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When Carter, Oliver and I had sitten around the large table with Zara standing at one of the long sides, we fell silent as she started to explain. 

"Over 700 years ago, the world was somewhat at peace and had a kind of order. Then it all changed. The earth had experienced six World Wars and as time went on, it all fell into chaos. There were riots, discrimination, people were sick and everything went wrong. They wanted new leadership, a new way of living. So that's what they got, only it wasn't what they expected."

"Sensing their weakness, a new government was formed and quickly gained popularity with unkept promises and manipulation. This government is still in power today after 659 years." Oliver continued. "They decided that the only way that the only way to restore order was to control the once divided planet under one dictatorship. Now, everyone thought that this was a great idea, they were promised complete equal rites, new opportunities and so much more. However what they got was a government allied and controlled by a group of people called The Organisation."

My eyes flick to every one of my new friends in shock. I didn't realise how long The Organisation had been around for considering that I'd only found out about them when I first gained my powers. Carter seemed to read my mind as she continued with this history dump.

"They were a secret group for hundreds of years and were hellbent on improving humanity. When they were first formed, The Organisation had a few members of talented scientists who'd send cryptic letters to different businesses and police stations with a different way they'll improve the world each time, but it all revolved around the same message: We will save mankind. Since then, the firm grew exponentially. For some reason, the government and Organisation believed that orphans were dangerous and being one meant that it was a sign that they were never meant to have a family. Thus creating the secluded orphanages." She paused to let me mull this new information over and I stare at her in disbelief. "Hey, don't look at me like that! I don't think that at all!"

"Listen, as the Organisation grew and the government gained more power, people started disappearing in pairs and they were never found. The pairs who'd vanished all had the same thing in common, they were couples and the woman had just been announced pregnant. We believe that the women were given drugs to give their child enhanced abilities and their partners were only there so that they'd agree to do whatever they said. The drugs have only recently worked, starting with a few before you and your friend, the others had died because of it. After the child had been born, the parents were killed before the children grew up in the lab until the age of three where they were continuously experimented on and either continued living there or were dropped at an orphanage. Usually the former." When Zara finished, she leant on the table as we all fell silent. I was lost in my thoughts. If the people who have Rose had killed both of our biological parents and subjected babies to cruel experiments, what do they plan to do with her now? I didn't know what to do but I knew that I had to stop them from ever hurting and killing people again.

"What do we do?" I said quietly but it was loud enough for the three people in the room to look up at me. I'd tried to make my rage undetectable but it didn't work. After a moment, I could see excitement forming from everyone and I could tell that they'd been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

"So this is who we know works at The Organisation so far," Zara said with eagerness in her voice. She touched the computer built into the table we were sitting at and turned on the hologram so that we could all see. I couldn't resist reaching out to touch the 3-D floating figures. At the orphanage, we never had technology like this, only the basics. There were seven computerised heads generated, two women and five men, with their name and a short bio about them. I looked across the table at the computer and saw that there were much more people who weren't displayed but they didn't have names to them. I guessed that, as of yet, they were anonymous. "There's Doctor Isabel Stewart and Marcus Pultzer, biochemists. Joseph and Alex Goyle, brothers and security guards as well as Patty Ignatov, Jason Rigby, and Mikhail Harris. We aren't exactly sure what they do."

"What we do know, is their shifts and where they usually are at specific times. That's what we're usually doing when we're spying on the facilities. We also hack into the cameras but we can only hold the connection for a minute at a time before new codes are made and sometimes the cameras a manually turned off, meaning we can't see." Carter commented. She was looking at a map of the facility that we believe Rose is in and was running different simulations against what we already had. She was clearly a much more physical thinker and worker, unlike her counterpart who was sitting at a workbench doing two things at one. Oliver was working out the math and science behind what we were saying, what the two girls were sending him, and his own work. Not only that but he was building different technology or weapons that I'd never seen before. I looked at this well-oiled machine and wondered how long they'd been doing this for, I wondered where I'd fit in. As the two women talked about plans and what they thought would work, I wandered over to the silent male who was tinkering with a chip and some kind of gloves.

"What are you working on?" I queried, genuinely curious at what he was making. Oliver looked up and beamed at having someone to talk to.

"Some tech for you actually. Well, and the girls are sending things to help with their simulations." He stated. I glance at the pair of gloves and the small chip and wonder how they're going to help me. "Zara mentioned that you didn't have complete control over your powers?"

I nod. "I don't even know what some of them are. Up until a few months ago, I didn't even know this secret organisation existed." He chuckled slightly before continuing with his explanation.

"Well, these things will, theoretically, help you have that control and learn new abilities faster. Time is of the essence Jackson."

"I couldn't agree with you more."



So this chapter was a massive history dump but I thought, hey, instead of a prologue, make my amazing readers find out alongside Jackson in a really long chapter! Yay!

QotC  - How are you guys liking Alienated so far?

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Did you catch Chapter 10's QotC answer this chapter? The government and The Organisation are somewhat Allied.

Thanks to all my readers!!

P.S. Don't forget to vote/comment what you like about the story or what you don't like so that I can evaluate and change some things in the next chapters. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Thanks, guys!

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