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Woke up moody realizing that school was just hours to begin.
"Urgh...I'm not ready yet! - I cry out on my pillow.

it's a new year maybe things will be
different...but no I've been living here for ten freaking years and if depression didn't consume me yet, i don't know what will.

I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom to have a shower, brush my teeth and fix my wild black curls.
After that i get dressed and prepared for 'the torture'. I put on a dark grey blouse with long sleeves, black faded jeans and black nike sneakers; with my bag already packed I make my way downstairs to the kitchen where I find both of my parents rushing with breakfast.

- "Good morning "- they say in unison still busy with breakfast.

- "Good morning mom, dad."

I go sit on the counter chair to have a rushed breakfast as usual.

"Sweetie did you know Gal's son is back from Russia?" My mom says sipping her coffe mug.

"What? When?" Why didn't he tell me!

"Yesterday I believe, and she invited us for a lunch at their lake house next week"

" That's great! I can't wait to see him" I miss him.

I go grab an apple from the fruits basket placed in the counter, and my dad's car keys heading to the garage.

"Let's go father, I'm driving"

He Chuckles "sure"


Arriving at school I wave my dad goodbyes and head straight to my locker to get the books for my math class...well at least I like math.

And just when I started making my way to the class...and I thought this would be a great first day of school I get bumped by the least person I'd like to exist.

- " Victoria." - I say rolling my eyes at her.

-" What the fuck bitch!?" Did you have to make her God?
" And I've told you hundred times my name is Vicky" - she says with a fake smile.

- "Screw you Victoria"- I ignore her and continue my way to class.

No, no, no!

I see Mrs. Parish enterring my class. The. Fuckin. Mrs.Parish.


The worst teacher I could've ever gotten. And the worst is, she doesn't like me. Why? Well let's just say that we agree to disagree in certain matters.

It is going to be a long day.

" Ah! Mrs. Johnson." She says when her ugly face shifts towards me.
She plants a fake smile on her lips. Cobra.
" It's going to be a great year for you, since we are going to be together for the whole academic year."

I sigh " Whatever Mrs. Parish"


The bell rings and I find my friend Mackayla at the door waiting for me.
- "Kath!!"- she hugs me thightly almost suffocating me " i missed you!"

- "I missed you too"- i tell her gently pulling away for my lungs sake " so where's the rest of the group?"

- "They're at the cafeteria waiting for us let's go."
And we head to the cafeteria were we find the rest of our group:

Jason - the video games addicted and stupidly hot for a geek.

Steph- the straight forward bitch

Blake- the 'fuckboy'. He chases everything with a vagina and he never sticks with one for at least a month and

Lisa - the talkative and nicest of the group

- " I missed school so much!"- says Lisa

- " Of course you did"- says Mackayla with a grin on her face.

" Yeah all nerds li-" Blake gets interrupted.

- "OMG!! Who are they?"- screams steph.

We all look around for where she was looking at and see a girl short and pretty with blonde hair and hazel eyes, a tanned guy with black curls who seems to be hot from this distance and another guy, this one looked cute, brown hair,not so tall, hazel eyes and he looks so alike with the short girl I suppose they're twins.

- "Geez Steph! Put your freaking girly-hormones together you scared the hell outta me" says Blake wide eyed towards Steph.

- "Sorry it's just that it's too much hotness for a first day of school" Steph replies giggling.
I look at Jason who is staring at the short girl with a blank expression in his face and suddenly looks away.

- " So who's going to Chase's party?" - Blake says excited probably hopping he'll get girls there.

- "We all are!"- says Mackayla with a wide smile.

Geez I hate parties so i will eventually find an excuse not to go.
Lunch time is over and i head straight to English class.
And so they were hours of absolute fuckery when we hear the bell ring saying that,that was that for today another day of absolute misery will come tomorrow.

I gather my stuff and make my way out of the school.

Outside I find my dad's car parked. He's all busy on his phone, he doesn't even acknowledges my presence.

"Hi dad"- I greet him hoping to catch his attention.

He hangs up his phone "Hi kath how was your first day of school?"

- "As was work?"

- "As usual..."- he says with a smile

I reply with an humoring smile pfft Dad...

We make it home where he parks his car in the garage.
I get inside where I find my mom cooking dinner.

- "Hi mom"

- "Hi sweetie, how was school?"

- "good" nodding at her I make my way upstairs.
I drop my bag on the floor, take my shoes off with my feet, and lay myself down on my comfy bed.
Uff... This day has been longer than the usual days of school. I'm so stuffed.
My eyes drift arround my room, and land on my red notice board.
I find a picture of myself with my uncle, with a big grin on my face. We were skating in ice that day, I'd placed my arm arround his neck on that picture.
Great memories start flashing through my mind and I decide to take a look at my album where I'd put pictures of the best moments during the happy holidays in Miami.
And with that I fell asleep.

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