Chapter 37.

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"How could she do this to herself?" "I don't know..." I can hear two people talking, I'm laying on a couch, my couch..I was on the floor, how did I get on my couch? Oh. Yeah. Whoever the hell is in my apartment put me up here. Robbers? Murderers? Cops? Whoever it is, I have to protect myself. I have a switchblade in my pocket, the issue is getting it without them noticing. I slowly move my hand towards my pocket, and lucky for me the two are engaged in a conversation I can't really understand because I'm extremely hung over. Just a little bit further it. I suddenly jump up into a kneeling position on the couch, my switchblade pointed at the two blurry figures. "Who the fuck are you?!" I demand, squinting my eyes, trying to see better. The two put their hands up quickly and jump backwards a little bit in defense. "Woa-" "I asked you a fucking question!" I shout. "Please watch your mouth, doll." Wait. No..what? "Wha-wh-who are you?" My voice cracks mid sentence. "It's us. It's Bucky and Steve." "No, no they're dead! My Bucky and my Steve are dead! I watched them die!" "N-" "what is this?! Some kinda sick joke?! Get out! GET OUT!" I scream at them, thrashing my arms around crazily, one of them grabs my shoulders gently and sits me back down on the couch, still holding onto me. I try to escape their grasp, but they're too strong and I'm basically just wiggling like an out of water fish. "Let go of me." I order through gritted teeth, the one holding onto me lets go of my shoulder for about two seconds, and just when I think I'm free, he wraps me in a tight, loving hug. What the fuck is wrong with these people?! My vision adjusts just as the second person joins the hug, all I see is their hair, they really committed to this, even have the same hair as Bucky and Steve. I struggle, but their arms around me feels so nice, and familiar, so I stop struggling, and just let them continue to hug me. "We've missed you so much.." One whispers, his voice gives away that he's crying, and I can also feel tears dropping onto my shoulder. "This isn't funny. I buried my boys." "You buried empty caskets." One responds, okay that's it, I'm going to kill whoever this is. I jerk my body, releasing myself from their embrace, and step backwards to look at them. My heart drops to floor, and I swear I can even hear the thud. "This isn't possible. I watched you die!" I cry out, hurriedly walking backwards to keep away from them. "We weren't fully dead apparently, just nearly dead. Shield, brought us back, rehabilitated us." Steve explains, both of them carefully starting to approach me, I put my hands out in front of me defensively, just in case. At this point I'm shaking with pure..I don't know what I'm feeling...I'm the happiest I've ever been, I'm the angriest I've ever been, I'm confused, and I'm embarrassed. I cannot fucking believe this. "You mean to tell me..that you both have been alive and well this entire time...while I rotted away and nearly killed myself several times, got so drunk I got hit by a car, impaled myself with glass, trashed the apartment completely, and fucking lost mY MIND...nobody thought to tell me? Nobody thought maybe hey this girl is going to literally kill herself let me tell her that her best friend and boyfriend are alive! Nobody thought to tell me?!" I scream at them, my voice probably shaking the walls. I can see tears on both their faces, and I just want to run over and squeeze them both and wipe their tears, but I'm realllly pissed off. "We thought they were telling you..they said they were giving constant updates on our condition to you!" Alrighty then! Now I can hug them, and deal with SHIELD later. I practically pounce on top of the both of then, kissing Bucky on the mouth over and over and over again, like a weird, excited puppy, for Steve it's the exact same, just all over his face, but pretty much everywhere but his lips. For the first time in months, the apartment is filled with laughter and happiness, I've been waiting for this for a long, long time.

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