Wanheda (part two)

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"Pike?" Kane questions as the last of what I guess is farm station lets up, "Marcus you have no idea how good it is to see you." Pike smiles as they do that strange hug thing that most men do "How many of you are there." Kane asks "Sixty three the rest are camped in the mountains near here." he answers.

I push past Kane to stand in front of Pike "The boy you fought while you were teaching us on the ark, his names John Murphy is he with you?" I ask him and he shakes his head with a look of sympathy.

"Sorry to cut this short but we gotta find Clark." Bellamy says intercepting our conversation before everyone goes to move the trees blocking our path "Sixty three, farm station left home with over three times that number?" Kane presses "We landed with that number too." Pike says looking at Indra "The Ice nation can be ruthless, take pride in the number you saved." she says stabbing at him with her eyes.

"Indra this is Pike he was my teacher up on the ark, Pike this is Indra leader of Trikru and a trusted ally." I introduce.
After meeting a woman at a trading post that told us where clark is going we end up in a huge tall wheat field "Quiet." I tell everyone putting my hand up "War drums?" Bellamy asks me furrowing his brows "Azgeda."

"Wait two people at twelve a'clock." Bellamy says looking though the scope of his gun befor i do the same "Its Clark!" he says starting to run to her as I pull on his guard jacket trying to stop him since the Ice nation ary is fast aproching the field "Stop Bell you'll never make it in time we should lay low and wait for the army to pass." I beg him in a hushed yell.

"Guys theres a cave." monty says pointing to a nearby cave for us to wait in "We just got lucky" Pike smirks.


"We'r loosing her." Bell says anxiously pacing around the cave "Save your energy." I look up at him from sitting on the ground sharpening my knives "Y/n's right son the army will pass soon you'll need your strength for what comes next." Pike agrees with me.

about an hour passes of us sitting around a fire talking about mount weather and Bell sulking in the corner before Monty points out that he's gone "What the fuck do you mean he's gone Monty!" I yell retoricaly while frantically running my fingers through my hair "Y/n you need to calm down." my father says grabbing my shoulders.

eventually we'r able to go after him when we finally find him he has a scrape on his face and a stab wound on his thigh "I told you to wait, for the army to move now he knows he's being followed!" I scream at him mad as a hornet "I almost had her." he pants trying to keep going befor I grab him "NO! I know you want to find her but this is not the way, look at me; you can barely walk." I say though my teeth my eyes like daggers.

he looks between all of us "Fine." He grits his teeth gripping his thigh "Come on." Kane tells him putting Bells arm over his shoulder.
"Stay still." I scold him while stitching his leg up in medical "I am." He says not looking at me "Bell." I ask him softly "Yeah?" He asks me with wide eyes growing concerned "I'm gonna ask you something and you have to promise me you'll tell me the truth."

"Did something happen with you and Clark?" I ask my voice small "No, Baby I love you and only you okay." He tells me running his fingers through my short hair as he looks in my eyes.

"Did anything happen with you and Murphy?" He asks me not looking in my eyes but my necklace he gave me, and I feel stunned for a short second but quickly soften my expression "No of coarse not."

"I love you."

"Love you too."

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