Day 1 - 1:11am

60 6 3

- Seriously... I only have this phone cause he made me promise not to toss it, so stop calling!

-Help me, just this once? I promise I'll stop after that.

-Fuck... Fine, shoot.

-Alright... So I'm currently locked in a closet. I was hiding but the janitor locked it... How do I get out of a locked closet?

-... How on earth...?

-Not at all the point.

-Well... What does the doorknob look like?

-... Like a doorknob... Are you going to be helpful anytime soon?

-I'm not the one bothering a complete stranger for help.

-Right, sorry. Sort of stressed out about... Things...


- Right... A little dark in here, hold on.


- It's gold!

- Are you trying to be funny?

- What more do you want? It's dark and I can barely see-

- For shits sakes... Keyhole? Pinhole? Twisty lock thing? Give me something to work with or I'm hanging up.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't hang up. Uh, looks like a pin hole.

- Do you have a toothpick? Or a pen of some sort?

-Why would I have a toothpick? I'm burglarizing a... Place, not eating out.

- Wait are you serious? You broke into a building and you don't know how to escape a closet? *laughter*

- The doors were open before. What do I do with a pen?

-Take the ink tube out, that's all you need.

-Done? Wait! Let me guess. Stick the ink tube into the hole?

-Until it hits something, then push gently and your golden.

- Yes! Thank you so much!

-Great, now stop bugging me.


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