Chapter 4

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"I'm Harry Styles." He said as he pulled away. "Harry? Oh hi I'm Ken so um has your father ever talked about me?" He looked like he was mad when he brought up Harry's dad. He's lucky at lead the has one. "I wouldn't know." He said then grabbed my hand and walked out. "Hey sweetheart are you ok?" The second time in the last hour I've called him sweetheart. "DONT CALL ME THAT! IM NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND AND I NEVER WILL BE!" He was mad. Not at me but he was mad. "I know but I call Robert my love all the time and I don't love him as anything more than a brother." He started to smile and he chuckled a little. "That's because you're mental." He grabbed my hand again. Some point in his rant he let go. He pulled me up to him and kissed my head, in a few ways I was disappointed. I guess he could see it on my face because then he kissed my cheek. I was still disappointed, he sighed and leaned in to kiss me again. "CAT!" Harry wasn't happy again. "Why don't people want us to kiss?" He murmured. Robert came up to us. "Harry ate you alright?" He glared at Robert. "Perfectly fine." He said through gritted teeth and walked away. "What was that all about?" Harry trusted me with his story I couldn't tell Rob even a little bit no matter how much it hurt to keep something from my best mate. "Nothing. I mean I don't know." I knew I had confused him. "We'll alright come on I'll walk you back to your room." He was talking like Harry was t even there. "Ok sure." The whole walk I was thinking about Harry. Do I like him? Do I love him? No Cat you can't love him you just met him! But what if he cares about you? "CAT!" Huh? We're here. "Oh ok thanks for walking me." I walked in and the girls were talking and I didn't like the topic. "Come on El you're Lou's bird you should know something!" Danielle said. "Look Lou said because they're best mates he would want to get an ok from Harry to tell me stuff and he never did." I didn't like how they were talking about him. Harry. Sweet innocent Hazza. "Hey Cat where have you been?" "Oh I just had to go out for a walk around the deck." I got onto my bunk and fell asleep.

"You're mental!" I recognized the voice. It was Harry's. He was talking to Robert. "Hello lads what are you talking about?" They ignored me. "YOU HURT MY BEST MATE!!" I tapped on Harry's shoulder and he just ignored me. "No I didn't. I told her I didn't love her and she was stupid to think I would. She should have known I didn't!" What? "Hazza baby!" I turned around and saw Belle. She walked up and kissed him. No......

"CAT WAKE UP!" I jolted up in my bed screaming. I realized the other girls had woken me up. I guess my screaming had woken them up. "Are you ok?" I remembered my dream about Harry. About him being with Belle. I looked at her. She was beautiful so I wouldn't be surprised if they were together. "I'm fine." I told Eleanor. I got up, put on my shoes and jacket, and went outside. I was wandering around for a few minutes. I went to the very front of the boat. The view wasn't as amazing as the one from earlier. I felt arms wrap around my waste. Who ever it was pulled me into a hug from behind. I didn't see his face but I heard his familiar voice. "Babe what are you doing up?" Somehow through the day we had given each other pet names. He's sweetheart and I'm babe. I love when he calls me babe. "I could ask you the same." He gave me that famous smile of his. "I asked you first." "I couldn't sleep." I wanted to cry as I thought about my dream. I couldn't tell him how I felt I didn't even know how I felt!! "Hey we're alone maybe I can finally give you that kiss." I smiled at him. The only person I've given a genuine smile to in eight years. "You're kidding right?" He made me look him in his beautiful green eyes, leaned in and kissed. The kiss got sweeter each second. I hate to admit it but... "Harry." I pulled away from him. "What? What's wrong?" "Nothing but I know." "Know?" Ok how do I say this? "I don't like you." He walked over close by the rail. Too close. "Oh." I knew what was going through his mind. "I love you." He looked surprised and happy at the same time. "You do?" "Yes I do." He kissed me again then he stopped kissing me and picked me up bridal style. "Where are we going?" "You'll see." And he gave me that same cheeky grin that I fell in love with. We went to a door. He put me kissed my forehead mad walked a few doors down and walked in. I waited a few minutes. "Come on please let us meet her!" Liam begged as they left the room. "NO!" Why didn't Harry want them to see me. "Come on mate please!" Louis also begged. Harry sighed. "Lou can nobody else." Everybody except Louis walked the opposite direction from me. "Alright they're gone you can come out." "I didn't know I was supposed to hide." I half joked. I gave him a small smile. "Cat?" Louis looked surprised. "Hey Tommo." I blushed. I figured he was going to tell Robert. "So are the two of you like together?" Harry got angry again. "Of course not you idiot! What would make you think we are?" The sweet Harry who was wrapping his arms around my waste just minutes ago was gone. "Um Lou can I talk to you alone please?" I asked. "Sure." Harry walked into the room. "Why is he like this? He'll be nice and happy then he'll turn mean and angry. I want to know why." He didn't want to tell me. "Look something happened when he was a kid and it made him like this." Well that's something. "What happened?" I'm sure I was pushing my luck. "I can't tell you!" What? Did he take an oath or something? "Tommo!" I intended to find out something. "FINE! You really want to know? Fine! I'll tell you but if one of us," He was referring to me. "gets hurt by Harry it's not my fault." He said that to try to get out of telling me. It didn't work. "Ok what happened?" "So stubborn." I heard him mutter beneath his breath. He sighed. "Alright here's his story."

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