Chapter One (winter's pov)

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Dear diary,
School has always been hell for me ever since 6th grade. Many people don't know the reason why I've tried to kill myself so many times. The truth is a long story and we have the time so I'll tell you why. We moved here when I was in kindergarten. I was the shy new kid and even on the first day someone talked to me. I walked in the building with my black hair hiding my face. I wasn't paying attention where I was going and accidentally ran into someone. He was around my age and was shyish looking. I got up and helped him up off the ground. I go to walk away but am stopped.
"Wait my name is Alec" the boy says as I can tell it took a lot for him to talk to me.
"I'm Winter" I say shaking his hand. Me and Alec became best friends and we were inseparable. Me and him hung out all the time but then we started 6th grade. Over the summer Alec got over his shyness and became a jock but I dyed the tips of my black hair blonde. Naturally a jock should never be seen with a freak so me and Alec learned that very quickly. Alec became distant and when he wasn't ignoring me he was calling me names like "freak", "mistake", "Emo", "whore", and the occasional "shit face". Of course I tried to act like it didn't affect me but then I started to cut and when people found out the teasing go worse. The last time I saw Alec he shoved me into the boy's locker room while they were changing for gym. That lead to me attempting to kill myself for the first time but as I was bleeding out from stabbing myself in the stomach my dad and little sister came home. When I was asked what happened I lied and said I tripped with the knife in my hand and forgot I had the sharp end pointed at me stomach. Then later that day I learned that Alec got sent to boarding school but it didn't stop the bullying I got daily.

Suddenly my mom walks into my room making me look up from my diary. I give her a fake smile as she closes the door behind her. I see her smile as she sees that I'm writing in the diary that she bought me for senior year. I set my pin in my diary and closes it and sets it down.
"What's up mom" I say as I give her a fake smile.
"Tomorrow is the first day of school and I want you to have this" my mom says as she pulls out a bag and a small square box. The bag is from hot topic and the box is from I don't know where. She opens the box first and I see it's the senior ring I asked for. I let out a small gasp.
"Omg mom you got me the class ring I wanted" I say as I put the ring on my ring finger. Then my mom hands me the hot topic bag. I open the bag and pulls out a cute black dress, a new choker, a new pair of combat boots, a pair of new earbuds, black lipstick, black nail polish and a spiked lip ring to replace the pink one I have in my lip right now.
"Mama I love it" I say giving her a kiss on the cheek as I smile really wide. She smiles back before she goes to leave the room but she stops short and looks at me.
"Oh I almost forgot I was talking to Mr. Thomason and he said that Alec is coming back and will be doing his senior year at Westfield high this year" she said and the smile leaves my face instantly. She leaves the room as I get out of bed and runs over to my phone which I had by my laptop. I quickly text my best friend Brittany.
Brit: hey girl

Snow: um Brittany my mom just told me that Alec will be going to our school this year. Holly fuck. Why can't I ever get a break? This is just bullshit.

Brit: fuck none of us are safe now. Hell even before we weren't completely safe but at least some bullies would give us a break. Now we are all fucked.

Snow: yea I fucking know that. Well it's like 12:34 pm I should go eat some lunch then I'll just listen to music until dinner.

Brit: ask your mom if I can spend the night and can you come pick me up. We can go to the diner and eat lunch there and go to the park and listen to music

Snow: I'll ask and I'll be there in ten minutes.

Brit: you're the best person ever

I shut off my phone and slips on my combat boots and fixes my hair as I walk out of my room and down the stairs.
"Umm winter where are you going " my dad said not even looking away from the tv.
"I'm going to ask mama something dad" I reply as I head to the kitchen. I find mom in the kitchen cooking.
"Mama I'm going to the diner. Brittany wants to know if she can spend the night so that we can get ready for school tomorrow" I say as I give her a hug.
"Sure sweetie just make sure her dad is okay with it and here are your keys" she says tossing me my keys as I head to the garage. I get in my blue baby and drives over to Brit's house where she is waiting for me. She got in my car and I drove to the diner. The moment we walked in the diner I noticed that Brit's aunt let Victor work at her diner. I smile as victor waved to us as we went to our favorite booth in this place.

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