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I was surprised at Zara's reaction. I'd expected her to lecture me about snooping and tell me to forget the hatch to the room in her shed but instead, she tells me to look for myself? I stand still for a moment and pondered whether or not I should go down. It wasn't until the older girl was actually shoving me that I actually began to move. As I started to go down the ladder, I felt a draft of cool air escape through the hole. I dropped down and, after regaining my balance, heard Zara drop next to me as I turned to look at the new place I'd discovered. Censored lights began to flicker on as I got a better view of the room. The room looked to be slightly larger than the first floor of the cabin and was made out of some sort of reinforced metal panels. There was a large table with six chairs surrounding it in the middle of the room and other smaller tables with gadgets on the outskirts of it. All of the furniture seemed to be made out of the same type of metal as the walls and roof. To the left of the ladder, there were steel drawers with labels on them; one of them saying blueprints. I could also see multiple computers and high tech technology that I'd never seen during my time at the orphanage. I wondered if it were possible for my new friend to have stolen them from The Organisation. There were a few doors scattered around the place and I had to fight the urge to find out what was behind them. I stood still, amazed at the secret I'd uncovered when Zara spoke up and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Welcome Jackson, to the Bunker."

I didn't have time to take it all in or ask the questions I needed to as Zara started wandering over to the table. At the touch of her hand, the table came to life and produced a 3D hologram with statistics and information regarding The Organisation. As I stood in awe at the technology, I heard vehicles approaching our location. Although in a secure and secret bunker, I began to worry about whether our enemies had found us. When I turned to Zara, she was smirking and nodded her head to the far wall. I followed her gaze and saw two pieces of the metal wall slide apart like doors to open up to a large garage. The new room was built exactly like the one I was standing in but instead of furniture and technology, there were multiple vehicles including motorcycles and cars. Opposite the ladder leading into the 'Bunker', as Zara had called it was a ramp going up to the surface. I presumed that there'd be the same sort of technology opening it up to the forest above as the sliding doors. My theory was confirmed when the vehicles came closer and the ramp opened. In came two people, one riding a forest green quad bike and the other on a black motorbike. The strangers parked their automobiles next to a silver four-wheel drive and took their helmets off to reveal a man and a woman. The man on the bike dismounted first and smirked as he came forward to give Zara a hug. The female, however, was reluctant to come over at first. She wore complete black clothes which included jeans, hiking boots and a leather jacket. Her hair had been noticeably dyed a violet colour at the ends and her face was covered in faint freckles. The only thing that contrasted the blackness was her bright, bottle green eyes. Overall, she looked as if she could and will kill someone. The female stranger eyed me with caution as she slowly made her way to the other woman. 

"Oh, it's so good to see you both!" Zara smiled as she hugged the new girl. Her scowl softened slightly as the two greeted and quickly returned as they unembraced. "How was the trip?"

"Slow. Nothing really to report for three of the facilities hidden in this forest but one of the ones we checked had a lot of Mutes, cars and guards go out searching for something. We almost got caught! When they came back some were injured which is confusing." The male newcomer replied. He had a kind face with warm honey brown eyes the same shade as his short brown hair that came into a side fringe. He, in comparison to his female friend, had very few freckles His speech was slightly fast and he seemed extremely excited. What he was talking about however got me thinking. Facilities?  Mutes? Were they stalking The Organisation? 

"That's great. Thanks."

"How are things here?"

"Fine. Just holding up the fort." Zara sighed. The guy nodded and his eyes wandered over to me before looking back at my friend as if he just realised I was here. His female friend hasn't stopped staring at me since she got in here; I don't even think she's blinked. Both of them seemed to have different variations of 'and who the hell is this' in their expression. It became awkward and tense until Zara realised why and broke the silence.

"Oh, right sorry, this is Carter and Oliver. Guys, this is Jackson." She explained, her words slowed as she introduced me. The death staring woman, Carter, seemed to ease as she heard my name and Oliver nodded as if he just recognised me. 

"So this is him? The psychic?" Carter said cautiously. When Zara nodded, both newcomers looked at me with awe and pity. I just stood still and silent waiting for more information. 

"Oliver and Carter are, well, I guess they're kind of like spies. They help keep an eye on The Organisation and helps me in plotting its downfall." Zara explains. I look at them. The awe clearly visible on my face as I wonder how many people actually want the Organisation destroyed. "They're talented and know what they're doing. Olly's the brains and helps me with planning and making new things whereas Carter's the brawn. You have no idea what she could do." At this comment, the younger girl smirked. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you both," I remark.

"You too! Glad we're all helping each other." Oliver exclaimed in reply. I'd already taken a liking to the slightly older man. The two of us we in the middle of a handshake when Zara spoke up.

"Well Jack, I guess it's time to explain everything."


Hey, guys!

A few chapter ago I asked you to choose two names. The two chosen were Oliver and Carter.

QOC: Choose a word.

- Control

- Fake

- Hired

- Allied

P.S. Don't forget to vote/comment what you like about the story or what you don't like so that I can evaluate and change some things in the next chapters. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Thanks, guys!

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