Flashback 50

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I went to office to clear my mind . I am looking at the screen which is not even turned on. A ringtone was disturbed my train of thoughts .

" Hello"

" hello Mr. Augustine ,your project is finalised " the person said.

I frowned and confused " What and but how?" I thought.

" Thank you and we will give a sample demo by next week" I said.

" sure and will be waiting for your updates " he said and disconnected the call.

I opened the mail box and send some mails to the clients and to my employees.

Why she is not coming to my cabin when she came early to the office?

I heard a knock sound " come in"

" can I take a leave for a day?" She asked

" look you can't .." I trailed off seeing her pale face.

" ok, you can take" I said and dismissed her.

I loosened my tie thinking of her . Till now I didn't see her heart full smile always be zoned out.

I heard knock sound " come in"

I walked and hugged vikas, a formal side hug to Priya. Priya kept her baby on sofa and rocked her head. Soon sneha fell asleep.

" is everything fine between you two?" Vikas asked.

"Huh?" I said.

" don't hide anything from us, tell me what happened before you left NISHA?" Priya asked.

" there is nothing to tell" I said as if I don't know what they are asking me.

" it's very hard for to control all your emotions and building in you heart. Just say it out" vikas ordered.

I stood there for a second , vikas squeezed my shoulder assuring me .

I let out my hard anger breath and said everything about vishal conversation with me.

They both gave a look to each other and again at me.

I frowned and said " I have a meeting now, we will talk about it later"

" don't you want to know what happened after?" Priya asked.

I am more curious to know but something is stopping in my heart.

" it's okay whether you listen or not, but it's our duty to say" vikas said.

I looked at him and then Priya who is nodding her head.

** vikas**

We both got shocked when we heard the news of engagement for both vishal and nisha. As we never expected that something cliche will work between them. We felt so happy and started our packing to go our home.

I confused when I heard about Augustine had left the city. At least I thought he will stay for his best friend engagement. I brushed off mere thoughts and engrossed in helping with the arrangements. I still remember Priya's face on our engagement day.

It's time to exchange the rings. The priest gave her a ring , she took and slides on his right hand ring finger. Vishal took the ring and was about to slide,we noticed there is a bandaged on her ring finger

We all worried and asked " how did this happened?" Mom asked worrying.

" without my acknowledge I took a glass which is broken. It slightly breached my skin. It's just a small cut" NISHA said .

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