The fog of war

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(Hey I feel like y'all may be thinking I'm leaning towards a Murphy love interest I swear I'm not I'm just trying to build a connection it's all for a reason don't worry)
"WHAT THE HELL FINN" I scream as I run to a little girl laying on the ground as Bellamy soon follows as I rush past Finn I hear him whisper "I found you, I found you" to Clark she's still standing a safe distance from him.

I try to find a pulse on the little girl as Bellamy crouches beside me "is she breathing" he asks all I'm capable of is shaking my head slightly, I can barely even speak I have a lump in my throat from holding back tears I knew Finn was unhedged but I didn't think he could do something like this, these weren't warriors they were innocent, children and old people.

I stand up abruptly he knows that I'm about to totally lose it on Finn so he grabs my upper arm firmly stopping me from going over there towards possible danger, I look into his eyes he looks probably just as horrified as me.

Finn walks over to Clark as she backs away, she looks like she's about to cry, but she wipes her tears "Um we should be getting home" Clark says to everyone, "we can't leave we have to help these people" I whisper to Bellamy "Y/n it's not safe to be here you know that" he says in a low voice "fine" I say while walking over to the man with his dead son that Octavia is with "Octavia I'm sorry but we have to go" I look at the distraught man and he nods for us to leave so we do, we grab our bags and leave.
Two days later______________

I drink the alcohol that's left in my tin sitting on a log near the bar in arkadia.
"Well hello princess" I hear the familiar voice of John Murphy come from behind me then sit next to me with a flask.

"Hey Murphy" I reply still looking forward watching people walk around "these past weeks have been eventful" he says sarcastically "sure have, feels wrong just sitting still while our friends are in the mountain" I reply
"the guards aren't doing anything, all they do is watch the woods" I continue.

"How much have you drank" he asks "you don't have to worry about me, I can hold my alcohol" I joke "Yeah from what I've been told you proved that on unity day" he chuckles "whatever you dick" I laugh softly "when do you think the grounders are coming" I ask lightly trying my best to change the subject "god your a mood killer you know that" he jokes playfully "mood killer I can be fun" I defend back playfully taking another sip from my tin it's empty now "oh ya show me" he teases "I'm not drinking anymore I need to stay alert" I tell him "not really what I meant but okay" he chuckles.

"So where's Bellamy" he asks changing the subject "planning with Clark" I explain "So we're going back out there" he asks "hope so, if we do are you in" I ask "yeah I'm in" he he nods slightly taking a sip of his drink "good" I respond "I'm gonna go find Bellamy and Clark" I say standing up "have fun" I hear him from behind me.

I walk up to Clark and Bellamy sitting at one of the small tables at the bar with a map of what I assume is mount weather between them, "it's a labyrinth
we got to the dam through this tunnel, it's all connected to the mine system that's our way in" Clark explains to Bellamy pointing out places on the map as I walk up, they both acknowledge me as I sit down with them and continue talking.

"Sure if we can get past the reapers and the mountain men" I say entering the conversation "I swear if you're mom doesn't sanction the mission soon I'm going by myself" Bellamy tells Clark annoyed "you won't be by yourself" Clark agrees as Bellamy nods his head.

I look over to see Finn walking out of the ark as clark and Bellamy turn to follow my gaze "guess the inquisitions over, how's Finn doing anyway" I ask Clark turning back to face her
"I haven't talked to him since we got back, I don't know what to say, he just kept shooting" she shakes her head slightly, we're quickly silenced by fin walking up to the table as he glares at Clark.

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