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The torture hasn't stopped. The Doctor has brought me to that chamber twice daily since the first time. The Mutes always find a new way to torture me and even some of the nurses or doctors join in with the fun. During the first few periods when I was screaming, begging for mercy, Jabez would just stand in the dimly lit corner or the room with a sick smirk on his face. I realise now why Jackson was so worried about The Organisation finding us. He was probably there as a child until he got out, then again, since I don't remember my time here as a child he probably got us out whilst we were still young. It's unclear however how he could've accomplished the feat.

I've become accustomed to the hum of the machines that begin to speed up my healing after each session and the once blinding white room had become dull and boring. I've been refusing to talk or interact with anyone in this place. I don't know who in this building is docile and who is stark raving mad so I've cut myself off. During the basement periods, I taught myself to remain silent and not show my discomfort. I wasn't going to give them the pleasure of watching me squirm in pain as they practically tore me to pieces. I would just sit there with a blank expression and stare at the wall. Even if tears started to fall because of the agony, I wasn't going to let them know they were getting the better of me. I've always considered myself strong. I would stand up to the bullies at the orphanage and willingly suffer their consequences but that all just seems like child's play compared to what's happening to me now. Nevertheless, I persist and sometimes even remain conscious until they're done and have to carry me up to my room. When there, I would be hooked up to the machines and drift off into a numbing and nightmare-filled dreamland.

As I sit in the corner of the white room, curled up in a ball, thinking, the thought of the bullies brought a thought to my already overcrowded mind. What happened to the orphanage? What about all of the children and staff who'd given me a place to live when no one would take me in? Granted it wasn't much but the building in the forest was my home. They must be acting as if nothing had ever happened. As if the screams they heard the night I was taken weren't from two of their orphans being attacked. If they were I wouldn't blame them, a traumatic experience like that is something you try to forget and pretend it didn't happen. Even if they can't, The Organisation has probably threatened them not to say anything. I wonder if Jackson's there? If he's even alive and what he's doing. Since I don't have a good sense of time given that I've got no windows and gave up counting how many days I'd been here ages ago, I can assume that he's either tried to move on in his life or trying to get me out. I pray that he's doing the latter even though the former is much more likely. It'd be impossible for him to get me out of here. There are too many people, Mutes and probably weapons for him to take on alone and I have to assume the place is well guarded. He probably doesn't even know where I actually am. Up until I was captured, The Organisation was told as stories during school and their downfall was over a hundred years ago because of something that wasn't said during the lesson. In reality, that's all I really know about The Organisation, besides what I know now; that they're psychos, and I always thought of it as a tale. Considering that they've kept hidden this long, I doubt that Jackson, even if he was looking for me, would find it within a few weeks.

I've been waiting for Jabez and his henchmen to come get me for our daily torture session and no one has come. I sit anxiously staring at the door but nothing comes in. Perhaps yesterday was the last of that trial and now they have to come up with something new. I don't get my hopes up and wait. I wait for hours until I'm biding my time for the night period that usually came after the morning one that never came. After a few more hours, I could feel my lids start to get heavy and I start to drift off to sleep with my mind filling with confused thoughts as to why I wasn't in pain today. As my body numbed, I slept peacefully and I couldn't feel myself get picked up and moved by someone. I only became aware of this fact when I woke up and I was in a larger white room in a bed.


QotC: Choose a word

- Control

- Kill

- Trap

- Bait


P.S. Don't forget to vote/comment what you like about the story or what you don't like so that I can evaluate and change some things in the next chapters. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Thanks, guys!

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