then the train started to move.

He swayed turning a shade of green and he fell over, his head thunking onto my lap and he groaned. I sighed running my fingers through his hair.

I looked out the window at the passing scenery, I wonder if anyone else is gonna be back yet? I hope so, it'll be nice to know everyone's okay.

Laxus' POV
We were standing outside in the snow and then I felt something cold thunk against my head, and I heard a giggle.

I put my hand up to my head in surprise and turned to see Mira reaching down for another handful of snow.

I reached down for one too and packed it together, dodging the one she just sent flying at my head. I threw mine at her and she squealed as it hit her side.

She ran around hiding behind a tree. "Come and get me." She called in a sing song voice.

I crept over to the tree sensing she was planning some sort of trap. And I was right because just in that moment a snowball crashed against my chest.

"I got you! I got you! I got you!" Mira chanted.

I kneeled down gathering up my ammo as she gloated. "Cocky much." I said and started assaulting her with chunks of snow.

She laughed and ducked around a rock throwing snowballs and we dodged around each other hurling snow, with big fun loving grins on our faces.

Mira darted behind the house under my heavy fire (of snowballs) and I chased after her.

I turned the corner a snowball ready in my hands then howled as I felt cold ice slide down my back.

I bolted up. "Shit!" I curses as I tried to scrape the snow out. I grabbed my shirt and threw it off, shaking off the freezing snow and Mira had a fit of laughter behind me.

"Oh your gonna get it now." I said with a devilish grin. I raced at her, tackling her into the snow, we crashed down into the fresh powder and she laughed and I found I was laughing too.

I slid my ice cold hands up her shirt and Mira shrieked and rolled trying to escape and we started tumbling down a hill.

I tried to shield her with my arms and my back crashed into a tree.

"You okay?" I asked her and leaned
back, resting against the tree.

"Yeah." She breathed sitting up to face me.

We locked eyes, our breath visible in little white puffs, then she leaned in pressing her ice cold lips against mine.

She pulled away and then shoved snow in my face, I sputtered and Mira ran away giggling I scrambled to my feet and tore after her.

Mira's POV
We finally went back inside both of us slightly moist from rolling around in the snow, our noses red, clumps of snow were tangled in Laxus' blonde hair.

I went over to him ruffling his hair and the snow fell out. He smirked then ruffled my hair as well, I giggled.

"Come on let's get you warmed up." He said, the same thing he had said when we'd first arrived.

He led me over to the couch, draping his big furry coat over me and I sat down on the couch, Laxus sat besides me resting his side on the arm rest, I shifted my weight and put my head down so that it was now on his lap.

He rested his hand on my shoulder and rubbed little circles. I sighed in contentment.

"Are we going to go back to the guild soon?" I heard myself asking.

"Sure if you want." His voice rumbled from above me. "But I'd like to stay here a bit longer it's nice being able to be away for a while."

I hummed in agreement, it was nice to get away for the guild craziness every once and a while.

Laxus hand moved over my upper back and he was now kneading circles on my shoulder blade "ooh yeah right there." I said and I felt him shift above me.

"What am I doing, giving you a massage now?" Laxus asked but I sensed amusement in his tone.

"Yep." I said. He chuckled dryly.

"Whatever you wish, demon." He said. "Sparky." I muttered and he choked on a laugh.

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