Chapter 19

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When it was a sensible time, I phoned the police. They came over and asked all three of us (Phil, Emma, and I) questions. My head was a mess, but I managed to answer their questions. I was in tears as I texted Taylor.

Me - Taylor, how fast can you get here?

Taylor - ummm, 5 minutes

Taylor - why?

Me - something happened and I need you here

Taylor - what happened?!

Me - I'll explain everything when you get here

Taylor - I'm coming

I sighed as Phil sat next to me and put an arm around my shoulder.

"Dan, it's gonna be alright," he said. "They're not dead. We'll find them. The police are doing everything they can to find our girls."

"I know, but I feel like Lily is actually my daughter," I sobbed. "Eliza, too. I miss them so much. The house feels too empty without our crazy fangirls."

"I feel the same way, Dan. We just have to hope."

I cried on Phil's shoulder. I was just recovering when I heard the sound of heels approaching.

Soon, Taylor came into view and threw her arms around me. "Oh my god, Dan, what's wrong?! What's happening?!"

"Taylor, something happened to Lily and Eliza," I said.

She sat next to me as Phil got up to comfort Emma and held my hand. "Dan, what happened?"

"Lily and Eliza were kidnapped." I wiped a tear away. "I heard their screams, woke Phil up, and discovered their room empty without a trace of them."

"Oh my gosh, Dan. I'm so sorry."

I collapsed into tears again. "I just miss them so much."

She hugged me. "We can find them, Dan. We will find them. I don't like seeing you like this."

"I know, Taylor. I know."

"Hey, Dan!" Phil called. "I'm about to make a video about what happened! Join me?"

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I turned to Taylor. "I love you."

She kissed my cheek. "I love you, too."



I gasped as I woke up in a strange and empty room. I had no idea where I was or what had happened since I was knocked out. I turned and saw Eliza still knocked out. I tried to wake her up, but it was to no avail. I started to seriously panic. I started hyperventilating, I got dizzy, and I was shaking so terribly.

What was happening to my body?!

I didn't know what to do, which made me panic more. I soon passed out, probably from panicking.  

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