chapter 1

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I wake up earlier than usual made my way to the bathroom to take the zombie face out of me, it takes me 10min to do that and 5 to brush my hair. Then I slip into a pair of dark blue sweatpants and a nude tank top with cream boots and decide to let my hair down mostly because I feel more comfortable that way.
Well then It's the usual routine:
Head downstairs,greet my parents,have breakfast and go to school.

Since I'm starving I decide to make a heavy breakfast before it's time for school.

"Sweetie let's go!" My dad shouts from outside.

-"yeah I'm coming dad!" I rush outside and get in the car.


"Have a great day kiddo"

"Dad. I'm seventeen, I don't think it's appropriate for you to call me that way now"

"Ah! Really?" He smiles widely at me "Well no matter how old you grow, you'll always be kiddo to me"

I frown "Really dad?" I get out of the car and look at him with dubious face.

He laughs then heads off the road.

I sigh. School.

"Katherina mi amiga, estás linda hoy" he gasps " me disculpa siempre estás linda"

"What. Carlos." I say while stuffing my books in my locker.

"Geez Kat, why you're always so salty" he says placing a fake hurt look on his face " I haven't seen you since yesterday, and I miss you" I look at him. In another life I would crush on is stupid gorgeous face, but well this is not it, and I'll literally never feel a thing for this nigga anymore.


"Are you going to Chase's?" I knew it.

"Not if you are" I grab my books and start walking on the hall towards my class.

He follows me "Why are you like this?" Really? Does he have to ask?


"Really Kat? How old are you? That happened a way long while ago" He places both his hands in his jeans pockets. Fuck you Carlos.
"I will see you there, and if not I'll go get you myself" he says turning arround moving the other way.
And when I look behind he air kisses me. Gross.


I drop my books.

- "Sorry"- I apologise
I just realize that it was a blonde guy standing in front of me.

- "My bad"- he says leaning down to help me grab the books.

- "Thanks".

- "you're welcome,what's your name?"

- "um..." - I get cut off by him

- " it doesnt matter I'm calling you brownie anyway" - he says with a big smile on his face.

- "Wh..."- I get cut off again

- " you're my friend now. Laters brownie"- he says waving me goodbyes.

What a strange boy.

I continue my way to class a bit late. It's ironic, in the rarest days I wake up early I end up being late and when I wake up almost late It happens to the days I arrive early.

It's lunch time.
I find my friends at the cafeteria already talking. They are such loud thinkers.

"...seriously I just do it in my parents sake beacuse if it was for me I would just drop out and work at the Macdonalds" - says Mack

-"hey"- I greet them and they greet me back.

- "I'm sorry Blake I can't control my hormones today" ""
We all turn around and see the 3 new students we saw yesterday plus a new black haired guy.

- "Couldn't that group get even better?"- says Steph. And seriuosly If this was a cartoon she would have hearts in her eyes.

- " who are they?"- I ask

-" I heard they come from LA"- Jason says.
What leaves me intrigued is how does he know about that, he barely talks to anyone besides us.

Then I turn to look back to the group the new black haired guy particularly: he has his skin tanned, straight short hair, I can't quite see from here what colours his eyes are but they seem like grey or blue, he looks like something else, because I can't picture his personality, his face is expressionless like he has too much but shows too little but that's just a supposition because I haven't even talked to the guy yet and its not that I'm planning to or something...

-"...and that's how I crashed my brand new cellphone." - says Mack

-"Well it was your fault"- Blake blurts out.

-"Not precisely, it wasn't intentional like she didn't even know that it was hers" - says Lisa

-" Blakes right it was your should've asked me how to get a perfect revenge you know I'm an expert"- says steph

" We all know you are thats probably why she didn't ask you, you would probably had made the craziest scheme just to chop his balls off"- says Lisa

"Yeah maybe"- says Steph blurting out laughing as we go along with her.
After the classes I check on my phone that was buzzing earlier where I see a message of my father saying that he couldn't pick me up today, Great! Now I'll have to take the bus home.

We'll it wasn't that bad since I sat next to the boy who decided to call me "brownie", Alex he said his name was. He was hilarious I was laughing at the whole trip home.

When I got home I noticed that I was alone and decided to do my homework,then have a bath,eat dinner and watch a movie till I fell asleep.

"'s not my fault!!!!"- I scream heat rushing through my veins I think I'm sweating. I sigh another nightmare it's only 4 am I don't think I will be able to fall asleep again so i just sit there looking to nowhere.
Maybe it really was my fault,it really happened.

I've been thinking about it since I can remember is it just my imagination?

Why do you lie to yourself?
Why would you dream of it if it didn't happen?
You were too young to imagine that sort of things unless it really happened.

Sometimes I get surprised by my own thoughts, maybe they're right.
Tears rolling down my face I can't stop them, they must fall when they have to.

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