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Eleanor and I are still. Completely and utterly shellshocked. One of us was not going to leave this room. What kind of sick game do these people think this is? They made us bond and get to know one another before setting us against each other! What's the bet that all of the people who work in this prison are behind that mirror placing bets and eating popcorn like this is a movie or some gladiatorial match? I look around the white room desperately looking for an escape so that we don't have to do something either of us will regret. As my eyes scan over every inch of the room I notice something that makes my stomach churn. In one of the corners of the room, there was a faint pink stain on the stark white floor and small dots on the wall. It's barely noticeable but once I saw it that's all that I did see. I start to internally scream as I come to the realisation that this room has been used, for the same purpose it is today, before. The Organisation has made two people fight to the death for an experiment. Was that gun on the table the weapon that made the stain? Was this how the powered freaks who kidnapped me were made?

I look over to my new friend to try and convince her that we need to try and stand up against the Organisation. To convince her that we didn't need to do this but I realised that I probably couldn't. Eleanor looked down with a sombre expression as a tear fell from her eyelash. 

"I'm sorry Rose." I didn't have time to process what was about to happen before it actually did. Eleanor ran across the room and grabbed the gun pointing it in my direction. She was right, she was fast. She ran as if she were a blur. I hold my hands up to show her I mean no harm and start slowly walking towards her, keeping an eye on the finger on the trigger.

"We don't have to do this. We can not do anything. We can sit here and chat just like we were. Please, Eleanor, I know you don't want this."

"No, I do. I have been tortured and suffering for so long time. I deserve to live!" She screamed. She sounded in pain as she started sobbing, the gun slowly lowering in the process. "You don't know the things they do to you here. Not all of them. Honestly, Rose, I'll be doing you a favour." She lifted the gun again but I had enough time to get close to her. I hit her arm with my elbow and tried to wrestle the weapon out of her hands. I was just about to pry it from her hands when I felt a shockwave travel through my body, throwing me against the wall. Eleanor used her telekinetic abilities to stand me up against the wall and held me there. I struggled against her mind to try and fight back, maybe make her see sense but it didn't work. I was trapped.

Eleanor stood still for a moment, panting before she slowly moved towards me. The gun was lowered at her side. Rage and fear surged through my entire body simultaneously as I realised that there would be no talking the girl back to reality. She was in so much pain and so tired of fighting that she had given up. She was going to take my life right here, right now and I was completely and utterly powerless to stop it. I was enraged that she had given up and handed herself into the Organisation's hands. That rage that I felt coursed through my veins as I struggled to weaken her hold on me, to no prevail. So instead, I tried to make myself look brave and tried to convince her and the people behind that damned glass wall that I wasn't afraid of the death awaiting me. I stared at her in her beautiful blue and brown eyes and wanted to make an impression on her because if I was going down, it wouldn't be without changing someone's life. 

She was so close to me now. I could almost feel her warm breath as she began to speak. "I know what you're trying to do Rose. Telekinetic, remember?" she choked. At the last comment, she chuckled silently, trying to lighten the mood but it didn't work. I could feel the sadness lace her voice but I didn't falter. I wasn't going to be brought down. "You know this is for the best. I would never want anyone to go through the same thing that I did." She reached out to touch my hand. "Please, Rose, will you just understand - Ow!" I felt electricity fueled by my rage course through my body for a split second but it didn't hurt. I felt it jump from the skin of my hand to her's as she jumped back holding her hand in pain. Her mental hold on me failed as I slid to the floor. Quickly kneeling, I saw that she had small marks on her hand where I shocked her. I guess that'll come in handy. "What the hell?" She asked.

 When she saw me standing, she seemed to regain herself and started to walk quickly towards me. I, in turn, ran towards her to, once again, wrestle the gun from her hands but she expected me. She ran at me at full speed and pinned me against a corner, physically this time. On my one side was a padded wall whereas on the other, was glass. Eleanor had pinned my arms against my side using her mind. I was unable to move with her left arm on my throat and her right hand holding the gun against my head. I was completely defenceless. This time I let her see the fear on my face. I couldn't contain it. 

"You will understand."

I screamed. I couldn't do anything else, so I screamed. The sound of my voice resonated in the room and echoed against the four walls. It was so loud that Eleanor was squirming in pain. I couldn't hear myself. Everything was silent but I know I screamed extremely loud. Just like at the orphanage. Even with the pain, Eleanor kept the gun to my head but her arm on my throat loosened slightly. Then, the mirror beside us completely shattered. Pieces of glass as big as my hand only just missed my face with smaller ones causing small cuts in it. Eleanor was thrown backwards, completely releasing her hold on me making me fall to the ground. I'd stopped screaming as I covered my head with my arms, protecting me from the last bits of glass that were to fall. I sat there on my knees for a few minutes praying to whatever god is out there that this was the end.

When I finally lifted my head, everything seemed to be in slow motion. I couldn't hear anything other than a constant ringing in my ears and muffled voices yelling things I couldn't understand. I looked over to where the mirror should have been and confirmed the suspicions that I had about it when I first arrived. It was indeed one-way glass and had another sheet of glass in front of it, probably protecting whoever was sitting behind it. There were men and women behind the glass scrambling around making notes and running in and out of the room in a mad panic. The same was happening in the padded room I was in. I looked back over to the window to see Doctor Jabez smirking at the scene before him. Before I could get up and try to break the window to get to that sick man, I was lifted up by two men in nurse clothes and began to be dragged out. I started fighting against them and more came over to subdue me. As they dragged me over to the door I got a better look at the room around me. Small and large pieces of mirror littered the entire floor. I looked over to where five people were standing, just near where I was lying, and froze in fear. In a puddle of red, Eleanor was lying completely still. Her eyes were open and looking towards the door where I was. The two colours only showed one emotion; fear. As I looked down her body, I saw a large piece of red-stained glass lodged in her throat. I felt tears form as I came to the horrid realisation;

I had killed this girl.


So... I'm not dead ;)

I really shouldn't promise that I'd write more and then leave you hanging for months. Oops. Anyway, I was going to continue writing this and now that I know that I can't stick to a schedule, I'm not going to make one until I have more time. I'll upload whenever I can so just look out for that.

Please comment what you like and dislike about this book. I really do like criticism especially if it's going to help me improve my writing. So if you have any pointers, criticisms, things you like, comments, etc I would really like to see them. 

Thank you for your time, fellow readers!

P.S. Don't forget to vote/comment what you like about the story or what you don't like so that I can evaluate and change some things in the next chapters. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Thanks, guys!

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